We have been told what a devout Catholic President Biden is, and how former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was a good, believing Catholic. President Trump, on the other hand, showed us how fake a Christian he is, because he almost never attended religious services. Clearly, for the left, being a faithful Christian of some denomination or other was a pretty good thing. Or at least it was until someone who is actually a Christian becomes Speaker of the House!
Jen Psaki Labels New Speaker An ‘Extremist’ For Believing The Bible
by Taylor Gold | Monday, October 30, 2023
Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki criticized Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson on her show for being a “religious fundamentalist.”
Psaki highlighted Johnson’s self-description as a “Bible-believing Christian” and warned that he is not just a threat due to his political beliefs but also because he is a “Christian fundamentalist.”
Johnson has faced both praise and criticism for invoking God and the Bible in his role as Speaker of the House.
The antipathy to actual Christians, rather than the faux Catholics, was made apparent in the e-mails hacked by WikiLeaks:
Palmieri doesn’t recognize controversial email about Catholics
By Dan Merica, CNN | Thursday, October 13, 2016 | 8:44 AM EDT
Hillary Clinton’s communications director Jennifer Palmieri dismissed backlash around an off-color email she sent about Catholic Republicans in 2011, noting that she is Catholic and that she doesn’t “recognize that email.”
The email came to light as part of hacked emails, released by Wikileaks, that US officials (say) were obtained by Russian actors.
Note that CNN was telling viewers and readers that it was the evil Rooshuns who hacked the e-mails, to fit in with the Democrats’ theories.
The 2011 email is between John Podesta, the subject of the hack and Clinton’s campaign chairman, Palmieri and John Halpin, a senior fellow at the liberal think-tank Center for American Progress.
In the email, Halpin writes that 21st Century Fox Chairman Rupert Murdoch and NewsCorp Chairman Robert Thomson, who are both Catholic, are attracted to the faith because of “systemic thought and severely backward gender relations.”
Palmieri responded: “I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable, politically conservative religion – their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelical.”
What we have is simple: today’s left are perfectly fine with Catholics like Mr Biden and Mrs Pelosi, as long as they are liberal Democrats first, and Catholics a distant, distant second.

Hat tip to Darleen Click for the image.
Jen Psaki was hardly the only leftist appalled by Mr Johnson becoming Speaker. Salon senior writer Amanda Marcotte wrote two of her articles in a row, “Sexual anarchy”: New House Speaker Mike Johnson showcases the incel-ization of the modern GOP, and Mike Johnson’s Satanic panic: How evangelical delusions trained Republicans to love Trump’s lies, to tell us how utterly horrible the new Speaker is, and, of course, tie it in with her all-time favorite subject, Donald Trump. It’s rather amusing how Miss Marcotte, who has zero children, wants to call Mr Johnson, the father of four with a very beautiful wife in a ‘covenant marriage‘ an ‘incel,’ or involuntary celibate.
Then there’s Noah Berlatsky, who screamed about The Christofascism of Mike Johnson. Robert Stacy McCain pointed out that article to me, and has also noted Mr Berlatsky’s apparent ‘normalization’ of pedophiles, oops, sorry, ‘minor-attracted persons’:
Readers will recall that we last paid attention to Mr. Berlatsky two weeks ago (“Noah Berlatsky, Who Seems to Be OK With Pedophiles, Sure Does Hate Republicans,” Oct. 9), when Berlatsky sought to persuade his readers that what was really newsworthy was not that Hamas terrorists had slaughtered hundreds of Israelis civilians, but rather the Republican reaction to this massacre. Notice the pattern: No matter what the actual news may be, every day is Attack Republicans Day for Noah Berlatsky.
Why do you think that is? Do you suppose that Berlasky’s monomaniacal fixation on The Right-Wing Christofascist Republican Menace might be related to something that several people have pointed out, namely that Noah Belatsky seems to be OK with pedophiles?
Perhaps this is all just a coincidence. Maybe there could be an innocent explanation for Noah Berlatsky’s enthusiastic defense of “MAPs” (minor-attracted persons), but the problem is he’s never provided such an explanation. No one has ever been able to get Berlatsky to reply to critics who suggest that Berlatsky’s interest in this issue is not coincidental.
As Maurice Isserman wrote, and I noted in my previous post, there’s something he called the Sarah Silverman Rule for Judging One’s Political Associates, and when they get appalling, they should lose you forever. My corollary to that would be that people are judged by the enemies they make, and when an atheist like Miss Marcotte tries to judge someone else’s Christianity and sex life, when a defender of ‘minor attracted persons’ like Mr Berlatsky attacks Speaker Johnson, I cannot but help to think that Mr Johnson might turn out to be a pretty good guy!
Gin Saki is just a left of everything
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