There’s only one way to win: Israel must stop worrying about the hostages #Hamas hold

The First Street Journal has previously stated that holding the hostages is the only weapon that the Hamas terrorists have left, and that, as harsh as it sounds, Israel must forget about the fate of the hostages and pursue its course of completely destroying Hamas. The terrorists’ military leader in Gaza — the vast majority […]

Delusional! #Hamas are saying, in effect, that Israel has to give them something that they have not won on the battlefield to end the war! Hamas and the ‘Palestinians’ are not people with whom the civilized West can negotiate; they are simply barbarians who must be defeated, defeated so thoroughly that they can never rise again.

Are 120 hostages, at least some of whom are already dead, really worth Israel playing pattycake with the psychopaths in Hamas? From The Wall Street Journal:

#Hamas leaders don’t really care about #Palestinian lives, and see the sacrifice of them as politically useful.

Ismail Haniyeh is the ‘Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau,” and as such is supposedly the chief officer of that terrorist group. On October 7, 2023, he gave a televised speech from Istanbul, telling the world that the October 7th attack was fully justified, which he “highlighted threats to Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque, the continuation of […]

Hamas delendum est Concern for the hostages should not stop Israel from doing what is necessary

The New York Times, one of the few newspapers which continues to engage in serious journalism these days, had a very long article on Yahya Sinwar, the senior Hamas official in Gaza: Yahya Sinwar Helped Start the War in Gaza. Now He’s Key to Its Endgame. Hamas’s leader in Gaza is considered an architect of […]

There’s only one way to win: Israel must stop worrying about the hostages #Hamas hold Hamas, the 'Palestinians,' and the Arabs in general are not part of Western civilization, and we shouldn't be fooled into thinking that they think or act or respond as those of us in the civilized world do.

There’s a line somewhere in Herman Wouk’s “The Winds of War,” in which one of the Henry family, Victor or Byron, responds to demands on Germany as, ‘Isn’t that pretty arrogant, demanding that Germany accept a defeat no one has actually inflicted on them?’ I may have been slightly imprecise with the quote, but I […]