“I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” The pro-Hamas demonstrators have completely ignored the truth.

We have previously noted the idiocy of those holding a “Queers for Palestine” banner, something that even the homosexual activist publication The Advocate said was stupid.

But the image of te guy on the right? You can tell that he’s an American or Brit, because the signs are in English for English readers, and he’s enjoying his Western civilization world of freedom of speech, because if he wore that shirt in Tehran or Cairo or just about anyplace in the Muslim Middle East, he’d be taken straight to jail, doubtlessly beaten, and could well be prosecuted for blasphemy.

Well, maybe not. Try wearing a shirt which proclaims “Allah is Gay” in Riyadh, and you might not even make it to jail, you might well be beaten to death even before the police got there.

Then there’s this: Continue reading

Is a Muslim high school teacher using his position to push #AntiSemitism?

Youssef Abdelwahab, from his LinkedIn profile.

We have previously mentioned Central Bucks West teacher Youssef Abdelwahab, his anti-Israel social media posts, and how some parents believe he is ‘brainwashing’ students. Mr Abdelwahab is a Spanish teacher and adviser to the high school’s Muslim Student Association. The Central Bucks School District investigated the teacher, and concluded that his out-of-school activities did not violate policies.

Well, now his activities have caught the attention of the Feds.

A Central Bucks teacher and student club are the subject of a federal investigation for alleged antisemitism

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is investigating allegations of antisemitic statements by Central Bucks West teacher Youssef Abdelwahab and a Muslim student club.

by Maddie Hanna | Monday, April 29, 2024 | 12:45 PM EDT Continue reading

Why are there so few pro-#Hamas demonstrations in conservative areas?

I have been checking the Lexington Herald-Leader and the Kentucky Kernel, the UK student newspaper for which I used to write back during the days of quill pens and inkwells, every day, and I have yet to see any reports of pro-Hamas, or pro-Israel, protests of demonstrations on campus or in the city. Yes, that shows that Kentucky students are just plain smarter than those elite and effete Ivy Leaguers, but then it occurred to me: there are very few Jewish students at UK, with Jews being a very small minority in the Bluegrass State as a whole, while the reports of demonstrations at Penn and Hahvahd and Columbia are occurring at schools with significant Jewish populations, and it leads me to think that these demonstrations really are just as much anti-Semitic as they are pro-Palestinian.

Crazy people are dangerous #Transgender girl shows some toxic masculinity

Sometimes I worry that I am stepping on the toes of former Washington Times reporter and editor Robert Stacy McCain and his series entitled Crazy People Are Dangerous by using the title myself, but sometimes the crazy becomes too blatant to ignore. This site previously reported on the brutal assault by a 13-year-old boy claiming to be a girl on a 12-year-old girl at Pennbrook Middle School, and how the credentialed media are mostly keeping the fact that the alleged assailant is nuttier than a fruitcakesuffers from gender dysphoria. Continue reading

Crazy people are dangerous Always note what the media are telling you, and what they are not

The in-school assault was serious enough that several credentialed media sources reported on it, and how the school was warned, in advance, that the attack would occur, and did nothing.

But you know what all of the media sources I linked did not mention? It has been reported by the Daily Mail that the assailant was not a real girl, but a boy self-identifying as a girl: Continue reading

Why does The Philadelphia Inquirer, which won’t publish mugshots of real criminals, make deliberate exceptions for police officers convicted of crimes?

We have previously covered the death of 12-year-old Thomas “TJ” Siderio, sent to his eternal reward after he shot at police. Naturally, then-Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw suspended and then fired Police Officer Edsaul Mendoza, and, despite the Commissioner declining to publicly name the officer, for his safety, The Philadelphia Inquirer ferreted out his name and published it. Naturally, the George Soros-sponsored, police-hating, softer-than-Charmin-on-crime District Attorney Larry Krasner charged Officer Mendoza with among other things, first degree murder and third-degree murder. Now, two years later, Mr Mendoza has pleaded guilty of doing his job:

Former Philly cop who shot and killed 12-year-old T.J. Siderio pleads guilty to third-degree murder

Continue reading

The journolism of The Philadelphia Inquirer

We have frequently used the terms ‘journolism,’ or ‘journolist’, the spelling of which comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity. And we have also mockingly referred to The Philadelphia Enquirer: RedState writer Mike Miller called it the Enquirer, probably by mistake, so I didn’t originate it, but, reminiscent of the National Enquirer as it is, I thought it very apt.

Now here they go again! Continue reading

The credentialed media: Be just as aware of what you are not being told as what is presented

I’ve got to hand it to the people at Friends’ Central School in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania! When the news came out that Dr Margaret Somerville, of that fine institution, allegedly had some sort of sexual contact with a student many years ago, they, or at least someone, very diligently scrubbed out any references to the accused in which her photo was available. But a Google search for margaret somerville friends central, for images, was still good!

A Friends’ Central Latin teacher accused of sexual misconduct has resigned after a school investigation

Margaret Somerville was accused earlier this year of having sexual contact with a student “some 20 years ago,” the school said Monday.

by Maddie Hanna | Monday, April Fool’s Day, 2024 | 4:25 PM EDT

A longtime Latin teacher at Friends’ Central School in Wynnewood was accused earlier in the school year of having sexual contact with a student two decades ago, and an internal investigation found the allegations credible, school officials said Monday. Continue reading

Whenever there is a truth you cannot tell, that is a truth you must tell!

J K Rowling, the author of the brilliant Harry Potter books, is a stone liberal, one who decided to tell readers that Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, is homosexual. Miss Rowling never mentioned anything about her vision of Professor Dumbledore as being queer in the actual series of books, and the only mention of sexuality in the series is all about normal sexual interests. Her description of how nerdy teenaged boys felt about having to ask out girls to the Yule Ball in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when the main characters would have been 14-years-old, amazed me in how a middle-aged woman could so accurately portray a teenaged boy’s thinking and feelings and utter terrors at having to ask out a girl for the first time. But, even as liberal as she is, she understands that males cannot ‘transition’ into females, and vice-versa. Continue reading