We Need New Bread For An Overheated World Or Something

It’s always something with this doomsday cult. Did they have to do this during the previous Holocene warm periods? We know they had a lot of problems growing wheat during the Little Ice Age, which made making bread difficult

Can better bread be a climate change solution? These bakers think so

It’s a drizzly, cold spring day outside, but inside the Washington State University Breadlab in the Skagit Valley, richly scented steam billows out of a toasty commercial oven as baker Mel Darbyshire pulls out a tray of puffy mahogany loaves of bread.

“They look excellent,” she says, inhaling and examining their shiny, domed crusts. She pops one out of its tin and cuts into it. The slice looks exactly like the bread emoji — fluffy-topped and perfectly shaped — only this bread is a rich, warm brown on the inside.

That’s because it’s made from 100% whole wheat flour. And not just any whole wheat: a mix of different types of wheat called a “Climate Blend,” developed specifically to withstand the increasingly intense weather brought on by human-caused climate change. Both of those factors make this loaf a paragon for the future and a symbol of what bread can be in a climate-changed future.

On top of that, “it tastes amazing,” says Darbyshire.

That whole 1.6F increase in 174 years has been dangerous, eh?

That consistency has a price, says Jones. To produce flour that looks and behaves so consistently, the wheat it comes from has to be relatively uniform. That pushes farmers and wheat breeders to create and plant wheat varieties that are also relatively uniform, genetically selecting over time for plants of a certain height, or kernels a certain color and hardness.

Consistency is good for a product like flour; it helps keep a product like bread predictable. But it can be risky for plants themselves. In a field of plants that are genetically similar to each other — like siblings instead of two strangers from opposite sides of the world — a risk to one is a risk to all. A sensitivity to heat could wipe out a whole field, or region, if a heat wave comes along. A susceptibility to disease or pests could ruin a crop.

Jones, and many other crop scientists, have long been concerned that such selection also narrows the biodiversity of crops within a field, a farm, or even a whole region. That could, they think, increase the vulnerability of a crop. There are real-life examples of such disasters: Ireland’s Great Famine of the 1840s, for example, was driven by a potato blight disease that wiped out fields across the country and led to more than a million deaths.

But, that makes sense, because the climate, and the weather that makes up climate, is always changing. However, other reports say that wheat production is even more diversified than 100 years ago.

“If we have a chaotic climate, our strategy is to have genetic chaos in the field,” says Jones. “To strike back, to fight chaos with chaos.”

Reports Says Israel Is Offering Hamas Head Safe Passage For Release Of Hostages

This should make the Hamas supporters happy, knowing that their leader won’t be blown up

Israel offers Sinwar safe passage out of Gaza in exchange for hostages – report

Israel’s chief negotiator for hostages and missing persons, Gal Hirsch, proposed offering Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar safe passage out of Gaza in exchange for the 101 hostages in the terror group’s captivity, a Tuesday Bloomberg interview revealed.

According to the report, the proposal to allow Sinwar’s escape from Gaza has been on the table for two days, yet it is unclear what Hamas’s response has been and whether they would accept it.

The offer was made with the intent of developing new solutions for a deal as ongoing negotiations “look more and more dim,” Hirsch explained.

“I’m ready to provide safe passage to Sinwar, his family, whoever wants to join him. We want the hostages back. We want demilitarization, de-radicalization of course — a new system that will manage Gaza,” Hirsch stated.

Will Sinwar go for this? He doesn’t care a whit about the civilians in Gaza, and, the base Hamas fighters are disposable cannon fodder. He would get safe, taking people with him. But, does he want that more than he wants to continue forcing Israel to battle in Gaza, knowing how many Israel and Jew haters there are out there in the 1st World? In the United Nations?


Hmm, operating in a designated civilian protection area. Hamas wouldn’t do that, right?

Bummer: Climate Doom Could Cause Big Problems For Pacific Island Tourism

This could have been avoided, but, you like to take fossil fueled flights to Pacific islands for vacations

Climate change leaves future of Pacific Islands tourism ‘highly uncertain’

The Pacific Islands are scattered across a vast area of ocean, with some of the clearest waters in the world, and pristine beaches and rainforests.

They are a magnet for tourism, which is vital for many of the countries’ economies.

But the region’s travel industry, and those who rely on it, are increasingly fearful of the impact of continuing climate change.

“Pacific Island leaders have declared climate change as the foremost threat to the livelihoods, security, and well-being of Pacific communities,” says Christopher Cocker, the chief executive of the Pacific Tourism Organisation.

“Without immediate and innovative action, the future of tourism in the region remains highly uncertain.”

Blah blah blah. It’s a ridiculously long article that shocking, or, being that the BBC is a mouthpiece for the Cult of Climastrology, unshockingly, fails to consider that these islands would revert back to their pre-colonial pasts without fossil fuels. No one is coming on sailing ships. All these island nations have lots and lots of airports for planes and helicopters. They receive most of their goods and tourists via fossil fueled planes, along with fossil fueled cargo ships. They often use fossil fuels for their own fishing boats.

The group champions sustainable tourism and environment protection, and is restoring mangroves and planting trees. But Ms Vakacola tells me that this part of Viti Levu, Fiji’s biggest island, is already living with the consequences of warming temperatures.

Bore water is being contaminated by salinity from the encroaching sea and, more and more, rainwater must be harvested during the wet season.

“Water security is a big risk in terms of climate change,” explains Ms Vakacola.

Considering most of these islands were created from corals, rather than being volcanic in nature, did they ever consider that the seas have been much higher in the past?

Anyhow, what they really want is money. They do not want tourists to stop coming on fossil fueled airplanes.

National People’s Congress Black Caucus Extols Companies Complying With DEI

This kind of governmental interference in private companies goes way beyond socialism

Congressional Black Caucus releases corporate accountability report on DEI

A majority of Fortune 500 companies have maintained their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) despite growing political and legislative attacks on such practices, according to a new report from the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) released Monday.

The report, “What Good Looks Like: A Corporate Accountability Report on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” is the first-of-its-kind report to grade such companies on DEI commitments and racial equity investments since the 2020 murder of George Floyd.

Following Floyd’s killing, a host of U.S. companies pledged to invest in efforts to reduce racial inequities across the nation and to strengthen their DEI efforts.

Would these be some of the same companies which were robbed, looted, set on fire during the mostly peaceful but fiery protests?

The report follows months of the CBC leaders meeting with CEOs and other C-suite executives in Fortune 500 companies. It also includes a ranking report card of each sector.

The financials sector had the highest response rate to the CBC’s report and came in fourth on the report card with 34 out of 93 companies receiving a top score for their efforts.

Communications services had the highest ranking, with 9 out of 19 companies receiving a top score for their efforts.

First, by what constitutional provision are these sitting members of the National People’s Congress, er, U.S. Congress, interfering with the operations of private businesses? Second, it sure seems like these CBC members are saying that blacks are unable to succeed unless they are handed everything on a silver platter. Personally, I have a more positive opinion of blacks and their ability to succeed like everyone else.

This is government intimidation at it’s worst.

Warmists Wants Americans To Turn Off Their AC Or Something

Why can’t these nags just mind their own business?

Scientist calls for Americans to cut off air conditioning in summer, claiming it causes global warming

A scientist is calling for Americans to cut off air conditioning after refusing to use it for 25 years during the throes of the summer in order to combat climate change.

Stan Cox is an Ecosphere Fellow at the Land Institute who also believes the U.S. military is an “enemy” to mitigating climate change. He wrote a guest essay in the New York Times on Saturday, “I Swore Off Air-Conditioning, and You Can, Too,” claiming that “air-conditioning is making our summers even hotter” due to climate change.

“The greenhouse gases created by the roughly 90 percent of American households that own A.C. units mean that running them even in balmy temperatures is making the climate crisis worse,” Cox wrote.

Yeah yeah yeah. You do you. Leave the rest of us alone. Of course, you know that these cultists want to get the government to force people to turn the AC off, or, at least keep it at a much higher temperature.

For those who might say it’s a drastic step that’s too far, Cox believes that they’ll get used to living without AC.

“Our species evolved, biologically and culturally, under wildly varying climatic conditions, and we haven’t lost that ability to adapt. Research suggests that when we spend more time in warm or hot summer weather, we can start feeling comfortable at temperatures that once felt insufferable. That’s the key to reducing dependence on air-conditioning: The less you use it, the easier it is to live without it,” he said.

Piss off. No one asked for your opinion or advice.

Owner Looking To Sell Apartment Complex Taken Over By Venezuelan Gang

I’d be surprised if anyone would want to purchase it

Landlord forced to sell Colorado apartment complex after it was taken over by Venezuelan migrant gang Tren de Aragua

A Colorado landlord has agreed to sell a troubled apartment complex that was taken over by the violent Venezuelan migrant gang Tren de Aragua.

Landlord Zev Baumgarten has been fighting with the Denver suburb of Aurora over the Aspen Grove after the city accused him of allowed it to become a trash-ridden, gang-infested hellhole, according to records obtained by the Denver Gazette.

Baumgarten is also the owner of another apartment complex where a viral video showed a crew of gun-toting thugs breaking into a unit, according to the Gazette.

Baumgarten’s company has now agreed to sell, lease, or find some “similar disposition” for the complex — which was shuttered in August, displacing some 300 residents, the Gazette reported.

Of course, he didn’t exactly keep the property properly, nor another owned by his holding company. Regardless, why is the U.S. government allowing known Venezuelan gang members to remain in the United States? It used to be that Los Federales would actively try and catch them and deport them. Now they do….nothing. Heck, how many were actually allowed to cross the border versus sneaking across?

Peruvian illegal immigrant arrested in Virginia after allegedly abducting teenager: police

A Peruvian illegal immigrant has been arrested after allegedly abducting a high school student in Manassas, Virginia, as she was walking to school, according to police.

The Manassas Police Department said 23-year-old Jesus Enrique Ramirez Cabrera was arrested on Friday and charged with abduction, robbery, impersonation of law enforcement and petit larceny.

Police received a call from a resident who said they located a girl in distress near the intersection of Quarry Road and Zebedee Street. (snip)

Federal sources told Fox News that Cabrera is a Peruvian illegal immigrant who was captured at the Arizona border in December and released into the U.S.

This falls directly on the shoulders of Biden-Harris for allowing the situation to get so bad that the authorities cannot do their job in properly vetting those coming in.

My thanks to William Teach!

Ville de Nice, France (8:49 AM local time) — He kept this site going while my family and I are in France, and I appreciate it. Monday is our last full day here, and Tuesday will be the long, long flight back to the United States.

Our last day here, and the sun is shining and the birds are singing; we’ll be headed to the beach!


Blogging from France! This is how the good and noble 'Palestinians' treated the hostages they seized.

Ville de Nice, France (8:43 AM local time) — In the ‘First World,’ we at least feed even the worst of the prisoners.

One thing is certain: even if you do not particularly like Jews, or know any Jews, for those of us in the Western world, members of Western civilization, the Jews of Israel are the last, easternmost bastion of Western civilization.

That’s what happened to the six hostages murdered just before the Israel Defense Force got there. The reports from the autopsies found that they had attempted to defend themselves, bravely but futilely, at the end.

One of the female hostages, an adult woman, weighed less than 90 lb when her body was recovered. This is what the Arabs would do to you, if they had the power.

Click on the tweet to see the extension.

Blogging from France! Freedom of speech for he, but not for thee, or me

Ville de Nice, France (4:08 PM local time) — My Twitter feed has recently been full of calls from people using their freedom of speech to stifle other people’s freedom of speech. Jay Michaelson, “author and journalist,” as he describes himself, wrote:

Like a pack of anguished Austrian nuns, progressives can’t stop singing this tune on talk shows and Twitter feeds. And for good reason: the world’s richest man has turned a once-essential social media platform into a far-right propaganda machine.

Despite his lofty libertarian claims of a year ago, X (formerly Twitter) CEO Elon Musk has put his finger on the scale in countless ways to boost far-right posts and deprecate others — starting with his own posts.

There’s more at the MSNBC original.

Even though I do not follow many leftist sites and people at all, my Twitter feed is full of posts supporting the Communist from California, and the antiSemites wishing death upon Israel and total victory for the ‘Palestinians’ and Hamas. It’s pretty laughable when I read tweets by people in the United States whining about ‘stolen land’ and ‘white settler colonialists’ when that’s exactly how and why the US exists: white settler colonialists, white Christian settler colonialists, came to these shores and conquered the Indians who were here before them. If you are an American, if you live in the US, everything you have is something you owe to those white settler colonialists.

Somehow, some way, those opinions get expressed in my feed on Twitter. I am, of course, free to block them, but I haven’t.

Mr Michaelson wants us all to boycott Twitter, but it’s his self description as a journalist, paid and fed by MSNBC, which tells us something. The credentialed left have long hated that major thing about this internet thingy that Al Gore invented, that we commoners, we riff-raff, can extend our voices beyond local shouting distance, without the need to get approval by an editor of The New York Times or MSNBC. Their gatekeeping function has been lost.

Freedom of speech and of the press are, for people like Mr Michaelson, reserved for those who have been approved by the powers who control the media, and Elon Musk’s (mostly) libertarian attitude is just another, another very large, medium for the Little People to say things, sometimes things of which Our Betters disapprove. Freedom of speech and of the press for he, but not for thee, and me.