Once again, the major media ignore a story they don’t want you to read

It was at 4:32 PM EDT on Friday that Chaya Raichik of Libs of TikTok posted a tweet publicizing that Robyn Rogers, a child development teacher at Telesis Preparatory Academy at 2589 Starlite Lane, Lake Havasu City, Arizona, was arrested on charges that she sexually abused a 17-year-old boy who had disappeared from his home on St Valentine’s Day. Miss Raichik’s source was People magazine:

Ariz. Teacher Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy Who’d Run Away from Home

Robyn Rogers, 44, was arrested on Thursday, July 11 and charged with three counts of sexual conduct with a minor, among other charges

By Marina Watts | Tuesday, July 16, 2024 | 2:46 PM EDT

A Lake Havasu City, Ariz., teacher has been arrested on accusations she sexually abused a 17-year-old who had been missing for months.

According to local CBS News affiliate AZ Family, 44-year-old Robyn Rogers was arrested on Thursday, July 11, after the Lake Havasu City Police Department received tips about the teenager’s location.

Police said officers went to a location off of Highway 95 and Palo Verde Boulevard that day and spoke with Rogers, who was allegedly hiding the 17-year-old, who reportedly ran away from home in February, the outlet reports.

Local news outlet The Bee reports that the teenager was missing starting on Feb. 14, and an investigation began two days later regarding his disappearance.

There’s a little more at the original.

I decided to do a Google search for Robyn Rogers, to see how the credentialed media were reporting this story, and found what even I didn’t expect: other than Inside Edition, an entertainment news channel, and People, only small-time local news media and blogs had even covered the story. 44-year-old teacher, charged with molesting a 17-year-old runaway boy, along with possession of narcotics and drug paraphernalia, and no one of any note picks up the story? Many of the Google search links — and I went through three pages of them — do not refer back to the Robyn Rogers in this story, but others.

A few points, in no particular order:

  1. Robert Stacy McCain has frequently referred to the credentialed media as “Democrats with bylines’;
  2. The vast majority of the credentialed news sources in the US support Joe Biden and the Democrats;
  3. The teachers’ unions and education establishment have long been major supporters of the Democrats and their candidates; and
  4. Reporting stories of sexual abuse by teachers damages the teachers’ unions and the reputation of teachers in general.

Does 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10? A conspiracy theorist — and I do try to avoid conspiracy theories! — might suggest that these things, totaled together, equal, if not an actual conspiracy, a tendency by those “Democrats with bylines” to soft-peddle any news that could, in any way, be harmful to the Democrats. This site noted, just yesterday, that the credentialed media and the Democratic officeholders deliberately ignored somehow managed to miss President Biden’s painfully obvious descent into dementia, when it was obvious to anyone who had a chance to meet with him for any length of time.

The credentialed media rarely, though not never, actually lie to us, because that hurts their brand and reputations. But when there’s a story which is not completely favorable to their cause, they frequently leave out details to obscure — frequently unsuccessfully — inconvenient facts. For example, we have reported, several times recently, on how the credentialed media write their stories to obscure the incidences in which teachers accused of sexual abuse are actually being accused of homosexual sexual abuse. I stated explicitly, that when I see a story in the credentialed media about the sexual abuse of a minor, if it is written in a manner to obscure the sex of the victim, I suspect that the abuse was homosexual in nature.  That’s not the case in this story, and the sex of the victim, a boy, was reported.

This is the great value of the internet. It has ended the ‘gatekeeping’ function of the press, a function which allowed editors to decide what information gets published. Now, sites like Libs of TikTok, The Pirate’s Cove, The Other McCain, The Victory Girls, and Powerline, sites with determined authors, publish the things the left truly hate. The result is that yes, you have to check those sites sources, but it has also meant that the legacy media get their stories checked as well. And boy, do they hate that!

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