We are always amused when liberal groups tell us how the news should be reported, and have frequently noted how our nation’s third oldest continuously published daily newspaper, The Philadelphia Inquirer, told us that they would censor the news when the news didn’t fit what they wanted to tell us.
Now comes The Journalist’s Resource, criticizing the credentialed media which do report the truth!
Research highlights need for public health approach in news reporting of gun violence
The study, published in BMC Public Health, reveals an overwhelming reliance on law enforcement narratives, missing deeper insights into the root causes and potential solutions to gun violence.
by Naseem S Miller | Tuesday, June 25, 2024
For decades, researchers have urged journalists to avoid framing gun violence solely as a crime issue and provide a broader public health context. Yet, as evidenced by the findings of a recent study of local TV news in Philadelphia, the focus on the crime angle remains very much at the forefront of gun violence coverage.
The article’s title itself is enough to tell the reader: The Journalist’s Resource is advocating that reporters present something other than the straight news, but to shade their reporting from a particular angle. Continue reading