Hamas delendum est

In November of 2022, I had the privilege of a far-too-short visit to Jerusalem, really just 3 days, and my daughter and I spent almost all of our time in the Old City. We were able to attend Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, visit the Western Wall, then ascend the Temple Mount to the al-Aqsa Mosque, though we could not enter that. We saw the Garden of Gethsemane, and many of the Christian sites there, along with taking the Via Dolorosa, the Way of the Cross.

The Old City is simply amazing. Jerusalem has been destroyed several times before, and the Old City is not what it was in Jesus’ time, and much of what can be seen is actually Byzantine construction. Some things are clearly fanciful, as the alleged Tomb of Mary and Birthplace of Mary are there, even though there is no evidence whatsoever that Mary was either born or died in that city. Our best guess is that Mary was Galilean, from the area around Nazareth, and even though Nazareth is close to Jerusalem, at least in modern terms, roughly 144 kilometers, it’s not the kind of journey a young woman would normally have made just before the time of Jesus.

One of the places we stopped can be seen in the photo at the beginning of this article. To my American eyes, it looked like some kind of reading room, though SSG Pico — she is an Army Reservist, then deployed to Kuwait, and I met her in Jerusalem when she had a four-day pass — and I had to go along with Islamic respect: a head covering for her, and shoes off for both of us.

It wasn’t a reading room, but actually a mosque, the gentleman shown to the left of the photograph told us. It was quiet, and yes, he did try, gently, to proselytize us — we informed him that we were Catholic — but he was entirely respectful of us.

In November of 2022, the Christians, Jews, and Muslims of Jerusalem were able to live in peaceful coexistence. Yes, there were armed Israeli policemen around and very visible to keep the peace, but we were not bothered by anyone, in any place we walked, including the Temple Mount, run by a Muslim Waqf out of Jordan by mutual agreement, even though we were about as obviously Westerners as can be.

Our hotel was about half a mile north, off of Jaffa Street, and the vast majority of the people we saw walking to and from the Old City were visibly Jewish by their dress, and they, too, never bothered us. The Jewish restaurants outside the Old City, as well as Arabic restaurants inside — there’s an amazing sidewalk-and-inside cafe on the Via Dolorosa, near the fourth Station of the Cross! — served us very politely.

One important point: don’t ever eat at a kosher McDonald’s! They are absolutely awful!

My point is a simple one: these people can live together, if they’ll only try. In 2005, the government under then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, forcibly evacuated all of the Jewish settlers from Gaza, and told the ‘Palestinians’ to make of it what they would. The Israelis hoped that reasonable heads would prevail, and the Arabs would take advantage of their unoccupied land to try to build something peaceful and prosperous. Gaza has few natural resources, but also enjoys some of the best beachfront property on the Mediterranean, and could have built resorts which would attract well-to-do European vacationers, and the euros that they’d have to spend.

Obviously, that’s not what they did. Instead, the Arab irredentists fought with each other, Hamas seized control in Gaza, and the whole thing became a big terrorist training camp. Instead of resorts which could bring some prosperity to Gaza, they built a vast tunnel system. What an absolute waste!

What’s happening in Gaza didn’t have to happen. It was started by bloodthirsty Hamas terrorists, who must have thought that, if they started a war, the other Arab nations would join them. Oops!

This is why Hamas must be completely destroyed! Given a chance for peace, being given land where they could develop the beginnings of a peaceful ‘Palestine,’ the Arabs proved that they were not interested in peace, that they were still interested in complete victory. You cannot reason with such people, at least not reason as those of us living in a Western civilization culture would do.

“I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” The pro-Hamas demonstrators have completely ignored the truth.

We have previously noted the idiocy of those holding a “Queers for Palestine” banner, something that even the homosexual activist publication The Advocate said was stupid.

But the image of te guy on the right? You can tell that he’s an American or Brit, because the signs are in English for English readers, and he’s enjoying his Western civilization world of freedom of speech, because if he wore that shirt in Tehran or Cairo or just about anyplace in the Muslim Middle East, he’d be taken straight to jail, doubtlessly beaten, and could well be prosecuted for blasphemy.

Well, maybe not. Try wearing a shirt which proclaims “Allah is Gay” in Riyadh, and you might not even make it to jail, you might well be beaten to death even before the police got there.

Then there’s this: Continue reading

Karma! The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend In a time when the left are all for 'diversity,' they have exactly zero diversity of thought or understanding.

How many times have conservatives noted that the Muslims, primarily the Palestinian Arabs, the liberals and homosexual lobbies supported because they opposed Israel, were not really their friends? Quietly and desperately they tried to ignore the fact that homosexuals were executed by hanging in Iran, and by being thrown off tall buildings by Da’ish. But this happened in the good, old United States!

‘A sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags

Many liberals celebrated when Hamtramck, Michigan, elected a Muslim-majority council in 2015 but a vote to exclude LGBTQ+ flags from city property has soured relations

by Tom Perkins in Hamtramck, Michigan | Saturday, 17 June 2023 | 6:00 AM EDT

In 2015, many liberal residents in Hamtramck, Michigan, celebrated as their city attracted international attention for becoming the first in the United States to elect a Muslim-majority city council.

They viewed the power shift and diversity as a symbolic but meaningful rebuke of the Islamophobic rhetoric that was a central theme of then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

This week many of those same residents watched in dismay as a now fully Muslim and socially conservative city council passed legislation banning Pride flags from being flown on city property that had – like many others being flown around the country – been intended to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community.

Muslim residents packing city hall erupted in cheers after the council’s unanimous vote, and on Hamtramck’s social media pages, the taunting has been relentless: “Fagless City”, read one post, emphasized with emojis of a bicep flexing.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” as the ancient saying goes. But, as our friend, the Soviet Union, helped the West finish off our enemy, the Third Reich, the Soviets quickly proved that, without that common enemy, they were not our friends. For the liberals in Hamtramck, the Muslims were their friends; for the Muslims in Hamtramck, the liberals were their useful idiots.

Homosexual activity has been widely condemned under Islam, and even a pro-homosexuality site notes the problems. Some try to argue that the Quran is at least somewhat ambiguous on the subject, but it is clear that the Islamic nations of the world interpret their faith as being strenuously opposed to homosexuality, and homosexual activity is a criminal offense across much of the Islamic and African nations.

In a tense monologue before the vote, Councilmember Mohammed Hassan shouted his justification at LGBTQ+ supporters: “I’m working for the people, what the majority of the people like.”

While Hamtramck is still viewed as a bastion of multiculturalism, the difficulties of local governance and living among neighbors with different cultural values quickly set in following the 2015 election. Some leaders and residents are now bitter political enemies engaged in a series of often vicious battles over the city’s direction, and the Pride flag controversy represents a crescendo in tension.

“There’s a sense of betrayal,” said the former Hamtramck mayor Karen Majewski, who is Polish American. “We supported you when you were threatened, and now our rights are threatened, and you’re the one doing the threatening.”

Could none of the non-Muslim liberals in that town read? Did none of them even wonder if the hostility to homosexuality in the Islamic world might be part of the culture of the Muslims in Hamtramck?

But it’s not only the left in Hamtramck who have deluded themselves. From The Victory Girls:

Feminism: Why The West Is Silent On Iran

by Lisa Carr | Sunday, June 18, 2023

We will attempt, once again today, to illustrate how feminism in the West has lost its way. Today, we look back on this very day in 1983, where 10 women from the ages of 17 to 57 years old were hung in an Iranian prison.

Why were they given such a horrific death sentence? Because these women were members of The Bahai Faith. They were told to renounce their religion or die. The Washington Examiner‘s Joseph D’Souza, provided an interesting commentary on the silence this past weekend:

Iranian women face daily threats of violence. More than 50 girls schools across Iran have suffered from apparent poisonings. Just last week, Iran put on trial the brave female reporters who visited Mahsa Amini in prison and told the whole world what the regime had done to her.

Women in the West have rightly asserted their own dignity and rights for decades. Can those same women not raise their voices louder in support of Iranian women and their quest for the same rights and dignity?

They must forcefully call on their governments not only to speak up but to take action on behalf of Iranian women. Tweets are not enough. They don’t create justice, tolerance, harmony, and human rights.”-Joseph D’Souza, The Washington Examiner

Women are still protesting in Iran. The violence is still happening. According to this from PBS, The Iranian government has detained over 20,000 protesters and killed more than 500, according to Human Rights Activists in Iran, a group that has been tracking the movement. Since November, a string of suspected poisonings has taken place at more than 50 girls’ schools across the country. Iran has also since banned women who refuse to wear the hijab from health and education services.

But in our “educated” country, our Land of Opportunity, our brand of “feminism” looks different. The plight of Iranian women and women in other, oppressive cultures is largely ignored. Why? Because Western feminists are a bunch of narcissistic twits who can’t be bothered to face the inconvenient truths of what is happening in the world around them.

“(N)arcissistic twits,”? Perhaps, but I believe that ignorant twits, twits who cannot see outside of their Western civilization mindset, who simply cannot wrap their heads around the concept that not everybody in the world thinks as Westerners in general, and Americans specifically, think. Because the American and western European left have swallowed the concern for the plight of the Palestinian Arabs not just hook, line, and sinker, but the fishing rod as well, all the way down to the reel, because they are so wholly anti-Israel — though don’t you dare call them anti-Semitic! — they must support the Arabs, and the Muslims, even though a Western woman walking down the streets of Tehran or Riyadh in typical Western women’s garb would be snatched up by the police and hauled off to jail, to treatment which would be less gentle than an American jail. A Western woman outspoken about the freedom to be lesbian in those countries might well find herself facing decades in prison.

There’s a lot more at Lisa Carr’s original, and there’s no paywall on The Victory Girls, so you can check out the whole thing for free. But it just helps to illustrate that inward thinking of the left, how they just can’t understand how anyone could think or believe differently from them. In a time when the left are all for ‘diversity,’ they have exactly zero diversity of thought or understanding.