The left really do hate Freedom of Speech and of The Press

This site has previously noted that, despite their protestations about protecting democracy, today’s left really hate our Freedom of Speech. Media Matter for America, a thoroughly left wing group, posted on Twitter — I refuse to call it 𝕏, which is part of my Freedom of Speech! — a bubble diagram and link to their article “The right dominates the online media ecosystem, seeping into sports, comedy, and other supposedly nonpolitical spaces“. Very unsurprisingly, Amy McGrath Henderson, the twice-failed Kentucky congressional candidate who once stated, in a fundraiser not in the Bluegrass State, “I am further left, I am more progressive, than anyone in the state of Kentucky,” said of the graph, “This is way more important than we want to admit.”

The right dominates the online media ecosystem, seeping into sports, comedy, and other supposedly nonpolitical spaces

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The New York Times and the control of language

I wonder if it will be approved.

At 10:56 AM EST I submitted a comment on The New York Times main editorial, “The MAGA WAR on Speech.” The Editorial Board is aghast that the Trump Administration has done radical things such as “The National Park Service (having) erased the letters T and Q: from L.G.B.T.Q. references on its website describing the Stonewall National Monument in New York City.” I responded:

On November 29, 2018, the Times gave OpEd space to Chad Malloy[1]Chad Malloy is a man male who claims to be a woman who goes by the faux name “Parker” Malloy. to write, “How Twitter’s Ban on ‘Deadnaming’ Promotes Free Speech.” On October 4, 2019, the Times gave OpEd space to Andrew Marantz to claim that “Free Speech Is Killing Us.” When Elon Musk bought Twitter, promising to promote greater free speech, Times Editorial Board member Greg Bensinger told readers that “Twitter Under Elon Musk Will Be a Scary Place.”

The Associated Press’ Stylebook mandates that ‘black’ be capitalized when referring to race, but not ‘brown’ or ‘white.’ More, the AP Stylebook has media all across the country referring to the transgendered by their preferred, fake names and the pronouns of what they claim to be, rather than what they actually are.

The left have been attempting to control the debate by controlling the use of language for as long as I’ve been aware of it.

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1 Chad Malloy is a man male who claims to be a woman who goes by the faux name “Parker” Malloy.

I check Bluesky so you don’t have to! They can't handle the truth!

One of my morning self-assigned ‘duties’ is to check my two favorite sites, William Teach’s The Pirate’s Cove, and Robert Stacy McCain’s The Other McCain. I have been using Twitter — I refuse to call it 𝕏 — and recently Bluesky to publicize my friends’ articles.

That seems to have angered a Mr Alan G Nixon — or so I assume his name to be from his Bluesky address — of New South Wales, who has the hashtag #ClimateActionNow in his Bluesky bio. He reposted my Bluesky skeet publicizing one of Mr Teach’s articles with a #BlockList hashtag, a method of encouraging his roughly 1,100 followers to not see my skeets, because the anti-global warming climate change activists are too much Special Snowflakes™ to handle anything in opposition.

They can’t handle the truth, but, more than that, they can’t handle what they believe to be true being challenged. Continue reading

Our #FreedomOfSpeech is different from that of other countries, and we thank the Lord for that! We need to defend our freedom of speech against the left who would restrict it

What would happen to you if you tore up and burned a copy of the Holy Bible on the steps of St Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan? What would happen to you if you dropped a Crucifix into a jar of urine, and photographed it, claiming it to be art?

There would be people claiming that you were a religious bigot, who ought to be thrown in jail, but you’d actually face no legal charges. Some people might think you were headed straight to Hell, but no one would actually try to send you there.

What would happen to you if you participated in, or perhaps even led, a protest March in support of Hamas or the Palestinians in New York or Washington or foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia? As long as the protest march was peaceable, there might be some hecklers shouting from the sidewalks as the protest march passed, but you’d not be facing any charges. If you were in the country illegally, now that Donald Trump is President — it wouldn’t have happened under our previous President or Kamala Harris Emhoff, had she been elected — you might get sent back home, but that’s it. And if you are young and pretty, NBC News might even publish a celebratory glamour photo of you!

But, if you lived in Sweden, legally, you could be charged with a crime. Salwan Momika, an Iraqi refugee legally granted protection there, was charged with incitement against an ethnic group over the 2023 burning of a Quran, and was due to be sentenced Thursday morning. Continue reading

The Patriot Front March for Life The left wax apoplectic!

My Twitter feed was filled with images of the Patriot Front marching at Fridays March for Life in Washington, DC. Much of it was condemnatory, and a lot of conservatives were repeating the meme that these were “Feds,” by which they meant federal law enforcement officers, rather than real civilians. I can see, at least in appearance, why people might conclude that. Robert Stacy McCain addressed that issue in “Is the ‘Patriot Front’ a Fed PsyOp?” He cited the very liberal Southern Poverty Law Center, a group which hates all things conservative, normal, and moral, telling us:

Like other hate and extremist groups, the need to recruit and grow their members makes PF a target for antifascist activists who attempt to infiltrate white nationalist groups to expose and disrupt their activities. Since 2018, antifascist activists have infiltrated PF at least five times, which has led to journalist and activist networks obtaining thousands of documents, including internal chat logs, audio and video recordings, and photographs. The laxed operational security measures of PF that are responsible for these infiltrations led to the identification of more than 130 current and former members since 2019.

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It was never about “protecting democracy”.

The left have complained loudly that Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and his support of that wholly radical concept of Freedom of Speech was a horrible, horrible thing, but while conservatives are no longer censored on that social media site, Mr Musk has allowed those on the left the same access they always had.

And thus we have Tristan Snell being able to vent his frustration that former President Donald Trump will become President again at noon on January 20th.

Who is Mr Snell? His self-written Twitter biography states that he is a “Lawyer, commentator, fighter for democracy. Prosecuted Trump University @ NY AG. Author of TAKING DOWN TRUMP. Host of the Tristan Snell Show on Apple + Spotify.” Continue reading

I check Bluesky so you don’t have to Amanda Marcotte loves her some censorship and ordering of society . . . when it comes from the left

My good friend Robert Stacy McCain has frequently written, “I watch CNN” or sometimes MSNBC, “so you don’t have to.” Well, I created an account and check Bluesky, the liberal version of Twitter, so that you don’t have to. And checking this morning I found the very lovely Amanda Marcotte complaining that Mark Zuckerberg, the creator and owner of Facebook, is no longer going to apply liberally-oriented ‘fact checkers’ to posts on Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta makeover: MAGA grandpa is about to get much worse

Facebook ditches its fact-checking program in favor of Elon Musk’s army of disinformation zombies

by Amanda Marcotte | Wednesday, January 8, 2025 | 8:00 AM EST

In part because of his goofy appearance and in part because he doesn’t engage in fascist trolling like fellow billionaire Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg is rarely seen as a sinister character in modern American life. But Zuckerberg’s announcement that Facebook and Instagram will soon cease fact-checking is such a stellar model of villainous doublespeak that George Orwell would have thought it was a bit much. Zuckerberg insisted it’s in the name of “free speech” that he must unleash uncontrolled disinformation on his platform, adding, “The recent elections also feel like a cultural tipping point towards, once again, prioritizing speech.” Continue reading

Will Bunch tells us he supports Freedom of Speech when he actually supports censorship.

That Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Will Bunch is seriously infected with #TrumpDerangementSyndrome is of no surprise to anyone who reads his columns, at least anyone who isn’t already infected with #TDS himself. We have previously noted how the credentialed media were complicit in the coverup of outgoing President Biden’s significantly declining mental status, something about which Mr Bunch has not complained, yet the columnist on Sunday afternoon complained that former and future President Donald Trump and Twitter owner Elon Musk are waging “an all out war on the truth.” Continue reading

Democrisy: the left who concealed everything about Joe Biden’s condition, are terribly worried over Donald Trump’s bruised hand

We noted, just yesterday, how the credentialed media, which the Editorial Board of The Philadelphia Inquirer told us:

(President) Trump and his allies fail to understand the adversarial role the press plays in a healthy democracy.

Of course, that supposedly-adversarial press failed to tell us that President Joe Biden was in serious physical and mental decline during his term in office, failed to tell us until it was revealed to all in that disastrous-for-him debate on June 27th, and the in-the-bag-for-the-Democrats media couldn’t keep it a secret any longer.

But now? We’re getting the latest meme from the Democrats, telling us our 45th and soon to be 47th President is sick, or injured, or something, from what appears to be a bruise on the back of one of his hands. To me, it looks like bruising from an IV stick, but I’m not a doctor or nurse. It also looks like President Trump can actually walk, unaided, an ability which is increasingly eluding our 46th President. Continue reading