My good friend Robert Stacy McCain has frequently written, “I watch CNN” or sometimes MSNBC, “so you don’t have to. Well, I went ahead and checked out Bluesky, the liberal version of Twitter, so that you don’t have to.
To the surprise of absolutely no one, Bluesky has suspended the account of Libs of TikTok.
Chaya Raichik, the doxed by Taylor Lorenz creator of the Twitter account Libs of TikTok began with the amusing tactic of searching TikTok for leftists saying or doing utterly stupid things, and publicizing them more widely. She recently deployed again to the oh-so-polite company of Bluesky, but it seems that the leftists over there just can’t stand having their own words repeated back to them.
Miss Lorenz, who blocks people on her Twitter account, because she can’t stand criticism, hasn’t blocked me, at least, on Bluesky. She is personally “severely, severely immunocompromised,” and is “in and out of the hospital constantly bc I have the immune system of someone going through chemo”, so she chronically complains about people not taking COVID precautions, skeeting we “dumbfucks are out raw dogging the air and spewing ur disease laden breath all over ur elderly neighbors.” According to the Urban Dictionary, “rawdogging” originally meant copulating without a condom.
Translation: Miss Lorenz is complaining about people breathing! Robert Stacy McCain was amused. Continue reading