Rashida Tlaib thinks that you are too stupid to understand what Hamas are

I will admit that I have never thought much of the intelligence of the members of the congressional ‘squad’ of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and their fellow travelers. I’ve referred to them as the ‘squadristi’, the singular being ‘squadrista,’ which is what the Italians called Benito Mussolini’s ‘Black Shirts,’ because their policies call for fascistic control.

But Mrs Tlaib seems determined to prove that either she is an ignorant twit, or she believes the rest of us are. The “unbossed congresswoman, Detroiter, Palestinian American Muslima” as she describes herself in her Twitter bio, tweeted:

From the river to the sea is an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate. My work and advocacy is always centered in justice and dignity for all people no matter faith or ethnicity.

We could all see that the Hamas invaders who attacked southern Israel didn’t seem to have “peaceful coexistence” on their minds on October 7th, did they?

There are only two possibilities here:

  1. Either Representative Tlaib was deliberately lying to us about what “from the River to the Sea” means to Hamas and Palestinians in general, and thinks that we’re too stupid to see it; or
  2. The Distinguished Gentlelady from Michigan is so f(ornicating) stupid that she really doesn’t know what her ethnic brethren mean.

The Palestinians had, in hand, a peace agreement from Israel, at the end of 2000, signed by then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak, which would give the Arabs all of the Gaza Strip and 97% of Judea and Samaria, the so-called West Bank, plus some land swaps in Israel proper to make up for that 3% in Judea they’d lose, and Yassir Arafat simply tore it up. President Clinton said that it was the best agreement the Arabs could ever hope to get through negotiations, but Mr Arafat knew: if he had accepted it, the Arab irredentists would have killed him. He used the excuse of the ‘right of return,’ in which Arabs to return to the properties they had abandoned in Israel during the 1948 war of independence. That would have meant dispossession of 52 years of Jewish ownership and building, and was completely impossible.

The Romans expelled all of the Jews from Judea in 70 AD, and they were dispersed primarily through Europe, and what was the result? Centuries of discrimination, with the occasional pogrom thrown in the mix. The Shoah was only the last and most murderous action in good, Christian Europe to show the Jews that they could depend upon no one but themselves for their safety, security, and survival. Remember: most Germans, and most Europeans in general, were not Nazis, but there was enough anti-Semitism among Europeans that the larger populations of Europe participated in the despoilation of the Jews and handed the Jews over to the Nazis to whatever fate awaited them.

Many of the Jews who survived World War II emigrated to Israel, with the British trying to stop them, and they won their war for independence. I support them!

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4 thoughts on “Rashida Tlaib thinks that you are too stupid to understand what Hamas are

  1. Oct 7 1,400 festival people were killed and their only “crime” was being in Israel. What type of mind goes on a wanton Killing Spree?

  2. Pingback: Sunday Must Reads - The DaleyGator

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