The credentialed media: Be just as aware of what you are not being told as what is presented

I’ve got to hand it to the people at Friends’ Central School in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania! When the news came out that Dr Margaret Somerville, of that fine institution, allegedly had some sort of sexual contact with a student many years ago, they, or at least someone, very diligently scrubbed out any references to the accused in which her photo was available. But a Google search for margaret somerville friends central, for images, was still good!

A Friends’ Central Latin teacher accused of sexual misconduct has resigned after a school investigation

Margaret Somerville was accused earlier this year of having sexual contact with a student “some 20 years ago,” the school said Monday.

by Maddie Hanna | Monday, April Fool’s Day, 2024 | 4:25 PM EDT

A longtime Latin teacher at Friends’ Central School in Wynnewood was accused earlier in the school year of having sexual contact with a student two decades ago, and an internal investigation found the allegations credible, school officials said Monday.

Margaret Somerville, known to many as Margaret Roberts, recently resigned from the private Quaker school, officials said in a message to the community. Somerville, an ordained minister, was placed on administrative leave after the school said it received the allegations “earlier this academic year.”

The school, which said it immediately reported the allegations to the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services’ ChildLine, said it cooperated fully with local law enforcement, including by not conducting its own investigation until law enforcement’s review was completed. It wasn’t clear which department investigated, or what the result of that review was; Friends’ Central declined to comment Monday.

But the school said it retained an independent investigator, Kristine Grady Derewicz of Littler Mendelson, P.C., who found the allegations credible.

There’s more at the original. But you know what you will not find? You will not find any reference to the sex of the student with whom Dr Somerville allegedly had “sexual contact.”

We have reported, several times recently, on how the credentialed media write their stories to obscure the incidences in which teachers accused of sexual abuse are actually being accused of homosexual sexual abuse. I stated explicitly, that when I see a story in the credentialed media about the sexual abuse of a minor, if it is written in a manner to obscure the sex of the victim, I suspect that the abuse was homosexual in nature.

The school — which said in its message to the community the alleged misconduct took place “some 20 years ago” — did not address questions about the nature of the conduct, including whether it occurred at the school.

It is entirely possible that Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Maddie Hanna wrote her story the way she did because she was kept in the dark about the sex of the victim and the nature of the “sexual contact.” But it seems pretty clear that someone wanted to keep all of this secret. That usually isn’t the case when the “sexual contact” is heterosexual in nature.

Perhaps it will be revealed later.

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