This site has expressed some amusement at The Philadelphia Inquirer referring to gangs as “street groups.” It began when we were reliably informed by The Philadelphia Inquirer that there are no gangs in the city, just “cliques of young men affiliated with certain neighborhoods and families,” who sometimes had “beefs” with other cliques, so we must replace the term “gang-bangers” with “cliques of young men” or “clique beefers”. District Attorney Larry Krasner and his office seem to prefer the term “rival street groups“. Continue reading
Tag Archives: #Crime
I blame the COVID shutdowns
Justice delayed is justice denied; how many times have we heard that phrase? Well, justice delayed sometimes means death for a victim who was not originally killed.
Man kills stepdaughter, 16, in Acton he was previously accused of raping then kills self, police say
Maybe not that much of a heap o’ trouble for five Philly ‘teens’
The WordPress software that this site uses has an interesting feature when it comes to generating the url code for the headlines, one that enables a sequential series. And thus the working headline for this article is “You in a heap o’ trouble, boy!”, which I have used several times in the past. The screen is showing me that this would be the 22nd article using that title. Due to the way the software works, as long as I post it under that headline, the url remains the same, even if I change the headline subsequently, which is why there are some headlines “You in a heap o’ trouble, girl!” that have the boy in the url. 🙂
And so it is with this one, because I wonder just how big that heap o’ trouble is for five juvenile delinquents in the City of Brotherly Love. Continue reading
You in a heap o’ trouble, boy! Why do so many teachers get caught on sex charges?
I am not surprised that anyone named after the Dallas Cowboys would (allegedly) be a low-life scumbag. If the NFL were to be given an enema, the tube would be inserted into Jerry Jones! But I do admit to some surprise that the credentialed media didn’t conceal the sex of Dallas Shuler’s victims:
Riverside Elementary paraeducator accused of sex crimes against children faces additional federal charges
by Alexandra Duggan | Tuesday, May 14, 2024 | 9:40 PM PDT
A Riverside Elementary School paraeducator and high school coach accused of recording himself engaging in sex acts with teenagers now faces a federal charge, according to court records. Continue reading
You in a heap o’ trouble, boy!
High school teachers are supposed to be reasonably well educated, with a bachelor’s degree at the very least, and most public school districts require teachers to earn a master’s degree within a few years of being hired. So how can so many of them be so very, very dumb?
Katy ISD teacher arrested, charged with 10 counts of child pornography, admits to producing images himself
Monday, May 13, 2024 | 4:03 PM CDT
HOUSTON – A Katy ISD teacher was charged with Possession of Child Pornography.
James Paul Stone was arrested on Monday, May 13th after Constable Ryan Gable’s Criminal Investigations Division, in conjunction with the Texas Department of Public Safety executed a search warrant at his home. Continue reading
This is what happens when prosecutors give out sweetheart plea deals!
Is there anyone more valuable to the exposure of the truth than Chaya Raichik, the creator of Libs of TikTok? This is the kind of story that the credentialed media usually cover up, but Libs of TikTok publicized it:
Elementary school principal arrested for aggravated child abuse, false imprisonment
by Ryan Wyatt Turbeville | Monday, May 13, 2024
OCALA, Fla. (WCJB) – The principal of Destiny Leadership Academy, an elementary school in Ocala, was arrested after Marion County Sheriff’s Office deputies say he trapped a student in a classroom and abused the child.
Dontay Akeem Prophet, 33, was arrested on charges of aggravated child abuse and false imprisonment of a victim under the age of 13. On Friday, a deputy responded to a call about a fight between a student and Prophet at the school.
Sheriff’s deputies reviewed surveillance video they say shows Prophet preventing a boy from leaving a classroom. He grabbed the student and put him in a chokehold on the ground.
Prophet used a charging cable to strike the child, causing him to fall. He also twisted the boy’s ankle, slapped his face, and committed other abuse.
You in a heap o’ trouble, boy! As Leroy Jethro Gibbs once said on NCIS, “Believe me, son, you will not do well in prison.”
The mugshot? That’s the most recent of four mugshots for young Mr Romero, who has a listed birthday of September 6, 2005, and is listed as being 5’4″ tall (64″) and weighing 130 lb. His stay in jail might wind up on the unpleasant side.
Teenager arrested in connection to Lexington shooting that left an 18-year-old dead
by Christopher Leach | Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 10:31 AM EDT
The Lexington Police Department has arrested an 18-year-old man in connection to a deadly shooting that left another 18-year-old man dead. Continue reading
Stupid is as stupid does, and prison cannot cure stupid Swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool

Jayana Webb mugshot, via Fox29 News.
At 12:47 a.m., Webb wrote on Twitter that she had been stopped “doing 110 in a 50″ mile-per-hour zone. While state police have neither confirmed nor denied the stop, multiple news outlets reported that Mack and Sisca stopped the woman for speeding on the interstate that night.
Around the time of the tweet, state police said the troopers were abruptly redirected to assist a man apparently attempting to cross the highway near Lincoln Financial Field. The troopers bolted south, and found Oliveras.
In other words, Miss Webb was about to get away with going 60 MPH over the speed limit. That’s more than just speeding; that’s reckless driving. Unfortunately, reckless did not translate into wreckless. Continue reading
Crazy people are dangerous
London’s Daily Mail is a sensationalist tabloid, to be sure, but as I pointed out here, the Daily Mail was the only credentialed media source that I found which exposed the fact that the Pennbrook Middle School assailant was transgender, a boy claiming to be a girl. I’ve still seen no major credentialed media sources stating that, but I’ve also seen no credentialed media sources publishing anything which have claimed that the reports that ‘Melanie,’ the (alleged) Pennbrook assailant, is ‘transgender’ are false.
And now there’s this:
Middle schoolers study in FEAR after being forced back to class with ‘troubled’ trans kid who named 45 on ‘hit list’: Boston parent says ‘they know the school is not protecting them’