Our good friends on the left have been assuring us that the many protests against Israel’s policies against the poor, poor Palestinians is simply support for an oppressed people, and is in no way anti-Semitic. Steve Keeley, of Fox 29 News, reproduced and tweeted out the message of John Fry, President of Drexel University in Philadelphia, concerning the new encampment of pro-Hamas protesters there:
While protest encampments such as this one are not legally protected, we had hoped last night that this demonstration would remain peaceful and respectful of others. Regrettably, that is not the case here. This demonstration already has proved intolerably disruptive to normal University operations and has raised serious concerns about the conduct of some participants, including distressing reports and images of protesters subjecting passersby to antisemitic speech, signs and chants.
There’s more of Dr Fry’s message, which can be seen at Mr Keeley’s tweet. The Philadelphia Inquirer covered the creation of the ‘encampment’ at Drexel, but, in an article last updated at 10:14 PM EDT on Saturday, had nothing on Dr Fry’s message or the anti-Semitic behavior of many of the protesters. Continue reading →