Insane: Minneapolis Caliphate Hires First Non-Citizen To Be A Police Officer

Is this what they meant by defunding the police? Replacing Americans with foreigners? Oh, and it gets truly better

Minneapolis Swears In First Non-U.S. Citizen as Police Officer

Minneapolis, Minnesota, has sworn in its first police officer who is not a U.S. citizen, according to reports.

The Minnesota Police Dept. has reported that Lesly Vera, a native of Somalia, was sworn in on Thursday as the department’s first non-citizen officer.

Vera was seen at the swearing-in ceremony wearing a hijab over her head as she took the oath of office and received her badge.

Vera moved to Minneapolis with her parents from their arrival point in Mexico when she was four. She is a legal resident alien and authorized to work, but is not a U.S. citizen.

Oh, this should go well. Start off with a diminutive woman, and, all due respect, we’ve seen the video of how that has worked out with other police departments in the 1st World. Second, you have a Somali, and a goodly chunk of them are Islamic extremists, as we’ve seen in Minneapolis as they demonstrate against Jews, against Israel, and for Islamic terrorist groups, and are the main reason why Islamic extremist and Jew hater Ilhan Omar was elected and keeps getting elected.

You’d think the 1st World, and, especially America, would have learned our lesson about Islamists on 9/11/2001, and wouldn’t want people pushing Sharia law

Should be interesting when she tries to engage a perp (Minneapolis is a 1, meaning only a 0 is worse for crime. Violent and property crime are off the chain) and they rip her hijab off.

(Dana’s power is out, said no real damage from Helene. And any opinions above are mine, don’t blame Dana if you disagree)

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