I love it when a plan falls apart! Aiding the civilian population in Gaza simply prolongs the war, meaning more civilian deaths in the long run.

President Joe Biden started out with a policy of strong support for Israel following the October 7th terrorist attacks by the murderers, kidnappers, and rapists infesting Hamas. But, like so many of the #woke[1]From Wikipedia: Woke (/ˈwoʊk/) as a political term of African-American origin refers to a perceived awareness of issues concerning social justice and racial justice. It is derived from … Continue reading on the left and in the Democratic Party, he started going all wobbly in his aged knees when he saw what war is actually like once the Israel Defense Force counterattacked. Modern communications, ubiquitous smart phone cameras — how can the ‘Palestinians’ be smart enough to use smart phones, but still stupid enough to attack Israel? — an social media exposed to the war what war is like, the kind of images which we would have seen in Germany and Japan and Italy after the tides of World War II had turned, if such had existed in 1944-45. The exact numbers will never be known, but guesstimates are that between 300,000 and 600,000 German civilians, and over 200,000 Japanese civilians were killed by Allied bombing raids. Many more were injured, and industrial workers losing their homes were either unable to continue in war production, or less productive when they did work. This was all part of the war effort.

Mr Biden, of course, decided that the United States must Do Something to ease the plight of the poor, poor civilians in Gaza. From The Wall Street Journal:

How Ambitious Plans for a Floating Aid Pier off Gaza Fell Apart

Biden promised it would deliver ‘massive amounts’ of aid, but weather and logistics have hampered plans

by Nancy A Youssef | Wednesday, June 12, 2024 | 12:01 AM EDT

LARNACA, Cyprus—In a large multistory warehouse, food intended to help stave off famine in Gaza sits alongside cases of Corona, Stella and Brooklyn Lager.

The aid pallets with food, each with a label of the organization that provided them, are wrapped in either black or clear cellophane for the approximately 36 hours of sea travel to the U.S.-built temporary pier off Gaza. Many of the roughly 4,000 pallets have been sitting here in commercial warehouses for weeks, some covered in a layer of dust, waiting to be delivered.

The $230 million pier was installed amid the Israeli military advance in the city of Rafah and the closure of the two southern border crossings that were supplying most of the aid to the Gaza Strip. The maritime corridor between Cyprus and Gaza—and an ongoing airdrop campaign—was meant to supplement ground deliveries, which are cheaper and more efficient.

But the hastily constructed pier was never designed to handle the Mediterranean Sea’s rough waters, which are expected to worsen over summer, and the logistics of delivering aid from the pier to the Gazan population proved vexing. The floating structure broke apart late last month after 10 days of operation, something defense officials privately described as all but inevitable, and some humanitarian organizations have all but given up making longer-term plans around the pier.

After a week of repairs, the pier went back in place Saturday, only to be shut down again Sunday because of the rough waters, the Pentagon said. It reopened Tuesday.

The report continued to note that only a “few days” worth of supplies for civilians has been delivered through the temporary pier, during the entire time it was in operation. The article noted that it was a scramble operation, the Department of Defense only learning about the President’s idea a few days before it was announced.

Further down came the money line:

Military guidance on the pier, known as Joint Logistics Over the Shore or JLOTS, says its usage is “weather-dependent,” and it can’t operate in conditions beyond sea state 3, or short and moderate waves. Such conditions are usually in a bay.

The Mediterranean Sea is often at sea state 4, or significant winds and waves.

Did no one think about this in advance? Did no one ask the Navy? Did no one tell the dummkopf from Delaware what could happen?

But a larger question occurs to me: what would President Roosevelt or Prime Minister Churchill have thought about proposals to provide ‘civilian assistance’ to Germany and Japan during World War II? Just how f(ornicating) stupid is it to support one side during a war and provide assistance to the other side during that war?

War is Hell, and civilians always catch Hell during war. But the civilians in Gaza are the support system for Hamas, just as much as German and Japanese civilians supported their countries’ war machines. The civilians provided Hamas with all that any army, regular or guerrilla, needs to exist and operate: food, clothing, shelter, and concealment, and the larger civilian population enabled Hamas to exist.

I’ll put it bluntly: aiding the civilian population in Gaza simply prolongs the war, meaning more civilian deaths in the long run. It’s like the ‘harm reduction’ policies which have enabled junkies to keep shooting up drugs, yet trashed the larger neighborhood and led to more harm in the long run.


1 From Wikipedia:

Woke (/ˈwk/) as a political term of African-American origin refers to a perceived awareness of issues concerning social justice and racial justice. It is derived from the African-American Vernacular English expression “stay woke“, whose grammatical aspect refers to a continuing awareness of these issues. By the late 2010s, woke had been adopted as a more generic slang term broadly associated with left-wing politics and cultural issues (with the terms woke culture and woke politics also being used). It has been the subject of memes and ironic usage. Its widespread use since 2014 is a result of the Black Lives Matter movement.

I shall confess to sometimes “ironic usage” of the term. To put it bluntly, I think that the ‘woke’ are just boneheadedly stupid.

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One thought on “I love it when a plan falls apart! Aiding the civilian population in Gaza simply prolongs the war, meaning more civilian deaths in the long run.

  1. Actually, I believe we DID do this after a fashion in WW2—FDR OK’d the US sending food and medical aid to Vichy France in ’40-41, even though critics pointed out that there was no guarantee the Germans (who occupied over half of prewar France) wouldn’t indirectly benefit by extracting some of it via their Vichy vassals. And they did, with a Bessen Danke to Herr Roosevelt.

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