This site has been critical of the George Soros-sponsored District Attorney of Philadelphia, the odious Larry Krasner, many times, but Mr Krasner is hardly the only DA candidate who has been the recipent of Mr Soros’ largesse. George Gascón, who ran for District Attorney of Los Angeles County, received $2,250,000 from Mr Soros and his Open Society Foundations.
So, what did Los Angeles County gain from having Mr Gascón as District Attorney? From Le*gal In*sur*rec*tion:
L.A. DA Gascón Allows Adult Child Molester to be Housed in Juvenile Detention
James Tubbs, who committed the crime in 2014 when he was 17, only identified as a woman after they took him into custody so he’ll be housed with the females but supposedly in isolation. He also won’t have to register as a sex offender.
Posted by Mary Chastain | Friday, January 28, 2022 | 11:00 AM

James Tubbs, November 11, 2021. If Mr Tubbs identified as female, why was he wearing a wispy, can’t-grow-a-real beard at the time of his arrest? Click to enlarge.
James Tubbs admitted he sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl in a restroom at a Denny’s in 2014. He was two weeks away from turning 18.
Authorities did not arrest and charge Tubbs for the crime until January 2021. He kept busy, though:
In the interim, she had been arrested for battery, drug possession and probation violations in Idaho and Washington and convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in Kern County, according to Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department officials. She was also arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting a minor but wasn’t prosecuted for the alleged offense, according to court records.
Note that the Los Angeles Times used the feminine pronouns to refer to Mr Tubbs, but neither Le*gal In*sur*rec*tion nor The First Street Journal go along with that stupidity; we simply do not change the direct quotations from others.
- James now goes by “Hannah.” But prosecutors claim he did not identify as a transgender until they took him into custody.
Tubbs knows how to play the system. Gascón has refused to prosecute children as adults.
Even though Tubbs is now 26 Gascón refused to transfer the crime to adult court:
There’s more at the original, but one thing is clear: Mr Tubbs will not be punished in any way as severely as he injured his victim.
With just two years to serve, Mr Tubbs will be back out, on the streets, shortly. Deputy District Attorney Jon Hatami noted that:
- There was evidence presented at the juvenile proceedings which showed that Tubbs sexually assaulted two young girls in different incidents in the past. The child victims will suffer lifelong trauma. Tubbs also has prior violent convictions and conduct as an adult.
Mr Tubbs will not have to register as a sex offender, and he will have no probation or parole period through which he has to report and be monitored once he is released. He will be, in effect, free and clear. He will go back to jail only after he has committed another crime, quite probably another sexual assault on another minor victim. Some other young girl will have to be sacrificed to whatever abuse Mr Tubbs subjects her to get this cretin off the streets for any serious time. When that happens, will Mr Gascón be held accountable for releasing Mr Tubbs back onto a mostly unaware society?
This is what George Soros has inflicted on our society, and this is that for which the #woke[1]From Wikipedia: Woke (/ˈwoʊk/) as a political term of African-American origin refers to a perceived awareness of issues concerning social justice and racial justice. It is derived from … Continue reading have voted. The New York Post noted that Mr Soros put $1,000,000 into the campaign of new New York County — that’s Manhattan — District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who has decided that he will only prosecute violent offenses.
This is what the current stage of American leftism has wrought. The District Attorney of Los Angeles County takes the word of a (poorly) bearded 26-year-old man male that he is a woman, and treats him like he actually is one. He then decides that this defendant, who was two weeks shy of his 18th birthday, should be treated as a juvenile offender, and sentenced to not-very-much, so that he can get out quickly and do it again.
No one in his right mind would ever take the decisions that Messrs Bragg, Krasner and Gascón have taken, but there you have it, they did. Still, they are just three men; the real out-of-their-minds decisions were taken by the voters who elected them in the first place, because none of these men hid who they were; they all told the voters what they would do.
That the criminal class would vote for people who would not punish crimes is a given, but the criminal class are not large enough to sway elections. No, these men were elected by the guilty white liberals, who vote for the platitudes of the #woke and the far left, but who are well-to-do enough that they don’t really feel the impact of increased crime in their cities. The liberals in Chestnut Hill and Rittenhouse Square might hear about the murder totals in Philadelphia, but they don’t see the blood in the streets in Kensington or Strawberry Mansion, so they can vote for someone like Larry Krasner, feel good about their liberal bona fides, tut-tut when someone like Samuel Collington or Samantha Maag gets murdered, but never feel the impacts of crime themselves. And they’ll never, ever dream that they, through their votes, are responsible for the chaos in their cities.
↑1 | From Wikipedia:
I shall confess to sometimes “ironic usage” of the term. To put it bluntly, I think that the ‘woke’ are just boneheadedly stupid. |
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Its way past time to deport Soros back to Europe to face war Crime Trials from WW II he is one of the worst of his kind
As nice as that sounds, he was a minor during World war II.