Rashida Tlaib and the rest of the Usual Suspects prove the need for a strong, independent, affirmatively Jewish Israel!

We are being told by the people the credentialed media use as spokesthings, like Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), the now-censured congresscritter from Detroit and a ‘Palestinian-American,’ if such an oxymoron can actually exist, that all the Palestinians want is their freedom. They don’t hate Israelis specifically, or Jews more generally, but just want their freedom. […]

#FreedomOfSpeech does have consequences when what you say is just boneheadedly stupid. I am not the least bit upset when anti-Semites lose their jobs! "Do you want fries with that?"

We have previously noted how some serious, deep-pockets donors have been closing their checkbooks to universities which have tolerated the anti-Semitism of the left. Losing major donors is certainly a serious problem, but losing future job opportunities for your graduates is another. From CNN, not exactly an evil, reich-wing source: Top law firms signal they […]