This site has expressed some amusement at The Philadelphia Inquirer referring to gangs as “street groups.” It began when we were reliably informed by The Philadelphia Inquirer that there are no gangs in the city, just “cliques of young men affiliated with certain neighborhoods and families,” who sometimes had “beefs” with other cliques, so we must replace the term “gang-bangers” with “cliques of young men” or “clique beefers”. District Attorney Larry Krasner and his office seem to prefer the term “rival street groups“. Continue reading
Tag Archives: #Journolism
Journolism: The credentialed media don’t exactly lie, but they conceal politically incorrect facts Journalists should try telling us the whole truth for a change
No, that’s not a typographical error in the title: the spelling ‘journolist’ or ‘journolism’ comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity. We use the term ‘journolism’ frequently when writing about media bias.
Journalism at least used to be a profession concerned with the 5 Ws + H: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Those were the questions reporters were supposed to answer if at all possible. Now that print newspapers have been in great decline, and newspapers in digital form are the wave of whatever future newspapers have left, the space limitations that used to hem in stories as measured by word count of column inches are mostly gone. Editors may have to pare down things that are going to be printed in the dead trees editions, but digital bandwidth is incredibly cheap. And Associated Press reporter Nicole Winfield left out a really big answer to “why.” Was it because the “why” is completely politically incorrect? Continue reading
Crazy people are dangerous #Transgender girl shows some toxic masculinity
Sometimes I worry that I am stepping on the toes of former Washington Times reporter and editor Robert Stacy McCain and his series entitled Crazy People Are Dangerous by using the title myself, but sometimes the crazy becomes too blatant to ignore. This site previously reported on the brutal assault by a 13-year-old boy claiming to be a girl on a 12-year-old girl at Pennbrook Middle School, and how the credentialed media are mostly keeping the fact that the alleged assailant is nuttier than a fruitcakesuffers from gender dysphoria. Continue reading
Crazy people are dangerous Always note what the media are telling you, and what they are not
The in-school assault was serious enough that several credentialed media sources reported on it, and how the school was warned, in advance, that the attack would occur, and did nothing.
But you know what all of the media sources I linked did not mention? It has been reported by the Daily Mail that the assailant was not a real girl, but a boy self-identifying as a girl: Continue reading
Why does The Philadelphia Inquirer, which won’t publish mugshots of real criminals, make deliberate exceptions for police officers convicted of crimes?
We have previously covered the death of 12-year-old Thomas “TJ” Siderio, sent to his eternal reward after he shot at police. Naturally, then-Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw suspended and then fired Police Officer Edsaul Mendoza, and, despite the Commissioner declining to publicly name the officer, for his safety, The Philadelphia Inquirer ferreted out his name and published it. Naturally, the George Soros-sponsored, police-hating, softer-than-Charmin-on-crime District Attorney Larry Krasner charged Officer Mendoza with among other things, first degree murder and third-degree murder. Now, two years later, Mr Mendoza has pleaded guilty of doing his job:
Former Philly cop who shot and killed 12-year-old T.J. Siderio pleads guilty to third-degree murder
The journolism of The Philadelphia Inquirer
We have frequently used the terms ‘journolism,’ or ‘journolist’, the spelling of which comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity. And we have also mockingly referred to The Philadelphia Enquirer: RedState writer Mike Miller called it the Enquirer, probably by mistake, so I didn’t originate it, but, reminiscent of the National Enquirer as it is, I thought it very apt.
Now here they go again! Continue reading
When The Philadelphia Inquirer tells us more than was perhaps intended Why does DA Larry Krasner oppose a special prosecutor for crimes on SEPTA when his office can't handle the cases it has?
As is the case with many newspapers, The Philadelphia Inquirer likes to use on-hand, stock photos to illustrate some of their online stories. This one greatly amused me.
Man died after falling on SEPTA tracks, getting electrocuted at City Hall
The man — who has yet to be identified — fell on the tracks before train service began at 4:40 a.m.
by Beatrice Forman | Monday, February 26, 2024 | 7:52 AM EST | Updated: 8:16 AM EST
A man died at SEPTA’s City Hall station after falling onto the tracks early Monday morning, the transportation authority confirmed.
The incident occurred before Broad Street Line service starts at 4:40 a.m. when a man “made contact with the energized third rail” and was electrocuted, said SEPTA spokesperson Andrew Busch.
The man has not been identified, and it is unclear what caused him to fall.
“All we know is that he was by himself,” said Busch. “No one else was there.”
So, no foul play is suspected. Considering how much crime has been reported on SEPTA and at SEPTA train stations, that’s actually a relief, not that a story about anyone being killed is somehow good news.
But, as the newspaper continually touts public transportation, I looked closely at the photo used, and there it was, shown through the open subway car door, a man (?) keeled over in his seat, doing what? Sleeping it off, drunk, keeping warm on a winter night, or just another junkie riding the rails while riding high. The Grateful Dead’s Casey Jones, “Driving that train, high on cocaine,” comes to mind.
A hatchet attack and a shooting at SEPTA stations this weekend continued a spate of high-profile violence
Two suspects are in custody after the separate incidents occurred within hours of each other.
by Jeremy Roebuck and Ariana Perez-Castells | Saturday, February 24, 2024 | 10:49 PM EST |Updated: Sunday, February 25, 2024 | 10:21 PM ESTLatest @PhillyPolice booking photo of Kenneth Rogers,28,arrested after police say he attacked man in @SEPTA concourse with hatchet while he had active arrest warrant for attempted murder. Detectives tell me “Hopefully a Philly judge won’t release him on unsecured bail again.”
Two attacks over the weekend at SEPTA stations in Philadelphia continued a recent spate of high-profile violent crimes that have plagued the transit system.
A 20-year-old was shot on a Broad Street Line northbound subway train that had just left the Hunting Park Station just before 9 p.m. Saturday.
Then, less than five hours later, a hatchet-wielding assailant attacked another rider on the subway concourse near the SEPTA station at 8th and Market Streets, police said.
That incident occurred just before 1:30 a.m. Sunday morning. The victim told officers his attacker had struck him six times with the hatchet and kicked him four times in the face. He suffered cuts to the back of his head and bruising to his face, according to police reports on the attack.
No, of course the Inquirer didn’t publish the (alleged) “hatchet-wielding assailant’s” mugshot; it was up to Fox 29 News’ Steve Keeley to do that!
The distinguished Mr Rogers was arrested and jailed on June 3, 2023, for several charges relating to an assault, including attempted murder and aggravated assault PA 18 §2702(a)(1) with an attempt to cause serious bodily injury with extreme indifference to the value of human life. That is a first-degree felony, which under PA 18 §106 has a maximum sentence of twenty years in the penitentiary. His bail amount was set at $750,000, with a 10% minimum cash bond.
On July 5, 2023, Mr Rogers was ordered held for court. However, on December 15, 2023, he was released on an unsecured $750,000 bond, which means, for all practical purposes, no bail at all.
The Eighth Amendment guarantees a right to reasonable bail for criminal suspects; Mr Rogers had, upon his arrest, been imprisoned for a crime of which he had not been convicted, and spent six months and 12 days behind bars, without being convicted. To release a criminal suspect, without bail, who has a bail which has been set at an amount which he cannot raise, can be argued to be reasonable.
The real problem is that, in the six months and 12 days Mr Rogers was locked up, District Attorney Larry Krasner and the District Attorney’s Office had not brought Mr Rogers to trial. This isn’t even an issue of Mr Krasner and his office having ridiculously lenient policies toward crime, but simply not doing their jobs at all, not bringing a criminal accused of a violent, first-degree felony, to trial quickly enough for him not to be released.
So now, just 72 days after he was released without any bail, Mr Rogers, who is apparently homeless, is once again accused of trying to kill someone.
The Powers That Be in the City of Brotherly Love have been going full speed ahead on promoting public transportation and SEPTA, but the first step is to clean out the junkies and criminals from the buses, trains and train/subway stations, and that can’t be done until Mr Krasner and his minions start doing their jobs!
Why do the credentialed media hide the news? Two police officers and a paramedic murdered, and the professional media are ignoring the story as much as they can
My good internet friend Robert Stacy McCain noted that the local police and credentialed media decided to keep secret the identity of the “suspect” who murdered two police officers and a paramedic on Sunday in the Minneapolis suburb of Burnsville.
Mr McCain noted:
(The alleged suspect) petitioned the court in 2020 to have his gun rights restored, which a judge denied.
However, the Associated Press reported:
The suspect, who officials said had multiple guns and large amounts of ammunition, also died.
Clearly, clearly! this report must be false. Since the (alleged) suspect was legally prohibited from owning or possessing firearms, he couldn’t possibly have had the weapons in question.
The only reasonable answer is that one of the children in the house owned and had the firearms, one of the kids shot the police officers and fireman, and the (alleged) suspect, in nobly trying to shield the children, wound up sacrificing his life.
I started this article early, but put it on the shelf, waiting to see if The Philadelphia Inquirer would update it, but nope, the 8:28 AM EST version of the story is the last one posted. More, it no longer shows on the main page of our nation’s third oldest newspaper, and the newspaper of record for the sixth largest city, and seventh largest metropolitan area in our country. And a site search for Shannon Gooden, made at 4:50 PM EST, the (alleged) suspect, returned nothing connected with this story.
Mr McCain, and many others, have wondered why the credentialed media kept the name, and thus the photo, of the (alleged) suspect under wraps, and many have suggested that it is because Mr Gooden is black, and that had he been a MAGA hat wearing white male, his name and image would have been all over the news. Perhaps that’s true, though there’s at least the possibility that the police were waiting until Mr Gooden’s family had been notified.
But it wasn’t just the Inky which never updated a story to identify Mr Gooden. A Google search for Shannon Gooden, conducted at 5:10 PM EST, returned only one national news source, CBS News, with the story on the first page. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune and Duluth News-Tribune, both had stories, but they’re local news sources, not national.
Two police officers and a fireman working as a paramedic, murdered, and this story is being quickly memory-holed.
More proof that The Philadelphia Inquirer and District Attorney Larry Krasner side with the thugs, not the police.
I have frequently referred to the District Attorney of Philadelphia as the “George Soros-sponsored, police-hating and criminal-loving Larry Krasner,” and he goes out of his way to prove me right. He loves to cut real criminals a break, and charge Philadelphia Police officers with crimes whenever he can. The incident was during the riots over the unfortunate death while being arrested of the methamphetamine-and-fentanyl-addled, previously convicted felon George Floyd in Minneapolis, when the Usual Suspects went wild in the City of Brotherly Love.
Ex-Philadelphia police inspector found not guilty of assaulting protester during 2020 racial justice demonstrations
Joseph Bologna was acquitted by a Philadelphia jury on charges of simple assault and possessing an instrument of a crime.
by Jesse Bunch | St Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2024 | 12:37 PM EST | Updated: 6:24 PM EST
Joseph Bologna, the former Philadelphia police inspector accused of assaulting a Temple University student with a baton during the 2020 protests over the killing of George Floyd, was not guilty of assault, a jury determined Wednesday.
The Philadelphia jury found Bologna, 57, not guilty of simple assault and possessing an instrument of crime, reaching the decision in about 30 minutes.
In roughly half an hour, huh? That tells us that the jury, which had to be unanimous, had no hesitation at all, that whatever case he believed he had, Mr Krasner and his minions came nowhere close to convincing the jurors.
Bologna’s defense lawyer Fortunato N. Perri Jr. told the jury during closing arguments that his client’s life had been a “nightmare” during the 3½ years since he was arrested for his actions, which took place during the June 1 melee on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Center City.
The Philadelphia Police Department faced heavy scrutiny over its use of force during that summer’s protests over racial injustice and police brutality. That includes Bologna, who was accused by multiple people of using excessive force during demonstrations.
Really? Accused by whom? The police-hating demonstrators themselves?
Of course, The Philadelphia Inquirer went all-in on screaming, “Police brutality,” like a typical villain, caricatured lawyer, or street preacher in a police show like Blue Bloods!
City settles three civil rights suits against former police Inspector Joseph Bologna for $267,500
“It makes you wonder what they were thinking out there,” one attorney said. “It was a police brutality protest, and you respond to it with the sort of thing that’s being protested?”
by William Bender | Friday, December 23, 2022 | 5:00 AM EST
In the spring of 2020, as civil unrest erupted across the country following the murder of George Floyd, video clips that circulated on social media showed how a volatile situation could explode into chaos when Philadelphia Police Inspector Joseph Bologna got involved.
I do not like using photos from the Inquirer, but this article demands it, under Fair Use guidelines. I included it to show the caption that the newspaper used:
Joseph Bologna, then an inspector with the Philadelphia Police Department, repeatedly appeared in videos during the spring of 2020, escalating already volatile confrontations with protesters. Three lawsuits against him were settled this year.
Inflammatory much? Back to the body of the article:
At 10th and Market Streets, for example, a young woman appeared to tap Bologna’s bicycle tire with her foot as they passed each other while crossing the street. Bologna, then the operations commander for the department’s patrol bureau, reacted violently. He threw his bike, lunged at her, and tackled her to the ground.
That, in turn, set off a wave of pushing, shoving, and cursing between protesters and police officers.Also see: Don Surber, “Let newspapers die; They dropped objectivity and with it credibility long ago“
In other videos, Bologna was seen wielding his collapsible metal baton like a hammer in search of a nail.
Really? Did Mr Krasner or his minions fail to present these videos to the jury trying him, or did that jury not see what reporter William Bender tell readers that they showed?
No responsible editor of a (purportedly) unbiased media source would ever have allowed an article written in that manner to be published, not as news, under which it was listed.
Mr Bologna had the charges against him dismissed by Municipal Court Judge Henry Lewandowski III, in January of 2021, when he ruled that the prosecution had not presented sufficient evidence to establish that Inspector Bologna’s use of his baton against Evan Gorski — captured on video — amounted to a crime.
Mr Krasner’s reaction? He refiled the charges against Mr Bologna the following month, saying, “Philadelphians demand evenhanded justice and we are trying our very best to give them exactly that.” Of course, the DA had dismissed the arresting charges against Mr Gorski, showing you that the District Attorney was not being evenhanded, but a partisan favoring the protesters.
Back to the first article cited:
District Attorney Larry Krasner, when asked about Bologna’s acquittal during an unrelated news conference, said that he had no criticism of the jury’s decision, but that his office was “obviously hoping for a different verdict.”
“I know that the culture in the system, the culture in society, tends to give every benefit of the doubt to law enforcement who are charged with crimes,” Krasner said. “We accept this outcome. I am proud of the fact that our investigations unit worked so hard to try to get justice in ways that my predecessors never even tried.”
In other words, the DA and his minions went after Mr Bologna as hard as they could, including the refiling of dismissed charges, yet they were unable to come up with anything sufficient, in a case which lasted barely a day in the courtroom, to persuade even a single juror to even push deliberations beyond the bare minimum. How could the super-duper legal eagles in the District Attorney’s office not know that they really had no case?
After the trial, Gorski said that although he understood the jury’s decision based off of admissible evidence, he was “ultimately disappointed” with the outcome.
Gorski said he would still like an apology from Bologna, but his expectations are low after he didn’t receive one during his civil lawsuit against the city that settled for $175,000 in 2022.
Not only does Mr Gorski not deserve an apology, he ought to get a hearty, “F(ornicate) you!” from Mr Bologna, and the rest of the Philadelphia Police Department.
“A jury of Joe Bologna’s peers listened intently to the evidence presented at trial and rendered a fair and just verdict,” Roosevelt Poplar, the police union’s president, said in a statement Wednesday afternoon.
Asked whether Bologna would try to get back his job with the Philadelphia Police Department, Perri said his client would “look at all his options.” Later in the day, the FOP confirmed that it would begin the process of getting Bologna reinstated.
“Hopefully, he gets back to work,” Perri said.
The average Chief Inspector salary in Philadelphia, PA is $97,661 as of January 26, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $81,643 and $116,751. Former Inspector Bologna should receive 3½ years of back pay, and restoration of all pensions and benefits. And he should be restored to his position with the Department.