Sometimes you just have to be an [insert slang term for the rectum here] to do things right Joe Biden was a very sympathetic President . . . and that led to Donald Trump being elected again!

I check Bluesky so you don’t have to because it sometimes leads me to interesting things. I saw this skeet from The Philadelphia Inquirer’s hard-left columnist Will Bunch, which he did not post on Twitter, leading me to an article in the UK’s The Guardian.

Canada intercepts people trying to cross border in ‘incredibly cold’ conditions

Nine Venezuelans including children found by police in Alberta with a second group apprehended in Manitoba

by Leyland Cecco | Friday, February 7, 2025 | 6:30 AM EST

More than a dozen people have been caught making the hazardous crossing into Canada, renewing focus on the closely watched – and seasonally perilous – border with the United States.

Police in Alberta this week intercepted two groups attempting to cross into Canada illegally, including one which included five children who were ill-prepared for the cold which can plunge as low as -30C (-22F) at this time of year.

Assistant Commissioner Lisa Moreland told reporters in Edmonton that nine people from Venezuela were found trudging through the snow and dragging suitcases. The group was bound for Alberta and made the journey in “incredibly cold” weather. A second group, composed of six adults from Jordan, Sudan, Chad and Mauritius, was found in a forest near Manitoba’s border with the US after an RCMP plane using thermal cameras detected them. Neither group had clothing suitable for the frigid conditions.

If they believed that they had to flee the United States, it means that they were all here illegally. But the obvious question is: if they had to flee, why didn’t they flee south, toward warmer weather and the Mexican border? Is Mexico so terrible that they’d prefer to risk freezing to death as opposed to returning to their native lands?

Well, maybe it is, or perhaps the illegals just wanted to stay in a Western nation with a modern welfare system.

Illegal immigration had been dramatically slowed during President Trump’s first term, and had President Biden simply kept Mr Trump’s immigration policies in place, and had immigrants vetted rather than just letting them flow in willy-nilly, this situation wouldn’t exist today. The Guardian’s story does not tell us when these particular illegals arrived in the United States, but had Mr Biden kept reasonable controls on immigration, controls already in place, not requiring him to do anything, Mr Trump’s signature issue, the one which most strongly helped him to win the 2020 election, would have been muted. If Mr Biden had simply enforced existing law and regulations concerning immigration — and Mr Bunch is nothing if not adamant about enforcing the law, at least as far as it applies to the police and the Capitol kerfuffle political prisoners — it is entirely possible that our 47th President would be [Shudder!] Kamala Harris Emhoff, not Donald Trump.

Why isn’t Mrs Emhoff president today? Yes, sitting Vice Presidents have a poor record when it comes to winning the general election — the elder George Bush in 1988 was the first since Martin Van Buren in 1836 to accomplish that — but, despite the electoral college landslide, the popular vote was much, much closer than conservatives would like to admit, and some of the states Mr Trump won could have easily fallen to Mrs Emhoff under different conditions. President Biden’s policies, not just on illegal immigration but the cockamamie #woke[1]From Wikipedia: Woke (/ˈwoʊk/) as a political term of African-American origin refers to a perceived awareness of issues concerning social justice and racial justice. It is derived from … Continue reading stuff on homosexuality, transgenderism and racial preferences created a backlash among conservatives, and even a few liberals, that made the path to victory for Vice President Emhoff extremely challenging.

In 2020, former Vice President Biden was the ‘safe’ choice, a cool considerate, moderate Democrat, against he bombastic, hated President Trump. But, once in office, President Biden stopped being so cool, considerate, and moderate. He opened the floodgates of illegal immigration, promoted transgenderism to the extent of allowing and supporting biological men males competing against women and girls in sports, not just supporting an unrestricted prenatal infanticide regime but prosecuting pro-life protesters, lawfare against conservative opponents, and rampant inflation. His authoritarian dictates when it came to mandating the COVID vaccines made a mockery of the Democrats claiming that Mr Trump was and would be a fascist dictator. Perhaps a lot of that, especially the later stuff, can be attributed more to his staff, his sometimes working at odds staff, as his mental decline continued, but the actual President is the man who had the responsibility, regardless of his mental status.

The Guardian article is actually mostly factual, though, like Mr Bunch’s skeet and the comments it generated, it has the ‘oh, the poor babies’ attitude. Well, President Biden and his staff were very, very sympathetic to the plight of all those they considered worthy of sympathy, but sometimes a leader has to be an [insert slang term for the anus here] to follow the law, and do the right things. Mr Biden and his minions were [insert plural slang term for the anus here] when it came to the January 6th and pro-life protesters, and Navy Joan Roberts, but were oh-so-sympathetic to the violent #BlackLivesMatter protesters, and every Accredited Victim Group™, every group that wasn’t, to put it bluntly, normal, and they helped to usher in President Trump’s second term.

For that I suppose we should be grateful.


1 From Wikipedia:

Woke (/ˈwk/) as a political term of African-American origin refers to a perceived awareness of issues concerning social justice and racial justice. It is derived from the African-American Vernacular English expression “stay woke“, whose grammatical aspect refers to a continuing awareness of these issues. By the late 2010s, woke had been adopted as a more generic slang term broadly associated with left-wing politics and cultural issues (with the terms woke culture and woke politics also being used). It has been the subject of memes and ironic usage. Its widespread use since 2014 is a result of the Black Lives Matter movement.

I shall confess to sometimes “ironic usage” of the term. To put it bluntly, I think that the ‘woke’ are just boneheadedly stupid.

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