Karma comes for Ahmed Hassan Salame Alsauarka Another 72 virgins assigned to duty

Far too many of the leaders of Hamas have been hiding outside of Gaza, safely ensconced in Lebanon, Egypt, and Qatar. Ismail Haniyeh, net worth $4 billion, is the ‘Chairman of Hamas Political Bureau,’ and has been living a life of luxury in Qatar. Apparently alone among the top leadership, Yahya Sinwar is believed to still be in Gaza, hiding in the tunnel complex under Khan Younis, with some living Israeli hostages serving as human shields.

But there are lower-level military ‘officers,’ including one Ahmed Hassan Salame Alsauarka, who led part of the October 7th attack, who have had to stay behind in Gaza, for Hamas to mount any sort of defense, and he has now been sent to his 72 virgins.

Airstrike eliminates October 7 terror commander Ahmed Hassan Salame Alsauarka

IDF and Shin Bet intelligence led to the elimination of Hamas terrorist Ahmed Hassan Salame Alsauarka in a targeted airstrike, with no civilian casualties.

by Jerusalem Post Staff | Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 11:16 AM Israel Daylight Time | Updated: 1:34 PM IDT

Operating on intelligence provided by the IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency,) an Israel Air Force aircraft eliminated Hamas terrorist Ahmed Hassan Salame Alsauarka in a targeted airstrike, the military announced on Thursday morning.

Alsauarka was a squad commander in the Nukhba Forces who participated in the massacres in southern Israel on October 7. Moreover, Alsauarka was a Hamas sniper who led sniper activity in the Beit Hanoun region, taking part in multiple attacks on IDF soldiers, the military added.

Following an extensive search, the IDF reported that it was able to identify Alasuarka in the Beit Hanoun area and eliminated him while mitigating harm to civilians during the operation.

As a result, no civilians were wounded during the strike.

The article continued to note small IDF operations in the Gaza Strip.

We are not sure just how many virgins remain for dispatched Islamist fighters; one might think that the supply would be running low by now, but perhaps they are being supplemented by bacha bazi boys. But there’s a more serious issue arising:

Hamas leaders express readiness that Fatah should control Gaza civil administration – report

According to the report, the Hamas leaders were adamant that the security of the Strip remain in the hands of its Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

by Jerusalem Post Staff | Friday, June 21, 2024 | 12:38 AM IDT

Hamas leaders met with Fatah officials in Doha some two weeks ago and expressed their willingness that Fatah control the Strip’s civil administration after the war, according to Channel 12 on Thursday.

However, the report also claimed that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya, who took part in the meeting, were adamant that the security of the Strip remains in the hands of its Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

Channel 12 further cited a source as saying that “Hamas is encouraged by its achievements on the battlefield since it still controls and is sovereign in the Strip.”Hamas leaders met with Fatah officials in Doha some two weeks ago and expressed their willingness that Fatah control the Strip’s civil administration after the war, according to Channel 12 on Thursday.

However, the report also claimed that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya, who took part in the meeting, were adamant that the security of the Strip remains in the hands of its Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

Channel 12 further cited a source as saying that “Hamas is encouraged by its achievements on the battlefield since it still controls and is sovereign in the Strip.”

The psychopath Yahya Sinwar. You can see the crazy in his eyes.

See this for what it is, an attempt by Hamas to retain some political control over Gaza after the war, and an attempt to push any ceasefire negotiations to leave Hamas’ political leadership alive, rather than turned over to the Israelis as they await a date with the noose. Yes, it’s great that Mr Alasuarka was sent to his eternal reward, but while he was a military commander of some note, his death was like the death of a company grade officer in a war, a loss, to be sure, but one that, in the long run, doesn’t mean all that much of a much.

Ismail Haniyeh, Khalil al-Hayya, and Yahya Sinwar? Their elimination would actually mean a lot, and the Hamas leadership know it. This stuff is meant to persuade the soft-hearted and soft-headed President Joe Biden to push for a ceasefire, telling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, ‘See, Hamas are giving up political control,’ when that’s exactly what is not the case. No one cares who runs the hospital administration in Gaza, other than whether they allow Hamas to rebuild the tunnel system, but the military brigades have to be dismantled. If they are not, there will be another October 7th.

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