The #woke run amok Sometimes it's more than just silliness; sometimes far left ideology constitutes a danger to civilized society

Were it not for my website, I would not be wasting spending so much on newspaper subscriptions, to The New York Times, The Washington Post, Lexington Herald-Leader, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and The Wall Street Journal. One thing on which I can always count is something silly from the Inquirer to give me inspiration! Using a […]

Could Daniel Pearson be a conservative? His politics are straight Democrat, but every once in a while he expresses sentiments which are in line with civilized behavior

Daniel Pearson is the chief editorial writer for The Philadelphia Inquirer, and of course he favors Kamala Harris Emhoff and the Democrats in every election. Yet I have asked previously if Mr Pearson could actually be a conservative. He just mocked the entitled current generation in a Twitter thread, the first of which is illustrated […]

Whenever there is a truth you cannot tell, that is a truth you must tell!

The Tennessean is Nashville, Tennessee’s premier newspaper, at least if anyone can call anything owned by USA Today premier anything. In my fairly frequent attention to what passes for journalism these days, I have coined the word journolism, based on JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which […]

Stupid is as stupid does, and prison cannot cure stupid Swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool

This site has twice previously reported on the very lovely Jayana Webb. On March 21, 2022, 21-year-old Miss Webb killed 29-year-old Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Brendan Sisca, 33-year-old State Trooper Martin Mack, and 28-year-old electrician Reyes Rivera Oliveras. No, Miss Webb didn’t pull a gun and shoot them; she used a Chevy Captiva. The Philadelphia […]

Could Daniel Pearson be a conservative? Whether he realized it or not, he was pushing "broken windows" policing

I have said that my good friend Daniel Pearson — OK, OK, I think he knows who I am, but we’ve never met other than in debates on Twitter — is an editorial writer for The Philadelphia Inquirer, and that makes him a liberal, but he’s not a far left whacko, and conservatives can actually […]

After six second chances, a Philadelphia thug does something which gets him stone-cold graveyard dead.

As we noted almost two years ago, when the Philadelphia Police Department tried to keep the identity of a police officer involved in a shooting which killed a common criminal, because then-Commissioner Danielle Outlaw claimed that the officer’s personal safety was at risk, The Philadelphia Inquirer put together its sources, and identified and published the […]

Larry Krasner files a lawsuit to prevent Mayor Cherelle Parker Mullins plans to clean up Kensington.

Oh, that’s not how the George Soros-sponsored, police-hating, softer-than-Charmin-on-crime District Attorney would put it, publicly, but that’s his intention. Mayor Cherelle Parker taps a new top police leader to head the department’s Kensington strategy Pedro Rosario, a new deputy commissioner for the Kensington initiative, is the highest ranking Latino in the history of the Philadelphia […]