Kendra Brooks fouls up. Perhaps celebrating a clearly failing public school isn't a good look

Kendra Brooks is an at-large Philadelphia City Councilwoman, who won on the Working Families Party line, with the WFB being even further left than the already far-left Democrats. She has also been affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America.

Upon hearing that Commonwealth Partners will be supporting pro-school choice candidates, Miss Brooks tweeted:

My path to politics began when school privatizers tried to close my daughter’s school. We fought privatization then and will keep fighting it now.

No amount of GOP money can buy community support.

Her tweet included a photo of the Councilwoman, her arms defiantly crossed, and a stern look on her face, in front of the Edward T Steel Elementary School.

We’ve reported on Steel Elementary before, because then Democratic mayoral candidate Helen Gym Flaherty campaigned in front of that school, proudly proclaiming that she saved the school from ‘going charter.’ Miss Brooks, a strong supporter of Mrs Flaherty’s, then tweeted:

I met @HelenGymPHL over a decade ago when my daughter’s school was going to be privatized. We were a few moms saying we want something greater. We DESERVE something better.

That’s what her education plan is about. That’s why I’m standing here today because since day one, she’s been fighting for communities like mine. And winning.

To this day, Edward T. Steel Elementary is a public school.

Being a numbers kind of guy, I did some research. Yes, Steel Elementary is still a Philadelphia public school. But how good a school is it? Steel Elementary is ranked 1,205th out of 1,607 Pennsylvania elementary schools, in which 8% of students tested grade-level proficient in reading, and a whopping 1% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math. Perhaps keeping Steel Elementary public rather than charter wasn’t that great a move. After all, it’s difficult to imagine that students could perform much worse than they already have!

Fortunately, Mrs Flaherty finished third in the Democratic mayoral primary, and her public school teacher supported campaign simply failed.

The primary was three months ago, but apparently Miss Brooks hasn’t yet learned the lesson: if you pose in front of, and celebrate a particular public school, maybe, just maybe, you ought to have some idea of just what the school’s performance is, because there will always be someone like me who will check the numbers.

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  1. Pingback: Kendra Brooks just can’t handle the truth! – THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL.

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