A university professor right in theory, but wholly wrong in the real world

It is a famous aphorism that freedom of speech does not protect yelling, “Fire!” in a crowded theater, but as is frequently the case with aphorisms, the ‘general truth’ contained therein is often not completely accurate. The First Amendment states that Congress — and now extended to cover state and local governments — shall make […]

Another deep-pockets Ivy League donor tells the pro-Hamas students to go to Hell Go directly to Hell, do not pass Go, do not collect $2,000,000

We noted, just yesterday, that despite the noisy pro-Palestinian demonstrations on our college campuses and in large cities, only about 20% of Democrats support Hamas, and that, even surveying only those in the 18-to-24-year-old age bracket, Hamas enjoyed less support than Israel. The radicals are both the noisy and stupid ones. As for colleges themselves? […]

#FreedomOfSpeech does have consequences when what you say is just boneheadedly stupid. I am not the least bit upset when anti-Semites lose their jobs! "Do you want fries with that?"

We have previously noted how some serious, deep-pockets donors have been closing their checkbooks to universities which have tolerated the anti-Semitism of the left. Losing major donors is certainly a serious problem, but losing future job opportunities for your graduates is another. From CNN, not exactly an evil, reich-wing source: Top law firms signal they […]

Your #FreedomOfSpeech doesn’t include requiring other people to pay for it

It’s an old, old saw: the freedom of speech does not protect you if you yell, “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Simply put, the freedom of speech does not protect anyone from the consequences of their speech. The Biden Administration certainly agreed with that, hating the idea that the riff-raff could challenge the Accepted Wisdom […]

Money talks University presidents are learning the hard way: promoting anti-Semitism costs schools deep-pockets donors

As we previously reported, on Friday the 13th, Marc Rowan, University of Pennsylvania alumnus, Wharton school of business graduate and CEO of Apollo Global Management based in New York, called on UPenn alumni and supporters to “close their checkbooks” until President Liz Magill and Chairman Scott L. Bok step down, saying that under their leadership, […]

I love it when a plan comes together . . . and when someone else’s plans fall apart! When people tell you who they are, believe them!

Perhaps my good friend Christine Flowers didn’t get to cancel these people herself, but it does show that while we all have our freedom of speech, other people have a freedom to listen, and some people might not like what you have to say! Harvard students scramble to take back support for letter attacking Israel […]