Would you agree to house illegal immigrants in your home? Not just no, but Hell no!

I will admit it: when I first saw this tweet, which contained no documentary link, I said to myself, “Self, this just has to be faked, so I Google searched for it. Guess what?

Governor Healey asks residents to house migrant families amid growing shelter crisis

by Kelly Sullivan | August 9, 2023 | 6:18 AM EDT

The state’s shelters are reaching capacity and now the governor is asking residents to help by opening their doors. That was part of Governor Maura Healey’s announcement–as she also is looking for help from the federal government.

The governor said anywhere between 10 to 30 migrant families a day are coming into Massachusetts. There are 40 hotels across the state helping to house them, but the governor is now pleading for help from the federal government—as well as you.

Governor Healey says close to 5,600 families are currently housed in the state’s emergency shelter system. That number is 80% higher than one year ago. Massachusetts is the only state in the country with a right-to-shelter law that guarantees homeless families access to emergency shelters. She says Massachusetts has been spending around $45 million a month to help assist these families. The situation is so bad, the Healey administration is now asking people to open their homes and businesses to help people in need.

“Most importantly, if you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. Housing and shelter is our most pressing need and become a sponsor family,” said Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll.

There’s more at the original, but perhaps, just perhaps, the Bay State ought consider repeal of that “right-to-shelter” law, and perhaps Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) ought to be shipping more of the illegal immigrants to Massachusetts, to completely overload the state’s systems.

It is most amusing that this request by this is occurring in Massachusetts, where the reinstatement of the Quartering Act by the British Parliament was considered part of the Intolerable Acts, meant to punish the colonists for their defiance of Parliament and the Crown. It was important enough in colonial America that it inspired the Third Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

One would think that the Governor of Massachusetts ought to have some familiarity with the state’s history, and realize just how crazy such a request is, but if one did think that, one would be wrong.

Would you agree to house illegal immigrants, who have not been vetted in any serious way, in your home?

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5 thoughts on “Would you agree to house illegal immigrants in your home? Not just no, but Hell no!

  1. If Massachusetts is a sanctuary state it has absolutely a moral obligation to take everyone who knocks on their door. By the way the constitution says they can’t be forced to shelter soldiers doesn’t say a word about civilians.

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