Jonathan Akubu, mugshot by Philadelphia Police Department, and is a public record. Click to enlarge.
The Inquirer did have the story on his arrest:
The suspected leader of a Philadelphia carjacking ring has been arrested for two murders
Jonathan Akubu, suspected of leading a carjacking operation, has also been charged with committing two shootings and may be connected to dozens of other incidents.
by Chris Palmer and Anna Orso | Tuesday, February 22, 2022
A 28-year-old man who police say led a loosely organized carjacking ring has been charged with committing two murders and two shootings as part of a weeks-long crime rampage — and investigators are probing whether his group is connected to dozens of other crimes.
Jonathan Akubu of Drexel Hill was arrested Saturday in connection with the fatal carjacking of a 60-year-old man killed Feb. 6 in Northeast Philadelphia. He is also charged with killing another man, a 28-year-old car locksmith, less than a week later in the city’s Eastwick section.
Detectives used ballistics and cell phone records to connect Akubu to at least five incidents in the last two months. He was arrested at an apartment in Lansdowne, where police found a stolen handgun and an AK-47-style rifle.
Akubu is so far the only defendant charged in each case. Homicide Capt. Jason Smith said Tuesday that investigators believe his carjacking operation targeted Toyota SUVs and involved at least three other people in their teens or early 20s who are at large.
There’s more at the original, including the fact that Mr Akubu is being held without bail on multiple counts of murder, aggravated assault, conspiracy, robbery, theft, and illegal possession of firearms.
The Inquirer article then gives us several paragraphs detailing Mr Akubu’s alleged crimes, before getting to this:
Akubu has several past arrests, records show, including in Chester County in 2020 for charges that included robbing a car. But nearly all counts were dismissed in municipal court, the records show. It was not immediately clear why. Akubu pleaded guilty to a summary charge of harassment, the records show.
Years before that, Akubu pleaded guilty to committing a 2013 aggravated assault in Southwest Philadelphia. According to charging documents, he fired shots at someone in a car using a gun he was barred from possessing. He was sentenced to 38 to 96 months in jail plus 17 years of probation, court records show, and in 2018 was sent back to jail for violating his probation.
Larry Krasner was the District Attorney in Philadelphia in 2018. Clearly, he shouldn’t have been released, and should have served out the rest of the seventeen year sentence. Unfortunately, the Inquirer doesn’t give us the details. How many of those 38 to 96 months in jail did he actually serve? Obviously not all eight years, or he wouldn’t have been on the street in 2018.
In 2015, Akubu filed a federal lawsuit against the city, saying that a prison guard beat him and bit him on the head while he was handcuffed, an incident that was captured on surveillance video. The city settled with Akubu for $99,999, which was paid in November 2015.
From the Inquirer’s embedded link:
Attorney Guy Sciolla says inmate Jonathan Akubu was being escorted through a common area, he was handcuffed, hands behind his back, when he was overpowered and punched repeatedly by correctional officer James Weisback.
According to prison documents, Officer Weisback claimed Akubu threatened and spit in his face, but Sciolla says there’s no evidence of that.
Sciolla and co-counsel in this case, Patrick Link, say they will also refer this case to the District Attorney for possible criminal action.
Akubu is in prison charged with a shooting. His attorneys say it was domestic in nature and no one was injured. A source says Akubu has accumulated nearly 20 disciplinary infractions while in custody.
Well, of course his attorney is going to minimize Mr Akubu’s actions; that’s what he’s paid to do. How Mr Akubu could afford sharks like Messrs Sciolla and Link was not indicated. “Nearly twenty” disciplinary problems while in prison seems like it would be a testament to Mr Akubu’s character.
District Attorney Krasner could have had Mr Akubu still behind bars when he (allegedly) killed George Briscella, but didn’t. Mr Krasner did not pull the trigger, three times, resulting in Mr Briscella’s death. But Mr Krasner might as well be named an accomplice, given that his actions allowed Mr Akubu to be out on the streets earlier this month, (allegedly) jacking cars shooting people.
In related news, with 76 homicides as of 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, February 22nd, the City of Brotherly Love has moved one ahead of the killings pace set in 2021’s record-setting year. Nothing to see here, folks. Please, just move along.
Why don’t you just go ahead and admit YOU HATE BLACK PEOPLE fake a-hole!! Oh was that not “politically correct” seeing how you rightwingnuts can’t stand anything that gives voice to those of a darker hue. No matter how much you little bleep bleeps love to hide behind your fake, crybaby, weird double speak. By the way stupid George Floyd died from a KNEE TO HIS NECK and Breoonna Taylor’s boyfriend shot BECAUSE COPS CAME IN SHOOTING! How about instead of being a whiny jag-off you get your damn facts straight first. Oh I forgot that would take too much work for you “lovers of the truth”. Yeah like the truth that you a-holes on BOTH sides of the media go out of your way to point out crime in black neighborhoods. All while ignoring the Ted Bundys, John Gacys, Alex Kellys, Dennis Hasterts, Jerry Sanduskys and assorted other pervert thugs and rapists in your own back yard of Suburbia. Must be nice lecturing others about their supposed “naive grandstanding” all while protecting your own arrogant, delusional, “dindi du nuffin” mindset. WHITE MAKES RIGHT
The police in the Breonna taylor case did not come in shooting, but returned fire after Miss Taylor’s boyfriend fired first.
Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and Jerry Sandusky were caught and prosecuted, which is as it should have been.
Jonathan Akubu? While the Inquirer did not name the person killed in the carjacking, the paper did show a photo of another man he is alleged to have killed, and that victim was black.
In 2021, 85% of the homicide victims in the City of Brotherly Love were black, in a city that is only 38.2% non-Hispanic black. Their killers, as far as they have been identified, were mostly black.
The truth is that, in Philadelphia, both the majority of criminals and majority of crime victims are black; that’s something which ought to concern you.
Another thing a-hole DO NOT think you can speak, ponder, question or judge a community you don’t know one damn thing about. Except for what you see on FOX Lose and stop pretending you are at “war” with people like Amanda Marcotte. She, like many self-centered, self righteous, white feminut liberals are water carriers for RACIST little f**kwads like you. She just wraps hers in a different package. That being one that is white and female but just as equally stupid, arrogant, spoiled brat and always, ALWAYS ready to defend whatever RACIST bullcrap spew from your many creepy as co-horts like the Tucker Carlsons and Bill Mahers. Your pseudo-intellect crybabying does nothing to hide the fact you are one extra beer and broken down truck away from being a Klan sheet wearing jag off
Wow. You are one unhappy, miserable SOB, Lavern. You need medication.
Well, I certainly agree with you concerning the lovely Miss Marcotte! Fortunately my truck is in good shape and frequently maintained, and I just don’t drink beer,
You are perfectly welcome to think that I’m a racist, or any other judgement you care to take, but at some point, you need to take a hard look around you, and ask why things are the way they are. Why are the heavily black neighborhoods of Philadelphia so dangerous, why are so many black people being killed, almost always by other black people? Why does the purportedly anti-racist Philadelphia Inquirer, the third oldest continuously published newspaper in America, ignore the black-on-black crime in the city?
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