Killadelphia: If your refuse to define the problem, then you can never find the solution!

I noted yesterday that the homicide problem in Philadelphia is not one of too few police, or even a ‘progressive’ District Attorney, but a problem of culture, in which some idiot thought that the best way to handle an argument was to just shoot the guy. Yeah, he “won” the argument, I suppose, but if he’s caught he might just spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars. The idiot who ‘settled’ his argument on Hallowe’en by shooting another man in the chest could, under Pennsylvania Title 18 §2502 be charged with Murder of the first degree, though third degree seems more probable. First degree murder is punishable by life in prison without the possibility of parole, or even a death sentence, though District Attorney Larry Krasner refuses to pursue capital sentences, while third degree murder, a first degree felony in the Keystone State, carries a sentence of ten to twenty years in prison.

So, about what were the two men arguing that is somehow worth ten to twenty years in the state penitentiary? Was the one man blocking access to the street as he was helping a lady move from the 2500 block of Carroll Street? Did the two men have a previous beef with each other?

The Philadelphia Shootings Victims Database details, in an awkward format, the people shot and killed in the City of Brotherly Love. There are times that I wonder if that awkwardness is deliberate, because you have to import the .csv file, and open it in Microsoft Excel, alter some of the column widths, and then hide data columns which are mostly meaningless. The data column for whether the victim is Latino or not is stupidly placed, and the fatality column is at the far right hand side. Someone more easily frustrated than me would have given up!

But one thing is obvious: the cultural problems which have led to the huge murder rate in Philly are not evenly spread among the residents of the city. The 2020 census as reported by The Philadelphia Inquirer shows just 38.3% of city residents as being non-Hispanic black, and in the October shootings chart above, all but one of the Latino victims listed are listed as white Latino, not black Latino. Black male Philadelphians have been the victims of shootings in 61.31% of the cases, and overall blacks have been the victims in 72.36% of shootings.

Non-Hispanic whites have been the victims in ‘only’ 5.53% of the cases in October, despite being 34.3% of the city’s population. There were no reported incidents of Asians being shot.

The shootings database reported 199 people shot in Philly in October of 2022; the same database, if you scroll farther down, shows 181 reported shooting victims for October of 2021. As we have previously noted, the number of homicides is slightly lower this year as opposed to last, but with the number of shootings being 9.94% higher in October alone, and 2.45% (2004 this year vis a vis 1954 through October in 2021) higher than 2021, I see that attempted murders — and I count every shooting as an attempted murder — have increased. The Philadelphia Police Department’s scoop-and-scoot policy of taking victims directly to the ER rather than waiting for an ambulance, even more experience in dealing with shooting victims by the hospitals’ emergency staff, and perhaps even lower shooting accuracy by the gang-bangers “cliques of young men affiliated with certain neighborhoods and families,”[1]We were reliably informed by The Philadelphia Inquirer that there are no gangs in the city, just “cliques of young men affiliated with certain neighborhoods and families,” who sometimes … Continue reading blasting away at their rivals.

The city’s elected leadership want to blame guns, as does the Inquirer and practically every other group around. But, last time I checked, guns were completely inanimate objects, and didn’t care who held them or carried them or owned them. If the problem was guns, we ought to see the shootings and killings rates closely match the demographic percentages in the city, and we should see the homicide rates in Philly fairly similar to the rates throughout Pennsylvania; we don’t.[2]As we have reported previously, Pennsylvania’s firearms control laws are pretty much uniform across the Commonwealth; state law prohibits municipalities from imposing restrictions which are … Continue reading

No one will address the real numbers, and no one will conclude that yes, this is primarily a cultural problem among the black and Hispanic communities of Philadelphia, because that would be raaaaacist.[3]The Editorial Board of The Philadelphia Inquirer managed to admit that people’s race determined how safe they feel, but had a not-so-subtle undertone that white people make places safer. I will … Continue reading I can say it because I’m retired, have no job from which I can be canceled, and no employer who can somehow be punished. But if the problem of homicides in our cities — more cities than just Philadelphia — cannot be honestly recognized for what it is, then that problem can never be addressed, never be solved.


1 We were reliably informed by The Philadelphia Inquirer that there are no gangs in the city, just “cliques of young men affiliated with certain neighborhoods and families,” who sometimes had “beefs” with other cliques, so we must replace the term “gang-bangers” with “cliques of young men” or “clique beefers”. District Attorney Larry Krasner and his office seem to prefer the term “rival street groups
2 As we have reported previously, Pennsylvania’s firearms control laws are pretty much uniform across the Commonwealth; state law prohibits municipalities from imposing restrictions which are stricter than those provided for under state law. In 2020, there were 1,009 murders in the Keystone State, 499, or 49.45%, of which occurred in Philadelphia. According to the 2020 Census, Pennsylvania’s population was 13,002,700 while Philadelphia’s alone was 1,603,797, just 12.33% of Pennsylvania’s totals.

It got worse last year: with 562 homicides in Philly, out of 1027 total for Pennsylvania, 54.72% of all homicides in the Keystone State occurred in Philadelphia. Allegheny County, where Pittsburgh is located, was second, with 123 killings, 11.98% of the state’s total, but only 9.52% of Pennsylvania’s population.

The other 65 counties, with 78.11% of the state’s total population, had 33.30% of total murders.

3 The Editorial Board of The Philadelphia Inquirer managed to admit that people’s race determined how safe they feel, but had a not-so-subtle undertone that white people make places safer. I will confess to having thought that the Editorial Board were less concerned about how unsafe ‘black and brown’ Philadelphians feel than they were that white people felt too safe.

Killadelphia: the problem is the culture!

I suppose I wrote too soon! I noted yesterday morning that Philadelphia was seeing a real and noticeable decrease in the murder rate, with ‘just’ 441 people murdered through 11:59 PM EDT on October 30th. Sadly, Hallowe’en turned out to be deadly:

3 people killed in separate Philly shootings

A 27-year-old man was fatally wounded in a triple shooting around 8:15 p.m. in North Philadelphia that left two other victims in critical condition.

by Robert Moran | Hallowe’en, October 31, 2022

Three men were killed in separate shootings Monday evening in Philadelphia, police said.

Around 8:15 p.m. in North Philadelphia, three people were shot outside on the 200 block of West Ontario Street by an unknown attacker, police said.

A 27-year-old man shot multiple times in the body was transported by medics to Temple University Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 8:45 p.m.

A 26-year-old man shot five times in the body was taken by police to Temple and was listed in extremely critical condition.

There’s more at the original, but the number killed is not three; as both Steve Keeley of Fox 29 News and the Philadelphia Police Department report, there were four murders on Hallowe’en night, bring the total dead to 445 for the year.

We’re far enough into the year, 304 days, that four killings yesterday moves the averages just a little. From 1.4554 per day, and a projected 531.2376 as of yesterday, the City of Brotherly Love is up to 1.4638 murders per day, which works out to 534.2928 projected homicides for 2022. I’m tempted to say, big deal, so what, just three more killings, right? It’s not like anyone really seems to care!

Just before 5:45 p.m. in Southwest Philadelphia, a 47-year-old man was cleaning out a building on the 2500 block of Carroll Street when he was shot once in the chest by an unknown assailant, police said. The man, whose name was not released, was pronounced dead at the scene by medics.

NBC10 reported that the man, who lived in Darby, was working as a mover to help a woman. An argument erupted between the victim and an unidentified man before the fatal shooting.

I have to wonder: about what did someone argue with a man, not from the neighborhood, helping a lady move argue that was worth pulling a gun and killing him, and risking going to jail for the rest of his miserable life?

Kitchen in 2639 Carroll Street. Click to enlarge.

Carroll Street is not the worst neighborhood in Philly, but it’s hardly the best: a look through Google Maps shows a street of typical rowhomes, which have the look or some lower-end remodeling by one contractor sometime a couple of decades ago, fixing porch facias and second-story bay windows. SEveral of the homes show what were old porches now enclosed to create additional inside space. A rowhome at 2605 Carroll Street is listed as being a three-bedroom, one bathroom, 960 ft² home for sale for $180,000, and the photos show an interior which looks like a typical lower-priced flip: grey laminate floors, new paint and appliances throughout. Just down the street, at 2639 Carroll Street, is another rowhome being flipped, though the flipper put less money into it, for $125,000. Before the flipper got to it, the home sold for just $47,000 on July 22, 2020.

Maybe the orange kitchen cabinets aren’t helping get the place sold? 🙂

This is a cultural issue in Philadelphia. For whatever reason, the shooter felt the need, or the desire, to walk down Carroll Street while carrying a firearm. Then, for whatever reason they argued, the armed man thought it was serious enough to pull out his weapon and shoot the victim in the chest. Apparently little enough thought was given to just saying, “F(ornicate) you!” and walking away.

The Philadelphia Police Department is shorty hundreds of officers, but adding hundreds of police officers won’t solve the problem. More police officers might help in catching the bad guys who’ve already shot or killed someone, and perhaps, if ‘progressive’ District Attorney Larry Krasner could change his mind and start prosecuting criminals seriously, perhaps a few shootings and killings could be prevented by having the bad guys already locked up.

The problem is a culture, an attitude, a mindset that tells people that attempting to kill other people is a great solution to whatever problems they believe they have. The problem is an attitude that being a tough gang-banger is a real status symbol, proves your manhood, and is someone young girls want to f(ornicate). And the problem is a culture and an attitude that tells people it’s perfectly acceptable to use drugs, which creates the drug dealers who are responsible for much of the violence.

Neocon off the deep end!

As we have previously noted, the old ‘neo-conservatives‘ turned #NeverTrumpers like Bill Kristol, Max Boot, and Jennifer Rubin have shown themselves to be very much on the political left in the United States, moved to the Democrats due to their #TrumpDerangementSyndrome.

Crime has shown up as one of the major issues in the upcoming election, so naturally Mrs Rubin has made a silly claim trying to blame Republicans for crime, due to the rather odd attack on Paul Pelosi, husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, by a Canadian nudist hippie who somehow has morphed into an evil reich-wing extremist.

The tweet to the left is actually a screen capture; when someone like Mrs Rubin tweets something dumb — which is fairly frequently — I always assume that she might decide to delete it, but, alas! the internet is forever when there are [insert plural slang term for the anus here] like me around.

As we have reported previously, Pennsylvania’s firearms control laws are pretty much uniform across the Commonwealth; state law prohibits municipalities from imposing restrictions which are stricter than those provided for under state law. In 2020, there were 1,009 murders in the Keystone State, 499, or 49.45%, of which occurred in Philadelphia. According to the 2020 Census, Pennsylvania’s population was 13,002,700 while Philadelphia’s alone was 1,603,797, just 12.33% of Pennsylvania’s totals.

It got worse last year: with 562 homicides in Philly, out of 1027 total for Pennsylvania, 54.72% of all homicides in the Keystone State occurred in Philadelphia. Allegheny County, where Pittsburgh is located, was second, with 123 killings, 11.98% of the state’s total, but only 9.52% of Pennsylvania’s population.

The other 65 counties, with 78.11% of the state’s total population, had 33.30% of total murders.

In 2020, Philadelphians gave 81.44% of their votes to Joe Biden. The Mayor, Jim Kenney, is a Democrat, as have been every Mayor since Harry Truman was President. The George Soros-sponsored District Attorney, let ’em loose Larry Krasner, is a Democrat, and won re-election in 2021, by a landslide. Philadelphia is by every possible measure, a heavily Democratic city.

It’s more than that. Those 65 counties other than Philadelphia and Allegheny? They gave 54.98% of their two-party votes — meaning: third party candidates excluded — to President Trump! It seems as though those evil, reich-wing Republicans whom Mrs Rubin claims are “inciting violence” are inciting it in heavily Democratic areas!

I’m far less familiar with our other murder capitals, like Baltimore (87.28% of vote in Baltimore City to Mr Biden) and St Louis (80.85% of vote in St Louis city to Mr Biden) and New Orleans (83.15% of Orleans Parish to Mr Biden) and Chicago (74.35% of vote in Cook County to Mr Biden), but it seems like most them are not exactly Republican strongholds.

It’s clear: Mrs Rubin somehow sees the assault on Mr Pelosi as somehow a far, far, far worse thing than the 441 murders in Philadelphia so far this year, or the 562 who were killed in 2021. I suppose I can only fault her partially for that, because that’s pretty much the way the Democrats as a whole see things.


Killadelphia: the numbers are slightly better!

I had previously speculated that it was possible that the City of Brotherly Love would have fewer homicides this year than last. The reason was simple: at the end of the Labor Day holiday weekend in 2021, the city was on a path fort 532 homicides, but then saw a huge spike in the rate of killings, and finished the year with 562 people pouring out their life’s blood in the city’s mean streets.

It’s Hallowe’en, almost two months past the Labor Day weekend, almost half of the way to the end of the year, and city homicides have fallen by 3.71%. At the current rate of murders, 1.4554 per day, Philly is on a pace for 531.2376 homicides, a horrible number, easily second-place all time, but still 31 fewer people killed than last year.

But if the numbers have improved slightly over last year, the city has still already reached 6th place on the all-time list, with 62 days left in the year. It should only be a few more days until Mayor Jim Kenney, District Attorney Larry Krasner, and Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw top the high under former Mayor Frank Rizzo, and get into Mayor Wilson Goode — he of the MOVE bombing fame — territory. Given that Philly’s top three still have another year in office together, they could actually hold first, second, and third place, gold, silver, and bronze, when Mr Kenney, and I have to presume, Commissioner Outlaw, leave office at the end of 2024.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, which declines to print the photos of criminals who are black, sure is willing if the perp is white. That the perp is a former police officer is just icing on the cake for the Inky!

As we have previously noted, The Philadelphia Inquirer chose not to publish the photos of Quadir Jones, charged in the rape of a 13-year-old girl leaving a SEPTA train station on her way to school, or Yaaseen Bivins, already convicted and awaiting sentencing for an incident killing an unborn child, and now accused in the Roxborough High School shootings, but they made certain that we knew a former Warminster police officer who pleaded no contest to sexually assaulting five underaged boys was a white guy:

‘A wolf in sheep’s clothing’: For years, a Warminster police officer sexually assaulted troubled teens, DA says

James Carey assaulted four teenage boys he met through the D.A.R.E. program, prosecutors say.

Screen Capture from Philadelphia Inquirer, October 27, 2022. Click to enlarge.

by Vinny Vella | Thursday, October 27, 2022 | 12:26 PM EDT

A Warminster police officer acted as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” and sexually assaulted four teenage boys he knew were dealing with difficulties at home, Bucks County District Attorney Matthew Weintraub said Wednesday.

More than 30 years after the initial alleged attacks, James Carey was arrested Wednesday and charged with felony sexual abuse.

“A police officer’s creed is to protect and serve his community,” Weintraub said. “In a perverse and cruel dereliction of duty, James Carey took advantage of the rank and credentials he had as a police officer on the job to prey on our community’s most vulnerable.”

Carey, 52, met his victims between 1988 and 2000, when he worked as an officer in the D.A.R.E antidrug program at schools in the Centennial School District in Warminster, Weintraub said. But he had access to victims beyond the schools, including on overnight camping trips to the Poconos and to Camp Ockanickon, a Boy Scout facility in Pipersville, the district attorney said.

With his conviction, Mr Carey faces a maximum of 94½ to 189 years in prison. 🙂 Whatever his sentence, I suspect that a convicted child rapist who is a former police officer will not much enjoy his time in prison.

Let me be clear about this: I have no objection to the Inquirer publishing photos of criminals. Indeed, I think that they should be published, and it is The First Street Journal’s policy to do just that. But that the Inky, which publisher Elizabeth ‘Lisa’ Hughes proclaimed to be an “anti-racist news organization,” one which would:

  • establish “a Community News Desk to address long-standing shortcomings in how our journalism portrays Philadelphia communities, which have often been stigmatized by coverage that over-emphasizes crime,”
  • create “an internal forum for journalists to seek guidance on potentially sensitive content and to ensure that antiracism is central to the journalism,” and
  • examine their “crime and criminal justice coverage with Free Press, a nonprofit focused on racial justice in media”

seems to have decided that the way to do that is to indicate for readers when crimes, especially crimes committed by police officers, are committed by white people.

Perhaps that’s what Miss Hughes thought would be the right thing to do after declaring that the Inquirer was a ‘white newspaper’ in a ‘black city.’

The Inquirer did not just publish the offender’s photograph after he was convicted, but did so on April 20, 2021, shortly after he was arrested, 1½ years before conviction, as I have documented in this screen capture, taken at 4:39 PM EDT on Thursday, October 27, 2022. Why the screen capture? It ought to be obvious: I do not trust the editors of the Inquirer not to scrub the earlier article once this is pointed out to them!

Want more proof? Published just this afternoon:

Samir Ahmad, taken during FBI sting operation, photo via Steve Keeley, Fox 29 News, on Twitter. Click to enlarge.

Guns used in Roxborough shooting later ended up in the hands of a Philadelphia sheriff’s deputy

Samir Ahmad, a four-year veteran of the department, was arrested while at work last week as part of an FBI gun trafficking investigation, court records say.

by Ellie Rushing and Jeremy Roebuck | Thursday, October 27, 2022 | 4:35 PM EDT

Two of the guns used in the shooting outside of Roxborough High School last month, which left a 14-year-old dead and four teens injured, later ended up in the hands of a Philadelphia sheriff’s deputy who then illegally resold the weapons to a federal informant, according to a court filing unsealed Thursday.

Samir Ahmad, 29, a four-year veteran of the department, was arrested at work last week as part of an FBI gun-trafficking investigation, the records say.

The photos of now-fired Deputy Sheriff Samir Ahmad were freely available, and on Twitter an hour before Miss Rushing’s and Mr Roebuck’s story was published. The Roxborough High School football field shooting has been a major story in the City of Brotherly Love, so this wasn’t just a minor gun trafficking story. But the Inquirer reporters and editors did not, for some reason, publish the photos alleging to show the now-former Deputy Sheriff in the act of selling guns, somehow lifted from evidence lockers, to what he thought was a criminal and an illegal immigrant, but turned out to be an FBI agent.

The credentialed media sure didn’t like being called #FakeNews, something which challenged their veracity and credibility, but they sure have been caught in the act doing it, kind of a lot. The credentialed media rarely tell outright lies, but they often omit important pieces of information when the whole truth would undermine their political positions.

Now, here the Inky goes again, trying to conceal the races of black law-breakers, not that readers wouldn’t have guessed just from the names of the accused that they were black, but making sure that readers would know when an accused man (at first) and now convicted sex offender and rapist is white.

The part I really don’t get? The editors, reporters, and publisher of the newspaper know that people like me are watching, yet they keep doing the same stuff, over and over and over again.

Number 39 for Lexington

Lexington had already won the Gold Medal for Homicides in 2022, so anything else is just padding the record, right? Killing number 39 is being investigated as a homicide, but the Lexington Police Department have not stated definitively that it is.

Updated: Woman found dead of gunshot wound at Lexington home has been identified

by Christopher Leach | Tuesday, October 25, 2022 | 7:04 AM EDT | Updated: 7:54 PM EDT

Lexington police are investigating the city’s 39th homicide this year after a woman was found dead inside a home Tuesday morning.

The Fayette County coroner’s office said Nicole Morton, 33, was pronounced dead at 5:05 a.m. on the 700 block of Maple Avenue.

Lt. Joe Anderson with the Lexington Police Department said officers were called out to the 700 block of Maple at roughly 4 a.m. for reports of gunshots. When officers arrived they found a woman suffering from a gunshot wound inside a home. The woman was declared dead on scene by the Lexington Fire Department.

Anderson did not provide any suspect information and said it’s an active investigation.

The 700 block of Maple Avenue runs between East Loudon Avenue and East 7th Street, and is a neighborhood of early 20th century working-class single-family homes. The home directly across the street is shown on as being off the market, with a guesstimated sale value of $112,300, and a rental estimate of $816 per month. The inside photos show a home that has been at least partially remodeled. If I have correctly identified the house, it has a #BlackLivesMatter sign in front according to a Google Maps Streetscape photo, but that does not mean that either the victim or her killer are black; the area is racially integrated, and I have seen #BlackLivesMatter signs on homes occupied by white families in that section of town.

There’s just no cure for stupid!

Meet Quadir T Jones. Mr Jones has been arrested by the Philadelphia Police Department after he (allegedly) kidnapped a 13-year-old girl after she exited the SEPTA subway station at North Broad and Race Streets on her way to school, then forced her to a parking garage stairwell at 1815 Cherry Street, and raped her. Fox 29’s Steve Keeley has reported that Mr Jones demanded her phone number, and later called and texted her. This allowed the police to track his phone and find and arrest him.

Look at Mr Jones’ face in the released mugshot. The dude looks as though he really does not understand what has happened to him. If he is found guilty — and legally, he is innocent until proven guilty — he needs to be locked up in Pennsylvania’s worst penitentiary — it’s a shame that SCI Graterford was closed — for the rest of his miserable life, because he is way, way, way too stupid to be allowed to reproduce.

Mr Keeley reported that Mr Jones will ‘celebrate’ his 24th birthday on Sunday; my guess us that it will not be a particularly happy one.

The Philadelphia Inquirer also reported on Mr Jones arrest, but rather than publish his booking photo, the Inky used a stock photo of the stairs leading to the North Broad and Race Streets subway station.

The assault of the student, according to police, was the second in less than 30 hours on the subway. A similar attack took place on Thursday with a 15-year-old victim, police said. They have not said if Jones is a suspect in that case.

“We are not ruling out that it is the same person, but we have nothing to indicate that it is either,” Capt. James Kearney of the Special Victims Unit said at a Friday news conference

Kearney said Jones walked with the 13-year-old victim, toward her school, after the assault. He allegedly took the victim’s phone and her number. He later called and texted the girl, and Philadelphia police were able to find and arrest him on Friday afternoon through location tracking.

We should all be proud and supportive of the 13-year-old victim, who, despite the trauma of being raped, had the strength and courage to report the crime and provide the evidence the police needed to find and arrest this (alleged) criminal.

Naturally, there’s plenty of speculation that Mr Jones might have had previous meetings with the Philadelphia Police Department, as this seems a bit late in his life for this to be, allegedly, his first offense, because the George Soros-sponsored progressive defense lawyer who is now the city’s District Attorney just loves to let bad guys go, but, at least as of yet, we don’t have that information.

Some people would rather be less safe than cooperate with and support the police

If you want to know why homicides in Philadelphia are both proceeding along record numbers and being solved at very low rates, The Philadelphia Inquirer has decided to tell you. Trouble is, I don’t think that they meant to convey the message that they did.

Black and Latino residents in University City feel the weight of police presence

The neighborhood is home to several overlapping police patrols, which doesn’t make everyone who lives there feel safe.

by Nate File | Monday, October 17, 2022

If you were to start your workday in University City by arriving at 30th Street Station, then walking along Market Street for a few blocks before turning towards UPenn, you would have been subjected to at least seven separate and overlapping police patrols.

Of course, if you debark at the 30th Street SEPTA Station, you’re going to be greeted by a large amount of used drug injection needles just laying around on the tracks, so you just might get the impression that the 30th Street Station isn’t the nicest place in the city.

The jurisdictions you would have passed through are: SEPTA and Amtrak Police, UPenn and Drexel Police, unarmed University City District public safety, and the 16th and 18th precincts of the Philadelphia Police Department. University City is blanketed with police officers, and Black and Latino residents feel it every day.

The police’s larger presence here is not entirely condemned or welcomed by residents; feelings can be mixed. But what is clear is that the police’s presence often feels overwhelming to the neighborhood’s most marginalized people.

There were 499 murders in the City of Brotherly Love in 2020, and a record-shattering 562 in 2021. This year is seeing a slight dip in the homicide rate, a whopping 1.86% fewer than on the same date last year, but still on track for 543 murders for the year.

As we have previously noted, that neighborhood is hardly the worst in Philly, but yes, murders have been committed there, recently.

After a couple of paragraphs noting the University of Pennsylvania’s investments in the neighborhood, and its campus police department, we come to this:

It also invested in its police force; UPenn currently has the largest privately funded police force in the state with over 120 officers. Drexel’s police force is much smaller, with about a third as many officers, but it has only been in operation since 2010.

Tamika Diggs, a Black woman who has lived in University City her entire life and works in the area too, has noticed that investment.

“There has been a change in the 30 something years that I’ve been in University City. Initially, there was just a regular police department. You didn’t really see a large police presence. However, as more gentrification happened… more Black and brown families were pushed out of the area, you (saw a surge) of more police,” she said.

“You certainly feel a sense of surveillance,” said Christopher Rogers, a Black PhD student at UPenn. Rogers feels a tangible difference in how much he is watched and perceived by law enforcement in University City as compared to elsewhere in Philadelphia.

He described the burden of the police’s presence more as an everyday “weight”, as opposed to having excessive confrontations with them.

So, Mr Rogers hasn’t has any interactions with the police that he saw as necessary to mention to the Inquirer’s reporter, but he just feels that they’re around. That the police forces are there to try to protect law-abiding citizens from criminals doesn’t seem to be important to him.

There are several more paragraphs in a similar vein, but the concluding three are the important ones:

But investigations and promises can’t undo firmly entrenched problems, and they so far haven’t changed the way Black and Latino residents of University City feel about the police.

“I think there’s an assumption that everyone else that’s not a student is … (dangerous) for the students that are at Penn or Drexel,” said Olivia.

Diggs has made sure to teach her teenage sons to be careful of how they present in public for that very reason. “I always tell them—my youngest is 6-foot-3—’You are not looked at as a teenager by (University City District), Drexel, any police officers … you’re looked at as a grown man. And so when you walk outside, you have to act accordingly.’”

Well, yes, people ought to act like adults! That’s what Olivia — who declined to provide her last name to the Inquirer reporter — is supposed to be teaching her kids.

Here we have several stories, from black and Hispanic residents in one of Philadelphia’s nicer communities, telling us just how much they dislike and distrust the police. But think about that: before very liberal and #woke Jim Kenney became mayor, the previous two mayors, John Street and Michael Nutter, were black. From 2010 into mid 2017, the District Attorney was black. For all of Mayor Nutter’s eight years in office, the Police Commissioner, Charles Ramsey, was black, his successor, Richard Ross, Jr, was black, and the current Commissioner, Danielle Outlaw, is black. The District Attorney, Larry Krasner, is a progressive, police-hating defense attorney, so Philadelphia’s black population know that he’s not going to pursue cases in which there is really any question about guilt.

There’s really nothing more the city of Philadelphia could reasonably do to engender trust betweenj law enforcement and the black community. Yet reporter Nate File was only able to document black or Hispanic residents in a rebuilding, gentrifying area, minority residents who would be generally better off than their minority brethren in the combat zones, who were still very leery of the police.

This, to me, reveals why Philadelphia is the most internally segregated city of over a million people in the United States, because Philadelphians are segregated mentally, segregated in their mindsets to the point that they’d prefer to live in a less safe area than support the police who are trying to make things safer.

Until the black, Hispanic, white, and Asian populations in the City of Brotherly Love can come closer together culturally, the city will remain segregated, and remain violent. That will take a long, long time to change.

2022 wins the Gold Medal in Lexington!

2022 has won Lexington’s Gold Medal!

Oh, it was no surprise, given that the city had tied its all-time homicide record on Sunday, September 25. At the time, the city was seeing one murder every 7.24 days, so the fact that it has taken three weeks to reach record-breaking 38 is at least somewhat good news.

Man dies after stabbing on Bryan Avenue; New record for homicides in Lexington

by Karla Ward | Saturday, October 15, 2022 | 12:10 PM EDT | Updated: 8:18 PM EDT

A man died after being found with stab wounds late Friday night.

Lexington police said they were called to the 1000 block of Bryan Avenue to help the Lexington Fire Department with an unresponsive person at 11:43 p.m. The man was pronounced dead at the scene, police said in a news release Saturday morning.

The Fayette County coroner’s office had not released the victim’s name as of noon Saturday. No arrests have been made in the case.

The homicide means Lexington has officially surpassed its record of 37 homicides set in 2021. The city tied its previous record with the shooting death of Adetokundo Okunoye on Oxford Circle Sept. 25.

The numbers are slightly better. With 37 homicides in 287 days, or one every 7.55 days, Lexington is on track for 48.33 murders in 2022, which is down from the 50.39 I projected three weeks ago.