Stage Setting: NY Times Says To Expect It To Take A While For The 2024 Election Results

And they know this 2 months out how?

New York Times Says to Expect Election Results to Take a While

Expect election results in November to take a while, the New York Times told its readers Friday, a warning that appears to preempt an expectation that Americans should know who wins the presidential election on Election Night.

Before modern technology, close presidential elections often were decided in the early morning of the next day, such as the 1960 presidential election between Robert F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, which some political experts believe was stolen from Nixon.

Now, in the 21st century, close election results still take a similar amount of time or even longer, depending on the state in question. In 2020, election results were not determined until four days after Election Day.

Americans should not expect to know who won the 2024 presidential election on the night of the election because of “intense security measures required for counting mail-in ballots,” the Times reported:

Counting mail ballots takes more time because there are more steps involved. A variety of security measures, including signature verification and ensuring that voters did not also try to vote in person, are required. Election officials must open the ballots and flatten them out before they can be put in a tabulator to be counted.

Weird. Prior to 2016, and especially 2020, it was easy to count mail in ballots. But, are you really believing the Times’ rationale? It sounds more like they are looking for ways to stretch it out to make sure all the cheat by mail ballots get counted.

But, yeah, more are using it, and Republicans are trying to get those who wouldn’t usually go vote to do vote by mail. Perhaps it’s time to go back to the way voting was meant to be?

The problem is not that it could take a little time: it’s that the time stretches on beyond reasonable, and that Democrats attempt to hide what they’re doing as they’re counting.

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