We have written previously about the University of Pennsylvania’s ‘transgender’ women’s swimmer, Will Thomas, who goes by the name “Lia.”[1]In accordance with The First Street Journal’s Stylebook, the ‘transgendered’ are referred to by their birth names, and using the honorifics and pronouns appropriate to their … Continue reading Now the New York Post has printed a story from an unnamed teammate of Mr Thomas’:
UPenn’s Lia Thomas ‘wasn’t close’ to being competitive as a male: teammate
By Emily Crane | January 24, 2022 | 11:14am | Updated: 11:20 AM
A University of Pennsylvania swimmer has spoken out against transgender teammate Lia Thomas’ ongoing dominance in the pool, saying she “was not even close” to being competitive in male events before transitioning.
That part is incorrect: Mr Thomas, was according to the University of Pennsylvania’s athletic department’s swimming and diving 2018-19 team roster, a sophomore member of the men’s team. He was “Second-team All-Ivy in the 500 free, 1,000 free, and 1,650 free after reaching the ‘A’ final of the Ivy League Championships and finishing second overall in each of the events.” During the 2019-20 season, he “won the 500 free against Villanova (Nov. 15).” That is competitive, if not exactly dominant.
- The anonymous female swimmer gave an interview to the Washington Examiner on Sunday — a day after Thomas, 22, racked up two more wins at a meet against Ivy League rival Harvard University.
She railed against the NCAA for not acknowledging Thomas had a distinct advantage and accused the board of governors of “not protecting women’s rights.”
“Women are now third-class citizens,” the swimmer told the outlet.
“Lia was not even close to being competitive as a man in the 50 and the 100 [freestyle events]. But just because Lia is biologically a man, [Lia] is just naturally better than many females in the 50 and the 100 or anything that [Lia] wasn’t good at as a man.”

UPenn Women’s Swim Team, via Instagram. It isn’t difficult to pick out the one man male in a women’s bikini top. Click to enlarge.
But there’s an obvious question here: who is this unidentified female teammate? There are a couple dozen real women on the UPenn team, and it could have been any of them, but I’ve noticed a pattern here: the stories are all broken by the same two outlets, the Washington Examiner, a conservative website, and OutKick. OutKick said:
- While University of Pennsylvania transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, who spent three years at the Ivy League school swimming as a male, has been busy smashing female pool records, friction has been building within the team, according to a Penn female swimmer who said she feared for her ability to find employment after graduating from college for sharing her honest opinion about a transgender teammate. For that reason, OutKick is granting her anonymity to speak out.
Those are reasonable concerns for the teammate, but I have to wonder: has it always been the same teammate who has been the source for these stories? This has sort of jumped out at me as I have read these stories.
But one part of the New York Post story cited above really jumped out at me, a quote from this anonymous woman, who said, “This can’t possibly be rewarding in any way. I can’t see how anyone could feel good about this.”
That’s absolutely right: how does Mr Thomas, who grew up male, who competed athletically with men, doing well and occasionally winning at the collegiate level, justify in his own mind beating a bunch of real girls? How does Mr Thomas, in his tremendous concern to be accepted as a woman and not a male, justify competing in events which only serve to point out the differences between him and biological women? I have asked that second question before, and no one has been able to give me an answer.
↑1 | In accordance with The First Street Journal’s Stylebook, the ‘transgendered’ are referred to by their birth names, and using the honorifics and pronouns appropriate to their biological sex, not their imagined “gender.” When using Twitter to publicize my stories, I have sometimes had to refer to him as ‘Lia’ to avoid getting banned for ‘deadnaming’ or ‘misgendering’. |
I can give you an answer to your second question. Because he like all radical trannies and leftists in general doesn’t give a rats rump about anyone but himself! They are all narcissistic, hedonistic, egotistic megalomaniacs full of self hate as well as hate for humanity in general. The historical piles of dead bodies should show that.
Forced vaxxing children is another green light to start “creating” little girls from boys and we all know it.
It’s pretty obvious that Will Thomas doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone but himself, but I can’t see how this helps even him.
Because transgenderism is a mental illness and we shouldn’t be surprised that his judgement and morality is faulty? The first guy is right, narcissism is a huge part of these people’s disease. A few months ago there was a transgender individual who blogged about how tough the covid lockdown was because he was no longer able to get out and be gawked at by the public. He didn’t get satisfaction from his identification as a woman unless he was getting attention for it. These people live for attention.
Here’s an even worse case:
Pingback: If someone was out to destroy transgender acceptance, what would he be doing differently? – THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL.