I had never heard of Olivia Julianna before Thursday morning, when I saw this tweet from “Bad Hombre.” Naturally, there were many, many responses along the lines that a hunger strike would do her a lot of good.
But, good decent researcher that I am, I decided to look a bit more deeply, and Google searched her, finding her Twitter account. I wanted to see if she had actually declared a hunger strike until USAID is restored. An admittedly cursory look didn’t find anything like that for her, though she does have other social media channels I did not see.
But I did find this from Miss Julianna, in which she tweeted:
I’m actually down 50 pounds because I can’t afford to eat in Trump’s economy 🙁
That’s pretty amazing! The Trump economy caused her to lose 50 pounds! And, given that Donald Trump had been President for only 16 days when she tweeted that, on February 5th, that’s pretty amazing. Way more effective than Ozempic. Continue reading