The credentialed media want to control what you know, as a means of influencing what you think.

We are always amused when liberal groups tell us how the news should be reported, and have frequently noted how our nation’s third oldest continuously published daily newspaper, The Philadelphia Inquirer, told us that they would censor the news when the news didn’t fit what they wanted to tell us. Now comes The Journalist’s Resource, […]

The inclusion of bias in news articles is subtle, but you have to be aware of it

This site has expressed some amusement at The Philadelphia Inquirer referring to gangs as “street groups.” It began when we were reliably informed by The Philadelphia Inquirer that there are no gangs in the city, just “cliques of young men affiliated with certain neighborhoods and families,” who sometimes had “beefs” with other cliques, so we […]

Killadelphia: Requiescat in pace, Josh Kruger It can get personal when you know the guy who was murdered

I did not follow Josh Kruger on Twitter, though I frequently saw his tweets — sorry, Elon Musk, but I can’t bring myself to call it “X” — because he was followed by twelve other people I do follow. Mr Kruger is a Philly liberal, who occasionally made a point from the left that isn’t […]

Killadelphia: Street Justice! It seems as though the neighborhood didn't wait for the Philadelphia Police to make an arrest for the murder of Hezekiah Bernard

We asked, on the last day of August, how a 12-year-old boy can just disappear in the City of Brotherly Love, and nobody noticed until his dead body showed up in the trash more than a week later. A teen killed Saturday in West Philly was a person of interest in a 12-year-old’s murder, sources […]

Killadelphia: The area “was littered with shell casings.”

If bullets fly in Kensington, is it really news? Kensington and Independence Mall-area shootings leave two dead, three wounded The Kensington shootings occurred in an area long burdened by gun violence. by Anthony R Wood | Saturday, August 26, 2023 | 11:07 PM EDT A 39-year-old man was shot to death and two others were […]

Killadelphia: Just because 60 bullets flew doesn’t mean it was gang related!

Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Chris Palmer’s last paragraph contained an element of truth that Mayor Jim Kenney, District Attorney Larry Krasner, and Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw would like for you not to realize: More than 1,100 people have been shot in the city as of Wednesday, according to police statistics, and 245 of those victims have […]

Killadelphia: Lies, damned lies, and statistics The Editorial Board of The Philadelphia Inquirer gets the numbers wrong; are they trying to mislead readers?

We have previously noted that many of the credentialed media journolists[1]The spelling ‘journolist’ or ‘journolism’ comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their … Continue reading have complained about Steve Keeley of Fox 29 News and his unsoftened coverage of crime in the […]

The Philadelphia Inquirer tells us all about Barbie and gluten-free meals at the shore. Criminals on the streets? Not so much.

The Philadelphia Inquirer was more than willing to tell readers about how heroic Michael Salerno intervened to try to stop a carjacking, and was killed for his efforts: Police identify man killed in South Philly trying to stop a carjacking Michael Salerno was trying to prevent three young men from stealing his car while a […]

More bullets fly in Philly!

We have have previously noted that for The Philadelphia Inquirer, unless a shooting or murder victim is an ‘innocent,’ someone already of note, or a cute little white girl, the editors of the Inquirer don’t care, because, to be bluntly honest about it, the murder of a young black man in Philadelphia is not news. […]