If you check one Accredited Victim Group™ box, prosecution for crimes in the City of Brotherly Love seems to be reduced. If you check two Accredited Victim Group™ boxes, your chances of being prosecuted are further reduced. So, just imagine if you check three Accredited Victim Group™ boxes!
City LGBT official and husband arrested by state trooper will not face charges at this time, DA’s Office said
Celena Morrison and her husband were arrested by a state trooper after a traffic stop Saturday morning.
by Ellie Rushing | Sunday, March 3, 2024 | 10:55 AM EST | Updated: 1:54 PM EST
A top Philadelphia official and her husband who were arrested by a Pennsylvania State trooper this weekend have been released from custody and were not charged with any crimes, a spokesperson for the state police said Sunday.
Celena Morrison, the city’s executive director of the Office of LGBT Affairs, and her husband, Darius McLean, were taken into custody Saturday morning following a confrontation with a state trooper on the Vine Street Expressway. A video of their arrests, captured by Morrison, quickly circulated on social media and appeared to show McLean lying on the shoulder of the highway, begging the trooper to let him go.“Celena” Morrison, from his city biography page, which is a public record.
“I work for the mayor! I work for the mayor!” Morrison yelled, before the trooper can be heard telling her to “shut the f— up.”
The trooper then turns to arrest Morrison and, as the video pans toward the sky, she can be heard saying, “He just punched me.”
There’s more at the original.
So, what boxes are checked? Miss Morrison is black, so that’s box number one. Miss Morrison is homosexual, so that’s box number two. And Miss Morison is actually Mr Morrison, a male who believes he is female, and thus checks the transgender box. Mr McLean is black, so that’s box number one for him, and he is homosexual, given that he is married to another male, so that’s box number two.
According to the newspaper, Mr Morrison was pulled over on the Vine Street Expressway, because:
- the vehicle’s registration was expired and suspended;
- the windows were illegally tinted;
- the vehicle’s headlights were not illuminated in the rain; and
- Mr Morrison was following too closely behind another driver.
Those are all important issues. If the vehicle’s registration was expired and suspended, that means that in any accident in which Mr Morrison might have been involved, even if the vehicle had insurance, the insurance company could refuse to pay any liabilities required. If the vehicle’s headlights were not on while driving in the rain, that created a safety violation, as other drivers would be less able to see the vehicle. And if Mr Morrison was following another car too closely, and had to stop quickly, he might not have been able to do so, especially on wet roads.
What was a city official doing driving a vehicle in that condition?
Mr McLean saw his “wife’s” vehicle having been pulled over by a state policeman, and decided to stop and interfere.
State police initially filed several misdemeanor and summary charges against the couple, but the charges were declined by the District Attorney’s Office “pending additional review,” said agency spokesperson Lt. Adam Reed. They were released from custody Saturday evening.
Jane Roh, spokesperson for the DA’s Office, said that no charging decisions have been made but that officials are investigating all aspects of the incident.
Translation: they’re going after the state trooper for doing his job.
At one point, McLean said: “Please just stop. It’s because I’m Black.”
The state trooper did not stop Mr McLean; he stopped himself. Given that the vehicle Mr Morrison was driving was cited for having windows which were illegally tinted, among other things, the trooper couldn’t really see that the driver was black.
The Keystone State ceased issuing annual stickers for license plates in 2018, and went to automated license plate scanners mounted in police cars. The state policeman did not need to run the plates on Mrs Morrison’s car; that was done automatically by computer, and the trooper was alerted to this in his vehicle. Pennsylvania only issues rear license plates, so the trooper was behind the grey Infiniti sedan when the plate was scanned.
There’s some real privilege being shown here, and it isn’t that dreaded “White Privilege” about which the left so frequently whine. If my wife, who is white, had been pulled over for the same infractions, and I proceeded to stop behind the police car, and pulled the same bovine feces Mr McLean did, I’d be in jail, awaiting a Monday morning arraignment to get bail set. Of course, my wife would simply have accepted the tickets, even if she was unhappy about it, and I wouldn’t be stupid enough to try to interfere with a law enforcement officer. But, then again, we don’t have Accredited Victim Group™ Privilege.
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