The Philadelphia Inquirer scrubs race from its reporting . . . unless it’s politically useful.

We have frequently noted the censorship of The Philadelphia Inquirer, but this one takes it to an amusing level. According to her Inquirer biography — the newspaper puts the reporter’s bio at the bottom of every story in the digital edition — Valerie Russ said, “I write about history, race and identity, social justice, and […]

Being taught about white privilege, by The Philadelphia Inquirer I don't think that the newspaper realizes just what it's doing

I have used this article title twice previously, as The Philadelphia Inquirer wrote major stories on the murder of Samuel Sean Collington, a Temple University student approaching graduation. Mr Collington was a white victim, allegedly murdered by a black juvenile in a botched robbery. On December 2, 2021,the Inquirer published 14 photographs from a vigil for Mr Collington, along with another story about […]

Philadelphian Amanda Marcotte is very, very upset that 35 transgender people have been murdered this year, but doesn’t care about 496 killings in her home town

Unless she has moved again, and I missed it — something which is always possible — Salon’s senior politics writer Amanda Marcotte lives in Philadelphia. As of 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, December 15th, the City of Brotherly Love had seen 496 homicides officially, and with 110 deaths listed as “suspicious,” the total is doubtlessly […]

The Philadelphia Inquirer just trashed its own gun control arguments

We have previously noted the change from the 502 homicides originally reported for 2020, down to 499. Now, Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Helen Ubiñas noted someone that many expected to be on the list of 499, but who wasn’t there. This one seems legitimate: A 22-year-old was killed just over the city line in Upper Darby. […]

The racism of The Philadelphia Inquirer They really just can't help themselves!

Viruses are very much non-racist: they do not care what color or ethnicity the person they infect happens to be, but the Editorial Board of The Philadelphia Inquirer seem to think otherwise. Sunday morning’s main editorial — which has the look of something written specifically by Will Bunch, but I don’t know that — begins […]

#HelenGym Flaherty wants to do for all of Philadelphia what Larry Krasner has done for law enforcement

The City of Brotherly Love finished the 11th month of the year with 472 homicides, 38 fewer than the total on November 30, 2021, a 7.45% decrease. That’s the good news, though 472 murders can hardly be considered as anything good.  That’s still 1.4132 per day, for a projected 515.81 for the year. Yet, as […]

Do the Editorial Board of The Philadelphia Inquirer have no mirrors in their homes? The newspaper is far, far, far more concerned with the killings of cute little white girls

I know, I know, I’ve said it before: to The Philadelphia Inquirer, which publisher Elizabeth ‘Lisa’ Hughes declared to be an “anti-racist news organization,” black lives really don’t matter. Now, the Editorial Board are shocked, shocked! that a mass shooting in crime-ridden Kensington, over a week ago, has been greeted with perfunctory remarks, but mostly […]

Ho hum! Another mass shooting in Philadelphia It was just Kensington, so who really cares?

It was August 17, 2020, when The Philadelphia Inquirer published the article “Even the pandemic doesn’t slow down Philadelphia’s drug markets: It’s unclear why COVID-19 hasn’t had much effect on Philadelphia’s drug market. But that’s not to say the drug supply here is or was predictable, even before the pandemic.” The article included a photo […]

The Philadelphia Inquirer, which declines to print the photos of criminals who are black, sure is willing if the perp is white. That the perp is a former police officer is just icing on the cake for the Inky!

As we have previously noted, The Philadelphia Inquirer chose not to publish the photos of Quadir Jones, charged in the rape of a 13-year-old girl leaving a SEPTA train station on her way to school, or Yaaseen Bivins, already convicted and awaiting sentencing for an incident killing an unborn child, and now accused in the […]