The freedom to tell the truth Swimmer had to wait until she exhausted her eligibility before she spoke out

When I saw the article referenced below, I guessed that University of Kentucky women’s swim team member Riley Gaines was a senior, and her UK biography page confirmed that. Swimmer who tied with Lia Thomas says female athletes ‘not OK’ with trajectory of women’s sports by Cameron Jenkins | Friday, April 1, 2022 | 10:28 […]

Some truths just don’t fit Teh Narrative For some on the left, when the truth doesn't fit their political beliefs, they just deny the truth!

Even Bruce Jenner, the winner of the men’s Decathalon in the 1976 Olympics, but is now so f(ornicated) up in the head that he thinks he’s a woman agrees: Will Thomas, the ‘transgender’ swimmer for the University of Pennsylvania’s women’s swimming team who now calls himself ‘Lia,’ is not the real winner of the 500-yard […]

The future of journalism? Today's journalism students will be tomorrow's reporters and editors

I have frequently referred to journolism, which some might think is a misspelled. The spelling ‘journolist’ or ‘journolism’ comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity; I use the term ‘journolism’ frequently when writing about media bias. Now, thanks to a […]

If someone was out to destroy transgender acceptance, what would he be doing differently?

We have covered the University of Pennsylvania’s transgender swimmer several times, and the question has always occurred to me: if ‘Lia’ Thomas really, really, really wants to be accepted as a woman, why engage in activities which prove him so radically different from real women? Lia Thomas wins second Ivy League title with record-setting 200m […]

The truth shall set you free . . . from your job

The First Street Journal has previously published five articles on Will Thomas, the male swimmer who claims to be female and swims for the University of Pennsylvania’s women’s team under the name ‘Lia’ Thomas. With a lot of different stories published in the Washington Examiner, New York Post, and OutKick, about teammates critical of his […]

“This can’t possibly be rewarding in any way. I can’t see how anyone could feel good about this.”

We have written previously about the University of Pennsylvania’s ‘transgender’ women’s swimmer, Will Thomas, who goes by the name “Lia.”[1]In accordance with The First Street Journal’s Stylebook, the ‘transgendered’ are referred to by their birth names, and using the honorifics and pronouns appropriate to their … Continue reading Now the New York Post has printed a […]

A couple of updates

We have previously reported on the arrests of three men for the murder of Mykel Waide in Lexington. However, it seems that the Commonwealth’s Attorney was unable to present sufficient evidence to get the grand jury to indict any of the three men accused of the killing: Lexington men no longer face murder charges in […]

Girls can’t be boys and boys can’t be girls

Will Thomas was, according to the University of Pennsylvania’s athletic department’s swimming and diving 2018-19 team roster, a sophomore member of the men’s team. He was “Second-team All-Ivy in the 500 free, 1,000 free, and 1,650 free after reaching the ‘A’ final of the Ivy League Championships and finishing second overall in each of the […]