Irreconcilable differences

SJSU women’s volleyball team, Fall, 2024. Brayden “Blaire” Fleming wearing #3 at far left, seated.

We should give a significant measure of thanks to Brayden Fleming, the male volleyball player who claimed to be a girl named “Blaire”, for inspiring the courage of the real women on volleyball teams, as Mr Fleming’s presence on the San José State University women’s volleyball team got the players from several Mountain West Conference to choose to forfeit rather than play SJSU. Real women had to make personal sacrifices to protest males horning in on their sports. This caused enormous publicity in the fall of 2024, as the presidential election was coming up.

Then some of the SJSU players stepped up as well, suing their coach and the school for accepting and allowing a male on their team. Though Mr Fleming was good enough with his deception that even his teammates didn’t know he was male, something pretty impressive considering athletic locker rooms and shared accommodations on trips to away games, the University knew, as LGBTQ Nation reported that he “has been compliant with NCAA requirements for testosterone levels throughout this entire period, and has never violated the requirements.” The University wouldn’t have been testing his testosterone levels regularly, for three years, if they hadn’t known.

It was also revealed that SJSU concealed from players being recruited that there would be a ‘transgender’ player on the team.

As we reported here, seven of the thirteen SJSU players with remaining eligibility — Mr Fleming’s eligibility had been exhausted — entered the transfer portal, and the current roster, accessed on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, shows only six players.

Former Lia Thomas teammate calls out Democrats still fighting for trans athletes in women’s sports

‘I just don’t know why anyone would want to perpetuate abuse to women,’ Estabrook says

by Jackson Thompson, Fox News | Wednesday, February 12, 2025 | 7:00 AM EST

Will Thomas, prior to ‘transitioning,’ from the Daily Mail.

Former University of Pennsylvania swimmer Grace Estabrook was one of the many young women who shared a pool and locker room with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas in the 2021-22 season.

Sadly, Fox News is continuing with the typical Associated Press Stylebook specification that the ‘transgendered’ are to be referred to by the names they have chosen to use in their deceit, rather than their real names. “Lia” Thomas’ real name is Will Thomas, and with the use of our own Stylebook, we shall always refer to him thus.

From 2019, when she was first told Thomas would be joining her team, until her senior year in 2022, Estabrook alleged she was repeatedly pressured by the university not to oppose Thomas’ inclusion on the team. Estabrook told Fox News Digital that administrators tried to convince her that she would never get a job or get into grad school if she spoke out against it and that any issue she had with the situation was because she had a “psychological problem.”

We noted, in December of 2021, that a couple of the University of Pennsylvania’s women’s swim team were upset about Mr Thomas being on the team, and the other team members being required to go along with it and keep their mouths shut. But, the team members expressed their displeasure anonymously, leaving their voices muted. It took the Mountain West women going on the record, with some of them using their real names, to really make an impact. Riley Gaines Barker, the former University of Kentucky swimmer also went public, when required to share a locker room with Mr Thomas during the NCAA championships, pointing out that Mr Thomas was not really concealing his ‘transgenderism,’ the way Mr Fleming had, and that Mr Thomas was a fully ‘intact’ male at the time.

Recent data suggests the vast majority of Americans now oppose trans athletes in women’s sports. The NCAA recently changed its policy to prevent them from competing in the women’s category after President Donald Trump signed an executive order to address the issue last Wednesday.

Still, many Democrats continue to fight for trans inclusion in women’s and girls’ sports, and multiple states have not complied with Trump’s order.

Well, of course they do, because it is President Trump, and the Democrats hate the President with every fiber of their being!

For Estabrook, who says she lived through the experience of changing her clothes with Thomas in the room and being threatened not to complain about it, the thought of elected officials still fighting for a cause that ensures other women experience what she did is “depressing.”

The left seem to think that the Starship Troopers coed shower scene should be instituted forcibly today.

UPenn Women’s Swim Team, via Instagram. It isn’t difficult to pick out the one man male in a women’s bikini top. Click to enlarge.

Her locker was only a few feet away from Thomas in the locker room, forcing her to back herself into a corner for the sake of her own comfort.

“I would kind of back into a corner that had low visibility and just try to change as quickly as I could, and I had other teammates who would go into the bathroom stalls and change in there,” Estabrook said.

“We were the ones that were forced into hiding, it was very uncomfortable, and there was just this constant fear and disruption of peace of like, ‘OK, I just don’t have a safe environment here anymore,’ not only physically but emotionally and psychologically, and it was just incredibly stressful. I look back on it and I don’t know how I endured that.”

Estabrook added that the situation put “incredible” stress on both her mind and body, and it disrupted her swimming ability.

I think that this is important. A women’s team forced to get naked in the locker room with Mr Thomas, every day, and at least some of the women never got used to it, even through a full swimming season. These were women who had been competing for years, in high school, perhaps junior high, and college, and used to changing in locker rooms, yet at least some of them could never get used to having a man male in there.

That males and females are different, in ways that make a difference as far as sports are concerned, is well known, and Mr Thomas’ performances highlighted that. Mr Fleming was a starter and good player for SJSU, but not overwhelmingly so. Yes, the majority of Americans, including 61% of self-identified Democrats, at least according to public opinion polls, do not believe that males should be allowed to compete on women’s sports teams, but Miss Estabrook’s statements address the issue in a way different from athletic performance, the issue of privacy.

While almost all collegiate athletes are over 18, and legally adults, athletes and athletic hopefuls begin in high school and earlier. Are some Democratic politicians willing to die defending the hill that males should be changing in the locker rooms for underaged girls?

Because that is the natural progression of the cockamamie notion that #TransWomenAreWomen, that the ‘transgendered’ really are the sex they claim to be, and not really different from real women. How could we, if the law accepted the notion that the transgendered are the sex they claim to be, not allow males who claim to be female, and vice-versa, into what are supposed to be private, sex-segregated facilities? But, for the ‘transgender’ activists, no other legal position is acceptable.

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