At some point, you’d think that education professionals, all of whom have collegiate degrees, would be smarter than this, but I guess if you did think that, you’d be wrong. From The Philadelphia Inquirer:
A guidance counselor at a Bucks County middle school had a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old student, police say
Kelly Schutte had multiple sexual encounters with the teen this year, both in her car and at the teen’s home in West Rockhill Township, according to police.
by Vinny Vella | Friday, November 10, 2023 | 12:52 PM EST | Updated: 2:21 PM EDT
A guidance counselor at a Bucks County middle school has been charged with institutional sexual assault after police say she engaged in a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old student.Kelly Schutte, mugshot via Philly Crime Update.
Kelly Schutte, 35, was arraigned early Friday on that charge, as well as indecent assault and corruption of minors. She was released on $25,000 unsecured bail.
No, of course the Inquirer didn’t include Miss (?) Schutte’s mugshot, but it wasn’t difficult to find.
Investigators first learned of the relationship between Schutte, who works at Pennridge South Middle School, and the teen in July, according to the affidavit of probable cause for Schutte’s arrest. The boy’s mother called police to say her son told her he had been in a “romantic and sexual relationship” with Schutte since the fall of 2022.
Schutte’s attorney, Josh Buchanan, did not return a request for comment.
During an interview with detectives, the teen said he and Schutte began their relationship during a field trip, when they sat next to each other on a school bus. They began exchanging messages on Canvas, a program that school staff use to talk with students. Gradually, the teen said, he began to spend more time with Schutte in her office at the school, causing him to miss classes.
And no one in the school noticed that? All school employees are mandatory reporters for sexual assault, but nobody knew or reported it?
Their relationship became physical in June, according to the affidavit, and the two engaged in sex acts in Schutte’s car on the way to a Pennsburg supermarket and in a secluded section of the store’s parking lot. They also had a sexual encounter in the bedroom of the teen’s home in West Rockhill Township while his parents were out of town. . . . .
The relationship came to light in July when Schutte and the teen were kissing at her home in Pennsburg and a relative walked in, the affidavit said. After that, the teen told his mother.
There’s more at the original, but how does any sane, 35-year-old woman latch on to a 14-year-old middle schooler? Yeah, I get it, she’s not horribly ugly, and the boy was like any other 14-year-old boy: horny. But, good grief, she could have scored at any bar in South Philly, or Montgomery County. She had to have known that what she was (allegedly) doing was illegal.
Miss Schutte is most seriously charged with Title 18 §3124.2(a2): Institutional Sexual Assault, 4 counts. This is a Third Degree Felony, which, under Title 18 §106(b)(4) has a maximum sentence of seven years in the state penitentiary.
My guess? If convicted, she’ll spend some time in jail, but I doubt seven years.
Perhaps Robert Stacy McCain will include this one in another of his Crazy People Are Dangerous series! 🙂
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