We noted, just yesterday, that the Philadelphia School District closed Emlen Elementary School due to positive CIVID-19 tests. Now, two more have been shut down.
COVID-19 has forced three Philadelphia schools to close
by Rob Tornoe | Wednesdat, September 15, 2021
Three Philadelphia schools have now been forced to temporarily close due to COVID-19 cases, including one Philadelphia School District building.Emlen Elementary in East Mount Airy will be shut for in-person learning until Sept. 24, officials said in a letter to families. The K-5 school enrolls about 300 students, all of whom are too young to be vaccinated.
“Due to multiple positive cases of COVID-19 in our school, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) has determined that our school building will temporarily close from 9-13-21 to 9-23-21 to help stem the spread of the virus,” principal Tammy Thomas wrote to Emlen families Monday. “Students and staff may not return to our school building during this time.”
In addition, two charter schools — Lindley Academy Charter School and Pan American Academy Charter School — have also been temporarily closed for 14 days due to COVID-19 cases, a city spokesperson said Wednesday.

Cheryl Bettigole, MD, from her Twitter biography.
“I think most of us imagined most of the spread happening in school, because all these kids are together,” Bettigole said. “But it’s typically the adults bringing it home, and then spreading it in the house.
Really? And how does Dr Bettigole know this? Or is she just defending a mask mandate, which has been in effect for all Philadelphia public schools, since the first day of school, but for which there is no evidence that it has actually slowed or prevented the spread of the virus?
The fact is simple: despite ‘contact tracing,’ despite all of the wailing of the left that they know the hideously unvaccinated are spreading the virus, no one can say that person A caught the virus specifically from person B.
Of course, the school district knows that even fully vaccinated persons can contract and spread the virus, which is why the Philly schools have mandated weekly testing for vaccinated employees.
That’s the important part here: the public schools in Pennsylvania all have these mask mandates, but, how about that, the virus is still spreading.
Despite vaccinations and despite mask mandates, this school year is looking very much like it will be like the last one.