The Philadelphia Inquirer conceals a truth that everyone already knows Is the Inky actually perpetuating a stereotype it wishes to avoid?

We have noted, many times before, that The Philadelphia Inquirer censors the news because publisher Elizabeth ‘Lisa’ Hughes demands it. But it has to be asked: does their deliberate censorship actually reinforce the stereotype they are trying to avoid? ‘I’m grateful to be alive.’ Victim of West Philly rec center shooting heals as three accused […]

How not to sell Philadelphia!

I almost ignored this one, but I just can’t: the photo is just too, too funny! Philly transplants have over $150,000 more to spend on homes than locals — and it’s driving up home prices The migration of home buyers from more expensive cities to Philadelphia helps drive up prices across the market. by Michaelle […]

A Philadelphia Inquirer opinion editor wants sexualized books in school libraries, but would she allow Huckleberry Finn or Mein Kampf?

We have previously noted how the Central Bucks School District approved what The Philadelphia Inquirer called a “contentious” policy of not purchasing books with “sexualized content”. But the Inquirer’s Assistant Opinion Editor, Alison McCook, says that she wants her daughter to be able to read those books; does the Inky not pay her enough to […]

And here you have all of the information that you need to understand the violence in Philadelphia!

I hadn’t expected this, though I suppose that I should have. We have previously noted the murder of 73-year-old James “Simmie” Lambert by a group of Philadelphia teens and even younger brats. What I didn’t mention on this site was that the 13-year-old girl who was questioned but not arrested was herself shot in a […]

It’s not just the killings; Philadelphia has become virtually uncivilized

Sometimes things strike me as just pegging the Irony Meter. The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Editorial Board of which endorsed District Attorney Let ’em Loose Larry Krasner for re-election, uncritically published a story about some Philly day campers receiving training about how to stop blood loss from people who’ve been shot in the city’s mean streets: […]

The journolism of The Philadelphia Inquirer And people wonder why the Philadelphia Police Department cannot get recruits to fill the undermanned force?

No, I didn’t misspell the word in the title: the spelling ‘journolist’ or ‘journolism’ comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity. I use the term ‘journolism’ frequently when writing about media bias. I have noted, many times, that black lives […]

I wonder how many Philadelphia workers used this to get around the city’s #VaccineMandate ? What if others went on strike to support their laid-off brethren fighting the mandate?

As we have previously noted, with the vaccine mandates imposed by various governments, some enterprising nurses were selling faked COVID-19 vaccination cards while other people stole blank vaccination cards. Philadelphia was one of the cities which mandated vaccinations for its employees, and continues to enforce them even though it has become clear that vaccination, while […]

Another begging letter from The Philadelphia Inquirer Remember when it used to be "An Independent Newspaper for All the People"?

This is not the first begging letter I have received from the Leftist Lenfest Institute for Journalism, the non-profit owner of The Philadelphia Inquirer, but it is as amusing as all of the others. I have frequently referred to our nation’s third oldest continuously published daily newspaper, in our nation’s sixth largest city and seventh […]