The math of school shootings

I know, I know, the math doesn’t match Teh Narrative, but sometimes it is necessary to do the math.

The Washington Post has published yet another school shooting scare story, but it’s entirely propaganda.

As we previously noted, the Post reported that there have been 185 people killed in schools since Columbine, 185 in 23 years, or 8.04347826 per year. With a public school population of 50,700,000, that works out to a homicide rate of 0.0159 per 100,000 population. Students, teachers and administrators are far, far, far safer when they are in school than when they are out in public.

Even the Post’s story was propaganda, because while the 185 killed number appears to be solid, they claimed that “more than 311,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine”, but were counting the entire school’s attendance when things like one student shooting another in the bathroom as “students experiencing gun violence at school”.

Philadelphia suffered through 562 homicides in 2021, with a guesstimated population of 1,576,251, yielding a homicide rate of 35.65 per 100,000, almost all with handguns. Washington DC, with a 2021 population of 670,050, saw 226 murders in 2021, for a murder rate of 33.73 per 100,000 population. Even much safer Lexington, Kentucky, with 37 homicides in 2021, spread over a population of 321,793, had a homicide rate of 11.50. Compare that to a homicide rate of 0.0159 per 100,000 for school shootings!

The left have been trying to use the school shootings to restrict the constitutionally protected right of the people to keep and bear arms, but school shootings, which certainly make news, pale in comparison to killings in our cities’ streets, killings about which no one really cares, because they are mostly bad guys killing other bad guys, with the occasional ‘collateral damage’ victim being killed as well. The left won’t talk about that, save in the most general terms, because such street violence primarily involves black Americans killing other black Americans, and to point out that fact is raaaaacist.

Restrictions on firearms ownership will affect only the law-abiding, the people who won’t use their weapons to commit crimes. In what ought to be obvious to anyone with an IQ over room temperature, the criminals won’t obey gun control laws, because being a criminal means breaking the law. To the criminal, a weapon is simply one of the tools of his trade, like a hammer is to a carpenter, and he will do whatever is necessary to obtain the tools he needs to continue to practice his trade.

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