MSNBC worried that their talking heads’ #TrumpDerangementSyndrome will be exposed even more

MSNBC was widely mocked after they sidestepped their AM show, Morning Joe, on Monday, due to fears that one or more of hosts Joe Scarborough’s and Mika Brzezinski Scarborough’s guests, or perhaps the couple themselves, might say something just boneheadedly crazy following the assassination attempt aimed at former President Donald Trump. That fear was hardly unreasonable, given that Chaya Raichik of Libs of TikTok has shown us dozens of statements the haters have posted on social media lamenting that the would-be assassin failed. Miss Raichik succeeded in many regards, as some of these #TrumpDerangementSyndrome-addled people have now found themselves unemployed. The bosses at MSNBC knew that Mr and Mrs Scarborough were deeply affected and infected with that disease, as many of their guests are as well.

Inmates Running the Asylum: MSNBC Reportedly Facing Mutiny After ‘Morning Joe’ Debacle

by Bryan Chai | Wednesday, July 17, 2024 | 9:10 AM EDT

There’s an old adage in business that goes something like, “Anybody can manage people. The best managers know how to manage egos.”

One’s mileage may vary on that sentiment, but one thing that’s apparently undeniable: The employees of left-leaning news network MSNBC are increasingly thinking that their managers are unable to manage neither people nor egos.

A blistering report from The Daily Beast chronicled the aftermath of the network’s curious decision to abruptly upend its “Morning Joe” program on Monday, less than 48 hours after a failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.

MSNBC reportedly felt that the chances of something truly incendiary being uttered on the program — hosted by well-documented husband-and-wife Trump critics Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski — wasn’t worth the risk.

Also see: Robert Stacy McCain, “Adam Schiff Joins Dump-Biden Coup

Miss Raichik began her series on Saturday, and the hits just keep on coming. Mr and Mrs Scarborough had to be aware of huge number of idiots out there who didn’t have enough sense not to publish what they really thought, and that some had lost their jobs over it. Though what would have been said could not be known in advance, it is at least somewhat probable that MSNBC’s actions saved someone his job. Though the cited article doesn’t mention such, I would not be surprised if management hadn’t heard a staffer or three in the hallways lamenting the failure of the assassination attempt.

According to The Daily Beast’s reporting, that risk calculation wasn’t quite calculating enough because employees are none too happy with how any of the ensuing fallout played out.

The report noted that employees are grappling with “intense frustration,” with much of it aimed at the very top of the company.

NBC News Group President Cesar Conde and MSNBC President Rashida Jones have been the prime recipients of this ire.

Even sans the Beast’s reporting, it wasn’t exactly a secret that Scarborough and Brzezinski weren’t happy with this decision from Conde and Jones.

As CNN and other outlets chronicled, Scarborough blasted MSNBC leadership for the decision.

Collin Rugg reported:

A clearly flustered Joy Reid says Trump getting shot in the head is “exactly the same” thing as Biden getting cov*d.

Holy sh*t this woman is nuts.

Reid started by sharing her frustrations that Trump was able to raise his fist in the air after getting shot.

“Donald Trump is an elderly man who for whatever reason, was given nine seconds to take an iconic photo op during an active shooter situation.”

“Weird situation. We’ll figure that out one day. But his survival of that and, and bouncing right back and going right to his convention is being conveyed in the media world as a sign of strength.”

“This current president of the United States is 81 years old and has COVID should he be fine in a couple of days?”

“Doesn’t that convey exactly the same thing?”

That’s just insane! COVID has mutated several times, and is now nothing more than a bad cold; it is not the same thing as getting shot. And Mrs Reid, also an MSNBC host, is trying to conflate the two, because she’ll say anything to try to get Mr Trump defeated.

Mr Trump, standing bloodied but defiant, is a lot different image than Mr Biden blowing his nose into a Kleenex.

The Democrats are panicking, because it isn’t the same thing. The American people saw, on live television, that President Biden is slowly losing his marbles sinking deeper into diminished mental capacity, and they also saw, replayed over and over and over again, a strong, defiant Mr Trump, bloodied, raising his fist and telling his supporters to keep on fighting! A slowly increasing chorus of Democrats are urging the President to drop out of the race. The Democratic National Convention is coming up in just a month, and if the President doesn’t drop out before then, if he is nominated in August, it becomes ever more difficult to replace him.

Hosts or guests on MSNBC telling the public that they wish the assassination had been successful only exposes just how deranged they are.

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