Philadelphian Amanda Marcotte is very, very upset that 35 transgender people have been murdered this year, but doesn’t care about 496 killings in her home town

Unless she has moved again, and I missed it — something which is always possible — Salon’s senior politics writer Amanda Marcotte lives in Philadelphia. As of 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, December 15th, the City of Brotherly Love had seen 496 homicides officially, and with 110 deaths listed as “suspicious,” the total is doubtlessly […]

Killadelphia The bad guys are just as bad, but the good guys have gotten a bit better

I will admit it: I was a bit, a bit, mind you, more optimistic when I saw the article by Robert Stacy McCain screencaptured at the right yesterday evening. I’m something of a numbers geek, because numbers, at least accurate numbers, tell a truth not shaded by human lies. Mr McCain’s article began with a […]

Progressives can’t see the forest because of all the trees

According to the Philadelphia Police Department’s Current Crime Statistics page, there have been 473 people murdered in the City of Brotherly Love as of 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, December 1st. So, about what was District Attorney Larry Krasner worried on Thursday? Advocates sound alarm on murders of transgender women in Philadelphia Fox 29 News […]

#HelenGym Flaherty wants to do for all of Philadelphia what Larry Krasner has done for law enforcement

The City of Brotherly Love finished the 11th month of the year with 472 homicides, 38 fewer than the total on November 30, 2021, a 7.45% decrease. That’s the good news, though 472 murders can hardly be considered as anything good.  That’s still 1.4132 per day, for a projected 515.81 for the year. Yet, as […]

Do the Editorial Board of The Philadelphia Inquirer have no mirrors in their homes? The newspaper is far, far, far more concerned with the killings of cute little white girls

I know, I know, I’ve said it before: to The Philadelphia Inquirer, which publisher Elizabeth ‘Lisa’ Hughes declared to be an “anti-racist news organization,” black lives really don’t matter. Now, the Editorial Board are shocked, shocked! that a mass shooting in crime-ridden Kensington, over a week ago, has been greeted with perfunctory remarks, but mostly […]

Ho hum! Another mass shooting in Philadelphia It was just Kensington, so who really cares?

It was August 17, 2020, when The Philadelphia Inquirer published the article “Even the pandemic doesn’t slow down Philadelphia’s drug markets: It’s unclear why COVID-19 hasn’t had much effect on Philadelphia’s drug market. But that’s not to say the drug supply here is or was predictable, even before the pandemic.” The article included a photo […]

Maybe Larry Krasner ought to consider the possibility that not all of the juveniles he treats leniently will turn out to be good guys?

Given that the Philadelphia Police Department already had mugshots of the fine young men who committed the Roxborough High School shooting, the following story from The Philadelphia Inquirer isn’t that much of a surprise. Since juvenile records are normally sealed, we’ll probably never get the story as to for what those young gentlemen were first […]

Killadelphia: If your refuse to define the problem, then you can never find the solution!

I noted yesterday that the homicide problem in Philadelphia is not one of too few police, or even a ‘progressive’ District Attorney, but a problem of culture, in which some idiot thought that the best way to handle an argument was to just shoot the guy. Yeah, he “won” the argument, I suppose, but if […]

Hold them accountable! It won't happen, but Larry Krasner should be jailed right along with the other Roxborough High School shootings defendants

It is, I suppose, not a surprise that this article in The Philadelphia Inquirer is marked For Subscribers Only. They actually did the journalism, but perhaps they didn’t want too, too many non-liberals to see how bad District Attorney Larry Krasner and his minions really are. But I subscribe that so you don’t have to! […]