Would anyone have expected anything different from Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Jenice Armstrong? She knows that she has to condemn the riots, but she tries to understand the rioters and looters, and wants to say that she can’t really blame them. Continue reading
The natural result of black anger at a white police officer having charges against him dropped is to destroy black community businesses!
This really isn’t much of a surprise, because when the #BlackLivesMatter marchers rioted through 2020’s Summer of Hate, they mostly burned stuff in heavily black neighborhoods. Continue reading
Hold them accountable!
We have mentioned many times before the ‘reluctance’ of the credentialed media to report on crime these days, because, in the words of Philadelphia Inquirer publisher Elizabeth ‘Lisa’ Hughes, who has basically told readers that the newspaper she runs will not report on things which could lead to a negative image of minority populations, that the newspaper she runs will self-censor the truth in favor of “anti-racism” and social justice. We have also said, that black lives don’t matter, at least not to The Philadelphia Inquirer, which only reports on homicides in the City of Brotherly Love in which the victim is an ‘innocent,’ a ‘somebody,’ or a cute little white girl is the victim.
Well, the following killing, not in Philly, but Baltimore, made the national news, because the victim was someone of note! Continue reading
Even in liberal Philadelphia, decent people don’t want the junkies next door!
On September 14th, the Philadelphia City Council passed an ordinance to prohibit supervised drug consumption sites across most of the city. Outgoing Mayor Jim Kenney is appalled!
Mayor Jim Kenney is vetoing a bill that prohibits supervised injection sites in most of the city
Kenney’s move sends the bill back to City Council, which is poised to override his veto this week and make the legislation law.
by Aubrey Whelan and Anna Orso | Wednesday, September 27, 2023 | 8:00 AM EDT | Updated: 10:42 AM EDT
Mayor Jim Kenney plans to veto legislation that prohibits supervised drug consumption sites across most of Philadelphia, writing in a letter to City Council that the bill is “troublingly anti-science and misleading.” Continue reading
Charges against police officer dismissed, so the Usual Suspects riot
Philadelphia’s George Soros-sponsored, “restorative justice” District Attorney, Larry Krasner, and his army of inept minions, in their eagerness to prosecute city police officers, nevertheless failed in court on Tuesday:
A Philadelphia judge on Tuesday dismissed all charges against former city Police Officer Mark Dial, ruling that prosecutors had not presented enough evidence to show that his fatal shooting of Eddie Irizarry while on-duty last month was a crime.
The result? The Usual Suspects decided that a riot was in order! Continue reading
Killadelphia: Turn on, tune in, get dead!
We have said, many times, that black lives don’t matter, at least not to The Philadelphia Inquirer, which only reports on homicides in the City of Brotherly Love in which the victim is an ‘innocent,’ a ‘somebody,’ or a cute little white girl is the victim. However, as we have also noted, the newspaper sometimes tries to make ‘innocents’ out of some younger homicide victims, as reporter Anna Orso did with 13-year-old Marcus Stokes, shot while allegedly on his way to school, even though he was sitting in a possibly disabled car which had been sitting on a corner for weeks, not on his way to school, and in the car several minutes after he would have been late for school.
Well, this time it’s reporter Ellie Rushing’s turn! Continue reading
Today’s American left really, really hate our individual rights! Or at least they do when those rights are exercised by conservatives!
We noted, a year and a half ago, how President Biden and his leftist minions, proposed the creation of a Ministry of Truth ‘Disinformation Governance Board‘ within the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security, and had chosen Nina Jankowitz, who for months told us that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation, to head it.
On April 25th, she told us how she feels about #FreedomOfSpeech:
I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities . . . which are already shouldering . . . disproportionate amounts of this abuse.
Then came Helen Ubiñas, who has a very visible platform as a regular columnist for The Philadelphia Inquirer, claiming that Freedom of Speech is dangerous and harmful to people like her: Continue reading
The failure of big city public schools There'd be no demand for private schools if the public schools were doing their jobs!
We have previously mentioned, many times, how Helen Gym Flaherty and Kendra Brooks sold their souls to the public school teachers’ unions, touting how the Edward Steel Elementary School was kept public and didn’t “go charter.” Steel Elementary is ranked 1,205th out of 1,607 Pennsylvania elementary schools, in which 8% of students tested grade-level proficient in reading, and a whopping 1% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math.
There’s always some outrage on Twitter — sorry, Elon Musk, but I still don’t call it “X” — when yet another public school teacher tries pushing homosexual or transgender nonsense on their students, but the real problem is that the public schools just aren’t doing a very good job in actually educating students.
Middle School Teacher Admits That His Students Are Performing On A ‘Fourth-Grade Level’ And No One Is Doing Anything About It
“I could probably count on one hand how many kids are actually performing on their grade level.”
By Nia Tipton | Friday, September 22, 2023
A middle school teacher voiced his frustrations with the public school system after admitting that most of the students in his class are severely underperforming. In a TikTok video, a content creator named Quis, who works as a public school educator, sparked a conversation around a problem that many students around the country seem to having.
“We all know the world is behind because of the pandemic, but I don’t understand why they’re not stressing to you how bad it is,” Quis began in his video. He explained that as a seventh-grade teacher, he’s noticed that most of the children in his class are performing at a fourth-grade level.
He continued, saying that almost no one, the other public school administrators or even the parents of these kids are not speaking about it or doing anything to help. Instead, these students are still being passed on to the next grade despite severely underperforming.
The panicked response to COVID-19 was one thing, but, with a few notable exceptions in places like Philadelphia, there was really only one school year of ‘remote’ education; the panicdemic — and yes, that’s how I spell it, because that’s exactly what it was — might reasonably be blamed to students being one grade behind, but three? 2020 was three years ago; if the blame is on the virus, then “Quis” is telling us that his students have had no education at all since the panic began! Continue reading
So, which one concerns His Holiness the Pope more?
The Religion News Service noted that His Holiness the Pope is somewhat upset with the Catholic Church in the United States:
The new Americanism heresy
Once again, American bishops are at odds with the Vatican.
By Mark Silk | Wednesday, September 20, 2023
(RNS) — In a private meeting with fellow Jesuits in Lisbon, Portugal, last month, Pope Francis didn’t turn the other cheek in response to a question about hostility to his leadership on the part of many American Catholics, including some bishops.
“You have seen that in the United States the situation is not easy,” he said. “There is a very strong reactionary attitude. It is organized and shapes the way people belong, even emotionally.”
While some conservative Catholics professed to be dismayed by the pope’s remark, no one disputed that America is a hotbed of anti-Francis criticism. Or that American bishops are leading the charge.

Bishop Joseph Strickland, from his Twitter biography.
Because marriage was divinely instituted by God as between one man and one woman, there is simply no right given to humanity to depart from this foundational truth of marriage. I will reemphasize this point: marriage can only be between one man and one woman.
The Diocese was subjected to an ‘Apostolic Visitation’ ordered by Rome to check on what? We were never told, and now there have been leaked reports from the Vatican that the Pope will request the Bishop’s resignation. Bishop Strickland stated directly that he has received no communication from the Vatican along such lines.
But then there’s this, from the Jesuit’s America magazine: Continue reading