Nooo, not anti-Semitism at all! What would they have said had people been shouting at the 6.1% of the USC student body who are black, "Go back to Africa"? 

Genesis Chapter 15:

18 On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying,

“To your descendants I have given this land,
From the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates:

19 the land of the Kenite, the Kenizzite, the Kadmonite, 20 the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Rephaim, 21 the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Girgashite, and the Jebusite.”

That is how it should be, but, Alas!, so many students at our universities have no knowledge of the Bible, or seemingly of not-so-ancient history.

Masked pro-Palestinian demonstrators pictured near Columbia University on May 23, 2024.

Jewish Students Told ‘Go Back to Poland’ at Campus Rallies

by James Bickerton | Saturday, June 15, 2024 | 5:00 AM EDT

Jewish students studying at prominent American universities have told Newsweek they and their classmates have faced antisemitic abuse and harassment on campus. There was also open support for acts of violence against Israel, following the October 7, 2023 attacks on the country and subsequent invasion of Gaza.

One student said Jews were told to “go back to Poland” and that “you have no culture” by demonstrators on or around campus, adding that “we haven’t been listened to” by university authorities. A second said she saw a swastika dubbed on campus, was targeted for displaying a Jewish Star of David, and was escorted to exams by her mother due to safety concerns.

Well known recent history here omitted.

Melina Feradouni, a Jewish student whose family fled Iran following the 1979 Islamic revolution, studied business administration and accounting at the University of Southern California. Feradouni told Newsweek that “the vibe on campus just changed” following the October 7 attacks on Israel, adding: “We were never a very political campus, but it definitely became that way following October 7.”

A permanent protest encampment was created on campus in late April and remained on site until it was cleared by police in a major operation on May 5.

Back to where, I wonder, would Miss Feradouni go? Her family didn’t come from Poland, and were she to go back to Iran, she’d face harsh discrimination for being both a Jew and an American.

Feradouni said that some Jewish students were shouted at and harassed by people associated with the protest “because they were outwardly showing they were Jewish” by wearing shirts with Hebrew script on them. She showed Newsweek a photograph of a swastika she said was drawn on a campus wall.

In response, Feradouni said she “didn’t feel safe going on campus” for over a week and was escorted by her mother on the day of her finals because she wasn’t comfortable “having me walk on campus alone.” When taking graduation photographs with her father, Feradouni said she had people shouting “free Palestine” at her after they saw the Star of David on her graduation sash.

Isn’t that amazing? The pro-Palestinian/pro-Hamas demonstrators can wear their stupid black-and-white ‘Palestinian’ keffiyeh’s, and that’s just fine, but a Jewish student wearing the Star of David gets harassed?

Jim Treacher’s statement that “A keffiyeh on an American college campus is just a hipster swastika” is most certainly true, when you remember just what good, Christian Germans, along with their somewhat coerced minions in Poland and Ukraine did to the Jewish diaspora who were living in Poland. Those Jews didn’t get to live in Poland; they got to die in Poland.

The Jews came from the land promised to them by the Lord, their ancestral lands for two thousand years, after being expelled from their homes by the Romans. Theodor Herzl wrote Der Judenstaat, arguing that Jews must have a nation of their own, for their own protection, not in 1945, but 1896, decades before the Nazis, documenting all of the poor conditions and sometime pogromi inflicted on them by good, European Christians. Everywhere in Europe where Jews lived in any noticeable numbers, anti-Semitism reared its ugly head.

When the oh-so-noble students on our college campuses tell the Jews to “Go back to Poland,” they are telling them to go back to where they were previously persecuted. They were pushed into ghettoes in Warsaw, and on small farms, barely survivable farms in the countryside.

One wonders: as these good, elite students at USC were shouting for Jewish students to go back to Poland, how many of them were going back to their ancestral homelands? How many were going to sell their goods and property and move back to England and Germany, to return the land to the Indians, or for the Asian students, 19.9% of the student body, to go back to Japan or Korea or China? What would they have said had people been shouting at the 6.1% of the student body who are black, “Go back to Africa”?

About the only hope I have for these anti-Semitic students is that they will actually grow up at some point.


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