On Thursday morning, we noted Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw’s tweet about what Philadelphians should do if someone attempts to steal their car. Well, on Thursday night, a brave man acted against the Commissioner’s advice. From The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Man, 60, shoots suspected carjacker, 16, in West Mount Airy
Philadelphia has experienced a dramatic surge in carjackings with 757 in 2021 compared to 404 in 2020.
by Robert Moran | Friday, January 14, 2022

Intersection of Sharpnack and Cherokee Streets, from Google Maps. Click to enlarge.
The incident occurred around 7:45 p.m. at Sharpnack and Cherokee Streets, where the 16-year-old boy attempted to take the man’s white Pontiac at gunpoint, police said.
A gun battle ensued and the suspect was shot once in each leg and grazed in the chest. The teen was later apprehended in the area of Germantown Avenue and Slocum Street and taken to Einstein Medical Center, where he was listed in critical condition.
At the crime scene, police found two firearms — one belonging to the driver on the hood of the Pontiac and the other on the ground in front of the car, as well as 13 spent shell casings.
Fortunately, the teenaged punk was a lousy shot; the car owner was not injured. Also fortunately, the owner had a license to carry a concealed firearm. And the Inquirer story also tells us why Commissioner Outlaw made her ‘don’t resist’ tweet: Philadelphians have been fighting back!
- Last year, Philadelphia experienced a dramatic surge in the number of reported carjackings — 757 compared to 404 in 2020.
In December, U.S. Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon had her car stolen at gunpoint.
And in recent days, some victims have fought back by shooting their assailants.
I had not seen those stories previously, and it’s not a surprise: the last three links were not to Inquirer stories, but to stories from the local television stations. Why, it’s almost as though the Inquirer doesn’t want people to know about carjacking victims fighting back. And the Police Commissioner certainly doesn’t want fighting back encouraged.
But law-abiding Philadelphians, people who go through the channels and have obtained permits to carry firearms, are fighting back, because the city and its law enforcement agencies, the Police Department and the District Attorney’s office, have not been fighting against crime very successfully. Commissioner Outlaw wrote:
- Last year, there were 757 reported carjackings in Philadelphia, an increase of 34% over 2020. Out of those 757 reported carjackings, police arrested 150 individuals, clearing 93 investigations through those arrests.
93 ÷ 757 = 0.1228533685601057. The Commissioner has just told people that the Philadelphia Police Department cleared by arrest a whopping 12.29% of carjackings in the city. How many of those 150 people arrested were actually convicted of anything under the George Soros funded District Attorney, Larry Krasner, was not told to us.
Crudely put, if you want to jack a car in the city, you have nine chances out of ten of getting away with it.
The City of Brotherly Love is one of the oldest in America. Founded in 1682 by William Penn, to be the capital of Pennsylvania Colony, if any city in America ought to be civilized, it should be Philly. Instead, it has become Dodge City, because under decades of Democratic rule, under a District Attorney more interested in exonerating criminals and going after police officers, and a Police Commissioner brought up in the soft-on-crime cities of Oakland, California and Portland, Oregon, the city is fighting for “social justice” rather than actual justice.
One way it’s good that they are fighting back, but soon the carjackers will just shoot first to make sure their victims don’t have a chance! Treating stealing cars as the equivalent of horse stealing might have an effect – especially if they left them hanging around for a few days!