They’ve got a big job ahead of them

As we have previously noted, the Philadelphia Police Department is seriously undermanned, by some 1,300 positions.

Philly Police have 72 new officers. They’ll start amid a shortage of more than 500.

The class of more than 70 academy graduates is the department’s largest graduating class in three years.

by Anna Orso | Friday, September 16, 2022 | 1:24 PM EDT

The Philadelphia Police Department got 72 new officers Friday when its largest class of recruits in three years graduated from the academy, an infusion of personnel that comes amid a shortage of hundreds of officers.

Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw welcomed the graduates during a ceremony at Temple University, acknowledging that they’re joining the force as the city is simultaneously experiencing a staffing crisis and a surge in gun violence, saying: “It’s been a pretty difficult time to be a police officer.”

“The narrative over the past few years surrounding police hasn’t always been positive or supportive,” she added. “At a time when it could have been easier to pick a different profession … you chose to pick something that wasn’t so popular, because you answered your call to serve.”

The Philadelphia Police Department has faced a critical shortage of police officers for months. There are more than 500 officer vacancies, and hundreds more police are out on injury claims, meaning the force is nearly 1,300 officers short of its full complement of 6,380.

There’s more at the original.

The Police Department will need more recruits, a lot more recruits, but remember: the 72 new officers are all rookies, and will need to gain experience, a lot of experience, before they can really become effective.

One note about The Philadelphia Inquirer’s website: they’ve gotten rid of the san serif Arial font they had been using, and started using something more professional; it looks good.

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