Sanctions against Russia go up in gas

It seems that the Europeans, who are angry, angry, angry! at Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin aren’t angry enough to do without Russian natural gas. From The Washington Post:

Europe accepts Putin’s demands on gas payments to avoid more shut-offs

By Chico Harlan and Stefano Pitrelli | Tuesday, May 24, 2022 | 1:22 PM EDT

ROME — European energy companies appear to have bent to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s demand that they purchase natural gas using an elaborate new payment system, a concession that avoids more gas shut-offs and also gives Putin a public relations victory while continuing to fund his war effort in Ukraine.

The system, which involves the creation of two accounts at Gazprombank, enables Europe to say it is technically paying for natural gas in euros, while Russia can say it is receiving payment in rubles — a requirement Putin imposed on “unfriendly” nations.

Putin’s insistence on rubles may be more about forcing European countries to scramble at his behest than about shoring up his country’s currency, some economists and energy experts suspect. European Union countries have been touchy about the notion they might violate their sanctions on Russia, and questions about the arrangement tested European unity, leading to weeks of chaos and contradictory guidance from Brussels. It also got countries talking about how much they still need Russian gas, even as they debate a Russian oil embargo.

Well, of course they need Russian gas! And they’ll continue to need Russian gas, especially as worsening economic conditions force reductions in investments on alternative energy sources. In the end, Mr Putin has them in a place in which their hearts and minds will follow.

But that also means sending money to Russia even as they condemn the Kremlin-launched war, sanction oligarchs and supply weapons to Ukraine.

Russia had already used strict capital controls and a massive interest rate hike to stabilize the ruble. With Europe now signaling that it will use the payment system as bills come due this week, the currency is strengthening all the more.

The system set up is a face-saving one, but it really doesn’t save a lot of face, not to anyone who has even a remote understanding of what is being done. The Europeans will pay their bills in euros, not the rubles President Putin had demanded, and then a special account at Газпромбанк will take the euros and convert them to rubles.

On February 24, 2022, the White House announced severe sanctions against Russian banks:

Today, the United States, along with Allies and partners, is imposing severe and immediate economic costs on Russia in response to Putin’s war of choice against Ukraine. Today’s actions include sweeping financial sanctions and stringent export controls that will have profound impact on Russia’s economy, financial system, and access to cutting-edge technology. The sanctions measures impose severe costs on Russia’s largest financial institutions and will further isolate Russia from the global financial system. With today’s financial sanctions, we have now targeted all ten of Russia’s largest financial institutions, including the imposition of full blocking and correspondent and payable-through account sanctions, and debt and equity restrictions, on institutions holding nearly 80% of Russian banking sector assets. The unprecedented export control measures will cut off more than half of Russia’s high-tech imports, restricting Russia’s access to vital technological inputs, atrophying its industrial base, and undercutting Russia’s strategic ambitions to exert influence on the world stage. The impact of these measures will be significantly magnified due to historical multilateral cooperation with a wide range of Allies and partners who are mirroring our actions, inhibiting Putin’s ambition to diversify Russia’s brittle, one-dimensional economy. The scale of Putin’s aggression and the threat it poses to the international order require a resolute response, and we will continue imposing severe costs if he does not change course.

It appears, however, that “full blocking and correspondent and payable-through account sanctions” are somehow less important when it comes to Europe’s need for natural gas!

The Field Negro and #BlackLivesMatter Do #BlackLivesMatter only when they are taken by a white guy?

There is a Philadelphia blogger named Wayne Bennett who writes a site called The Field Negro.[1]If you are wondering about the name he chose, here is Malcolm X’s definition of the difference between a “house Negro” and a “field Negro. Several years ago, Mr Bennett had a box in his sidebar called Killadelphia, in which he kept track of murders in his hometown, though he ceased doing that a few years ago. Mr Bennett still maintains that blog, though he writes far less frequently than previously, with only three postings so far this month. Yes, he is fairly liberal, but I still used to enjoy reading his site, although it’s one which has almost totally dropped from my attention.

The City of Brotherly Love utterly destroyed its previous yearly homicide record with 562 killings last year, and if the totals are down 7.46% date-over-date as of last Sunday, as we pointed out yesterday that’s only because the gang-bangers’ marksmanship has suffered. The number of shootings in the city are almost the same — down 1.10% — and if the bad guys were as successful in their attempted murders as they were last year, the total number of killings would be just three fewer than the same date last year.

It didn’t surprise me in the slightest that Philadelphia writer Amanda Marcotte blamed the Buffalo massacre on Tucker Carlson and other evil reich-wing Republicans. At least as far as I can tell, she never writes about murders in her adopted hometown.

From Mr Bennett, I expected better, but I didn’t get it. Continue reading


1 If you are wondering about the name he chose, here is Malcolm X’s definition of the difference between a “house Negro” and a “field Negro.

Killadelphia All the News That's Politically Correct!

The WordPress software I use for The First Street Journal assigns numbers to posts with the same name; the system tells me that this is the 34th post entitled “Killadelphia”. That says something right there!

Robert Stacy McCain wrote too quickly:

The homicide total so far this year is 180 in “Killadelphia,” meaning that the city’s averaging about one homicide a day, but nobody seems to consider this an emergency, and Congress is sending billions to Ukraine.

If only it was just one homicide per day! The 180 murdered number was for Thursday, May 19th, the date for which that 180 total is accurate — the Philly Police do not update their statistics on Saturday or Sunday — was the 139th day of the year, meaning that the City of Brotherly Love is killing the brothers at the rate of 1.295 per day!

But, come Monday morning, and we get the update: there have now been 186 souls who have been sent early to their eternal rewards on Philly’s mean streets as of 11:59 PM EDT on Sunday, May 22nd, upping that average to 1.310 per day. As of right now, the statistics project 520 homicides in the City of Brotherly Love for 2022.[1]Methodology: I have taken the number of homicides on this date in 2022 and divided that by the number of homicides on the same date in 2021, then multiplied that number by 562, the number of … Continue reading

As of the same date, 807 people had been shot in the city. Maybe the gang bangers had actually killed 180 people, but they tried to kill at least 807!

As of May 18th, ‘only’ 160 out of 180 homicides was committed by firearm; on the same day Philly reported 802 shootings, down from 807 on the same date in 2021. While homicides were down by 9.91%, shootings were down only 0.62%. Translation: the thugs are shooting at each other at about the same rate, but they have become poorer shots, killing only 19.95% of their intended victims.

Actually, it’s even lower than that, since we have no statistics on how many people were shot at, but missed completely.

Interestingly enough, The Philadelphia Inquirer actually reported on the weekend’s bloodletting, in a story which was linked on the main page of the newspaper’s website, which was yet another surprise to me! Continue reading


1 Methodology: I have taken the number of homicides on this date in 2022 and divided that by the number of homicides on the same date in 2021, then multiplied that number by 562, the number of homicides in 2021. I do this to account for the fact that homicides tend to increase as the weather warms up, and this approximates the trend as the year progresses. Other methods of doing this could be used. If I simply multiplied the current daily homicide number by 365, it would result in an anticipated homicide number of 478, but that doesn’t take into account the effects of warmer weather, nor does it seem anywhere like a reasonable number the way the trends are moving.

The Editorial Board of the San Francisco Examiner are appalled that the Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco is actually Catholic!

It can get amusing when the Editorial Board of the San Francisco Examiner decides to appeal to His Holiness Pope Francis to get rid of a Catholic Archbishop who is actually, you know, Catholic!

Editorial: Attack on Nancy Pelosi should be San Francisco archbishop’s final act here

Cordileone denies Catholic Pelosi communion due to abortion right support

By The Examiner Editorial Board • May 21, 2022 • 6:00 AM PDT

In open defiance of Pope Francis, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone on Friday banned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from taking Holy Communion here in her home diocese. The reason? Her strong support of women’s abortion rights.

Cordileone’s decree was guaranteed to provoke deep chagrin among San Francisco Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Last year, Cordileone joined other bishops in the United States as they pushed to ban President Joe Biden from taking Communion. Pope Francis headed off that divisive idea, stating that Communion “is not the reward of saints, but is the bread of sinners.” He also told pro-choice President Biden that he is a “good Catholic.” Continue reading

The Wuhan Flu and the Biden Administration theater

We were discussing COVID at the Pico hacienda yesterday. My older daughter just spent time in isolation at Ft Bliss, having tested positive for the Wuhan Flu as she’s getting ready to deploy to Kuwait. She has been vaccinated and boosted. My wife, vaccinated and twice boosted, my younger daughter, vaccinated and boosted, and I, vaccinated and boosted, guessed that we had probably had it, and had certainly been exposed, but never tested, because we were never sick. SSG Pico said that it felt like allergies to her, and my wife, untested, has had a few allergy symptoms, but the pollen has been very high in the Bluegrass State. Mrs Pico’s sister, who is vaccinated and double boosted, did feel sick, and thinks she had it, but was never tested. She did feel ill fewer than 14 days after her second booster shot, so there’s that. If I had it, I was asymptomatic.

We noted in the discussion that, with at-home testing, fewer people are going to get tested, and if someone did test positive at home, he was not necessarily going to report it to anyone, so the positive test numbers are essentially useless.

In January, acting Food and Drug Administration head Commissioner Janet Woodcock told the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee that she expected that, eventually, almost everyone would contract the virus. Celebrity doctor Anthony Fauci said that COVID-19 would infect “just about everybody.” Remember: this was during the first Xi Omicron variant, before there was any real spread of the BA.2 Xi Omicron variant, which is, supposedly, even more infectious.

But note: even with the BA.2 Xi Omicron variant spreading, hospitalizations and deaths are still low, even if they have ticked up slightly, yet the CDC reported that, as of April 12, only 62% of our total population are ‘fully vaccinated.’ While vaccinations are supposed to greatly reduce WuFlu symptoms for those who contract it, one has to ask: why aren’t the 38% who are not vaccinated dropping like flies?

My guess — and it is a guess — is that many of the unvaccinated were previously exposed, and developed their own immunity. In a situation where Dr Fauxi told us that everyone was going to contract the virus, that’s the only reasonable explanation.

We have been told that Xi Omicron variant, while more easily transmitted, didn’t make people as sick. That raises the obvious question: did the virus itself mutate into something less virulent, or does it seem less virulent because most people already have some resistance to it?

Now, as William Teach has reported, the White House is once again pushing, though not trying to mandate, indoor masking, and the Philadelphia School District is once again requiring face masks, even though children appear to be the least vulnerable to the virus, even though many are not vaccinated.

Mr Teach included a Tweet from Ian Miller showing Joe Biden coming down the stairs from Air Force One in South Korea, dutifully wearing a mask, but taking it off as soon as he got to the bottom of the stairs and was greeted by Republic of Korea officials. It shows a Secret Service man in the doorway of the aircraft, masked up, but let’s face it: everyone in the President’s entourage is tested, tested frequently, and if anyone had the WuFlu, he’d never have been on the plane in the first place.

It was all for show: the President left the very controlled environment of Air Force One, masked, and then, as he was interacting with people in an environment over which he had no control — though he probably had assurances — the mask came off. It was the theater of the absurd.

At this point, masks are useless. They haven’t stopped the transmission of the virus, seemingly neither stopping the transmission from an infected person nor prevented an uninfected person from contracting it. The WuFlu is going to be with us, period, probably forever. It’s not that we need to learn to live with it; we’ve already done that! It’s time to just admit it.

Mitt’s madness

Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, after having said that Russia was (then) the biggest geopolitical threat facing the United States, then-President Barack Hussein Obama, in their third presidential debate, hit back:

A few months ago, when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia. Not al Qaeda. You said Russia. And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.

I’ve got to admit it: that was a great political quip!

Now, with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — along with the invasion of the eastern portion of Ukraine in 2014 — the media are starting to acknowledge that Mr Romney was right.

The problem is that while Mr Romney was right, so was Mr Obama, about 1980s foreign policy, which the now Senator from Utah seems to still embrace: Continue reading

Why is Larry Krasner wasting time and money trying to set criminals free?

It’s perfectly understandable that when a city like Philadelphia elects a George Soros sponsored defense attorney to become District Attorney, that that District Attorney will be more interested in setting criminals free than prosecuting crimes. From The Philadelphia Inquirer:

Two judges have sparred with the Philly DA’s office recently over questions about old murder convictions

The developments — which prosecutors dispute — have offered a degree of pushback as DA Larry Krasner’s office has sought to free one man from death row and overturn another man’s murder conviction.

by Chris Palmer | Thursday, May 19, 2022

Judges in state and federal courts in recent weeks have raised questions about whether prosecutors under District Attorney Larry Krasner included incomplete or even misleading information in court documents seeking to remove one man from death row and overturn another man’s murder conviction.

The developments — which prosecutors dispute — have offered a degree of pushback to the post-conviction work of Krasner’s office, one of the most aggressive offices in the country in seeking to overturn cases it has viewed as flawed or marred by misconduct. Continue reading

Comment rescue: Elwood P Dowd in The Pirate’s Cove on prenatal infanticide

William Teach’s most liberal commenter, a strong supporter of prenatal infanticide, asked:

When does a conceptus become a person?

It should be at conception!

We already know that he is alive; we define single cell organisms as alive if they meet certain criteria, including respiration, absorption of nutrients, elimination of wastes and reproduction. There is no question that life exists even at the moment of conception.

Which leaves those favoring prenatal infanticide trying to claim that he is not human or is not a person. He is obviously human, in that his DNA are human, and he continues along the natural growth path through which all humans go. We develop through gestation, and we continue to develop after we are born; development and growth, as well as aging and decline are natural parts of life.

That leaves the question the distinguished Mr Dowd raises: is he a legal person?

The Supreme Court addressed a similar question 166 years ago:

The question is simply this: can a negro whose ancestors were imported into this country and sold as slaves become a member of the political community formed and brought into existence by the Constitution of the United States, and as such become entitled to all the rights, and privileges, and immunities, guarantied by that instrument to the citizen, one of which rights is the privilege of suing in a court of the United States in the cases specified in the Constitution? . . . .

The words “people of the United States” and “citizens” are synonymous terms, and mean the same thing. They both describe the political body who, according to our republican institutions, form the sovereignty and who hold the power and conduct the Government through their representatives. They are what we familiarly call the “sovereign people,” and every citizen is one of this people, and a constituent member of this sovereignty. The question before us is whether the class of persons described in the plea in abatement compose a portion of this people, and are constituent members of this sovereignty? We think they are not, and that they are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word “citizens” in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. On the contrary, they were at that time considered as a subordinate and inferior class of beings who had been subjugated by the dominant race, and, whether emancipated or not, yet remained subject to their authority, and had no rights or privileges but such as those who held the power and the Government might choose to grant them.

The case was, of course, Dred Scott v Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1856).

Roe v Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), was similarly decided: beings which had no voice of their own were not legal persons, and could simply be killed at the whim of the pregnant women, just as Chief Justice Roger Taney ruled that, not being legal citizens of the United States, Negroes had no right to sue in the federal courts.

It took what President Lincoln called a “great civil war,” and the military defeat of the Confederacy, plus the imposition by the victorious Union of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to replace the decision in Dred Scott.

The appellee and certain amici argue that the fetus is a “person” within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well known facts of fetal development. If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment. The appellant conceded as much on reargument. On the other hand, the appellee conceded on reargument that no case could be cited that holds that a fetus is a person within the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The similarities with the Dred Scott decision are stark and obvious.

Mr Dowd also wrote:

Americans never respond well when a right is taken away. For 50 years Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land, with women having the right to an abortion with significant limits after the first 12 weeks of gestation (1st trimester).

Many Americans did not respond well when their rights to own slaves were taken away, but those rights were taken away to grant rights to the people who had been enslaved. If Roe is overturned, it will be to give rights to, to recognize the rights of those living human beings who are still in their mothers’ wombs.

I get it: many pregnant women simply do not want a child, or another child. They have now, and will have in the future, the absolute right to surrender that child for adoption, a right I would not take away even if I could. This could result in a hard life for those children, but a hard life is better than no life. We see this with the handicapped, many of whom about which we have said — though not to their faces — “I could never live like that; I’d rather be dead,” who have an attempted suicide rate roughly four times than of non-disabled people, but still fewer than 10% actually attempt to kill themselves:

As compared to adolescents without physical disabilities, adolescents with physical disabilities were significantly more likely to commit suicide or have suicidal behavior. In a study among 85,765 students in Denmark, Christoffersen, Poulsen, Nielsen found that adolescents who had been hospitalized for severe handicap or chronic disease had an increased rate of attempted suicide as compared to those were not physically disabled (8.7% vs 2.9%). In a cross-sectional study conducted in 13,917 adolescents from the 50 states and the District of Columbia, Epstein and Spirito reported that adolescents with physical disabilities and health problems were significantly more likely to attempt suicide as compared to those without (OR = 3.01, CI: 2.18-4.17). Hence, the limited number of studies that took a look at suicide in physically disabled adolescents, it was found that adolescents with physical disabilities were more likely to attempt suicide as compared to those did not have physical disabilities.

If 8.7% of physically disabled adolescents attempt suicide, then 91.3% do not. Somehow, some way, 91.3% of handicapped adolescents, the people about whom we have so often mused that “I’d rather be dead than to live like that,” have decided that they’d rather live than die.

After my father left, while I was in the second grade, I grew up poor. My mother, who had no education beyond high school, was responsible for caring for three children — I was the oldest — as my father found child support to be more of an option than an obligation. In the 1960s, men could get away with that! While not as poor as some, we did go a couple of months without running water, when a pipe froze and burst, and my mother did not have the money to get a plumber to fix it. Yet, despite that, I never contemplated suicide.

We see it in prisoners on death row, the vast majority of whom continue their appeals to the last extremis, preferring to stay alive in a cage than to die. Life may be hard for the orphan, but it is still life.[1]Regular readers of The First Street Journal know that I am opposed to capital punishment.

Abortion in almost every case is a choice of the convenience of the pregnant woman over the life of her unborn child.

On November 24, 2008, Patterico posed a question based on a comment from one of his readers:

Suppose the technology existed to safely remove a fetus from a womb at any gestational stage for incubation elsewhere until birth. If such “no-death abortion” was available to any woman who wanted it, would most abortion rights supporters stand down?

I’m especially interested in what abortion rights supporters have to say, because I’ve always thought that their position is based on opposition to forced pregnancy (”Keep your laws off my body”).

I especially love this hypothetical because I too have been thinking about the same issue for years. Indeed, I asked a modified version of it in this post. But Not Rhetorical’s articulation is less inflammatory and more conducive to good discussion.

I’m especially fond of the hypothetical because I explicitly discussed it recently with two women: the first night with one who was pro-choice, and the next night, with one who was pro-life. (To my surprise, the pro-choice woman would most assuredly not accept the sort of “no death abortion” that Not Rhetorical posits.)

I have told people since (and said to the pro-life woman) that I wish I could have had a camera over my shoulder taking footage when I was talking to these women. I respect both of the women very much, even though I violently disagreed with the pro-choice woman on this issue. But I found the contrast between their points of view — and the reasons for them — to be transcendent and profound in a way I’m not sure I could ever adequately express.

I don’t feel comfortable saying more, even without naming the women, because the conversations were private. But the conversation solidified my view that this particular hypothetical cuts right to the heart of the debate in a way that few others do.

I also very much liked Not Rhetorical’s suggestion for commenters: “I’d appreciate it if you could keep the usual stuff about murder and evil and so forth to a minimum. Like zero. I’m more interested in a dispassionate discussion.” Indeed. Every discussion about abortion devolves into one side screaming Abortion Evil! and the other side screaming Abortion Is a Right! That can get tiresome, and I’m looking for something that addresses the concerns raised by the specific hypothetical.

Patterico added the following to his hypothetical, assuming that the law absolutely assures mothers who choose this that they will never bear any legal responsibility for the child, whether financial or otherwise.

There are 153 reader comments, and they run the gamut, but there are clearly some who don’t think that such a solution would be a good thing, talking about the burdens on the adoption and foster care systems, and on welfare. One commenter, styling himself TC, wrote:

Anybody ever stop to think that not ALL conceived homo sapiens should be brought to life? I suppose I’m a bit tainted by a grandmother that was an OB nurse for 43 years and hearing some of her tales. . . . .

One more time here, IT IS JUST NOT YOUR BUSINESS AT ALL!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT or even a NEED TO KNOW!!! ever!!!

So very many people are just as concerned about getting rid of the child as they are about the woman who does not want to be pregnant. So many people seem to believe that children ought to be disposable, because they are just so much of a burden.

Actress Nana Visitor, who played Major Kira Nerys on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, was pregnant during the filming of Season 4, and the writers found an interesting way to work it into the series. In the episode “Body Parts,” Keiko O’Brien was critically injured in an accident aboard a runabout. In order to save her baby, Dr Julian Bashir transferred it to the only available undamaged womb, Major Kira’s. Several episodes into Season 5 involved Major Kira and her interaction with the O’Brien family, and of course the Major was simply helping them out, and was going to give the baby, eventually named Kirayoshi, to the O’Briens after delivery.

That she did, but after Kirayoshi was born, Major Kira wistfully, almost tearfully said that she just wished she could hold him. How many of the women who favor prenatal infanticide are worried that once they go through pregnancy, fully intending to give up their child, wouldn’t be able to do so due to the natural bonding that takes place between human mothers and children? It’s just so much more important to kill him before that can happen!

In the end, those favoring abortion seem just as interested in making sure the child is dead than just relieving the pregnant woman of her burden. Those favoring prebirth infanticide are the ones siding with Chief Justice Taney.


1 Regular readers of The First Street Journal know that I am opposed to capital punishment.

The Department of Fatherland Security ‘pauses’ creation of the Ministry of Truth The Washington Post's Taylor Lorenz is aghast!

If you hold your cursor over the page tab on an article, you can see the original title from when the article was first saved. The tab on The Washington Post article below shows that it was originally entitled “Disinformation Governance Board ‘paused’ after just 3 weeks”. Look at it now, once the Post’s editors got hold of it, and screen captured the original, reproduced at the left, for documentation. You can click on it to enlarge the image.

How the Biden administration let right-wing attacks derail its disinformation efforts

A ‘pause’ of the Department of Homeland Security’s newly created board comes after its head, Nina Jankowicz, was the victim of coordinated online attacks as the administration struggled to respond

By Taylor Lorenz | Wednesday, May 18, 2022 | 10:28 AM EDT

On the morning of April 27, the Department of Homeland Security announced the creation of the first Disinformation Governance Board with the stated goal to “coordinate countering misinformation related to homeland security.” The Biden administration tapped Nina Jankowicz, a well-known figure in the field of fighting disinformation and extremism, as the board’s executive director.

So, who is Taylor Lorenz? Miss Lorenz was most recently famous for her investigation and doxing of Chaya Raichik, a Brooklyn-based real estate saleswoman and creator of the Twitter site that the left hate, Libs of TikTok. Miss Lorenz’s article was, to put it mildly, harsh. Continue reading