Today’s left and their whining about successful Israeli rescue missions No military anywhere strives for a 'fair fight'

My good friend William Teach noted that NBC News decided to take its cue from all of the pro-Palestinian/pro-Hamas Twitter bots out there, weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth that some poor, poor Palestinians were killed during the rescue, blaming a “failure of negotiations.”

“What we saw yesterday is actually failure of the negotiations,” Yossi Mekelberg, an associate fellow with the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Chatham House, said in a phone interview with NBC News.

“Had there been a cease-fire, these hostages would already have been at home, and the civilians that were killed yesterday would be alive,” Mekelberg said.

There was a ceasefire in place, right up through October 6th. Had Hamas not broken that, those hostages would have always been at home, and the civilians killed in the rescue missions would still be alive.

Ayman Mohyeldin, the Egyptian-born MSNBC show host, asked on Twitter, “How many innocent Palestinians killed is acceptable to rescue Israeli hostages?”

Were there too many Germans killed as the concentration camps were liberated, rescuing the surviving Jews? How many innocent Germans killed is acceptable to rescue Jewish prisoners?

Well, the ‘Palestinians’ and Israel previously set the standard, when Israel traded 1,073 Arabs for just one soldier captured and held hostage, so 274 for four makes it seem as though the ‘Palestinians’ got off lightly.

Owen Jones, the homosexual “socialist” and “antifascist” British writer, whined about the “perfidy” of the Israel Defense Force for using aid trucks as camouflage to get close to the rescue sites, as though militaries all around the world don’t use camouflage tactics in order to conceal themselves and gain the element of surprise in missions.

Today’s left seem to think that wars should be some sort of ‘fair fight’. Ask any general, ask any drill sergeant, whether they want their troops involved in a ‘fair fight,’ or would they rather have their soldiers engaged in a completely one-sided battle in which few if any of them were injured and the enemy completely destroyed? The military always strive for the latter.

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.” — George S Patton.

I am reminded of some of the whiners of today lamenting that so many people were nuked to death in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but, without the atomic bombings, hundreds of thousands of American soldiers and Marines would have had to have invaded Honshu, and the death toll would have been appalling. Perhaps fewer Japanese would have died in an invasion than in the atomic bombings, but thousands of Americans would have died as well. President Truman’s job was to win the war with the fewest American casualties, not the fewest Japanese dead.

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