Unsubscribe, huh?

It was just a month ago that the NewsGuild of Greater Philadelphia criticized The Philadelphia Inquirer’s “Unsubscribe” ad campaign, after the newspaper laid off yet another five employees. I’ve mostly ignored that campaign, but this one caught my eye this afternoon. If by “Unsubscribe from ‘I (heart) NYC'” actually means “Unsubscribe from The New York Times,” I’d point out that my subscription to the Times is $20.00 every four weeks, or $260.  a year is less expensive than my subscription to the Inquirer, $5.49 per week, billed at $21.96 every four weeks, or $285.48 per year.

Yeah, I have reasons to subscribe to both, primarily for my blog supporting documentation, but if it’s a simple economic decision, and the better newspaper costs less than the poorer one, . . . .

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2 thoughts on “Unsubscribe, huh?

  1. Pingback: If Journalists Are Not Producing Material For Which People Are Willing To Pay, They’ve No One But Themselves To Blame. - AFNN

  2. Pingback: If journalists are not producing material for which people are willing to pay, they’ve no one but themselves to blame. – THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL.

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