Starting this morning, the American Free News Network will be opening up, and for some unfathomable reason, I have been asked to contribute to it. If the schedule holds, I’ll have an article on AFNN thrice a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
From Adam Selene, who started up this idea:
Welcome to American Free News Network! You have found yourself on the cutting edge of conservative resistance to social media censorship. If this is your first time on the site, please take the time to read this page before jumping in. If you are an old friend, then by all means, dive right in by following the link!
Some time ago, a group of American Patriots found themselves the targets of leftist censorship. In some instances, Big Tech was financially extorting the platforms these citizens were using to promote the Constitution of these United States and the God-given liberties it codifies. In other instances, some of the writers now helping out here, were personally attacked by not only leftist sites, but also from other allegedly conservative sites. This group of political scofflaws decided to free themselves from big tech tyranny and start up their own conservative media company.
The result is AFNN, a Non-Profit media platform conceived and created for the purpose of advancing the interests of American citizens who have been disenfranchised by legacy media, Big Tech and politicians of both parties. AFNN is the brainchild of a group of American conservative writers from all walks of life, including the military and private industry. Being very concerned about the level of censorship and in some cases, outright legal and financial coercion of conservative media and in some cases, themselves personally, they decided to do something about it. Here is how that happened.
As many of you already know, Donald Trump managed to leverage social media to bypass the traditional gatekeepers in the legacy press, thus taking his message directly to the American People. Big Tech Companies (like Facebook, Twitter and Amazon) along with the press, the Democrat Party, and even RINO Republicans, were just fine with that, when it was the young and “hip” Barack Obama, who was making use of the technology. Not so much when President Trump showed them its real power.
Donald Trump is no longer President. However, that hasn’t stopped the media and Big Tech from targeting conservative voices, especially those of us who had the temerity to vote for Donald Trump and had our votes discounted. We conservatives, along with the media platforms who voice our concerns, are now being directly attacked. There has been a drastic increase in conservative publications being financially coerced by Facebook and other tech titans. Others have been threatened with civil suits over reader comments.
This is where you come in. This website, designed to promote the ideals of conservative Americans, relies completely on voluntary donations. As of now, we accept no advertising, and we hope to keep it that way. We also are quickly moving towards being financially able to build or buy our own server farm, with unfettered access to the internet, not subject to what Amazon Web Services did to Parler.
If your personal financial situation will permit, we promise to make very good use of your contribution. If you find our platform valuable and believe in our efforts, please help us out with a gift of $10.00-$100.00 (more if you can afford it) to keep the lights on and the servers running. There are millions of disaffected and disenfranchised American citizens out there who need a voice. We believe you are one of them and we are asking for your support.
A final note: This site is in its infancy. Like all technology, it will have some ghosts in the machine. Please be patient with us as we sort through things.
Not everything I write on The First Street Journal will appear on the American Free News Network, and perhaps some of what I contribute there will not appear here; I’m still feeling my way around this as well. I’m hoping that it will be a success!
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