I check Bluesky so you don’t have to! Will Bunch would rather see more killing than Donald Trump win a Nobel Peace Prize

I will admit it: I have spent far too much of the past couple of days in schadenfreude over the apoplexy of the left that Donald Trump is going to be inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States at noon on Monday. Most of the stuff was by people as no named as me, and a lot of it was simply silly beyond belief. Mr Trump moved the inauguration indoors due to the bitterly cold weather forecast for Washington DC, about 20º F, with wind chills in the single digits, so the left have been claiming that it wasn’t the weather, but that the President was afraid, afraid that the number of protesters would outnumber supporters, and that he just wasn’t tough enough, as Presidents John F Kennedy and Barack Hussein Obama had inaugurations outdoors in similarly cold weather.

We might as well face it: the very bitter left will say anything to insult Mr Trump.

More interesting to me was this skeet — a skeet is what a tweet on Bluesky is called — from Will Bunch, the far-left columnist of The Philadelphia Inquirer. Mr Bunch wrote that he literally felt sick to his stomach over the idea that our incoming President was “already Nobel Peace Prize shopping, peering down the aisles of conflict and crisis to gauge the easiest route to capturing the coveted award to adorn the lobby of Mar-a-Lago,” and that The Washington Post’s new contributing columnist, Rahm Emanuel, argued that “even Trump’s fiercest opponents ought to encourage this yen — and even root him on.”

Think about that. The Nobel committee hated the younger President Bush so much that they gave a Peace Prize to President Obama in 2009, when he’d barely taken office, simply for not being President Bush!

That the Nobel committee doesn’t think highly of conservative American presidents is well known: in 1973, they gave the Peace Price to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Vietnamese Communist Le Duc Tho for negotiating the 1973 ceasefire in Vietnam, but pointedly omitted President Richard Nixon, who ordered and approved te negotiations in the first place.

So, for President Trump to win the Nobel Peace Prize would be a tremendously high bar to top. For Mr Trump to win the Nobel Peace Prize, he’d have to do something really dramatic, virtually over-the-top dramatic, to actually produce peace in a violent world. How, I have to ask, would that be a bad thing?

The distinguished Mr Bunch hates President Trump so much that he’d prefer not to see peace, not to see people not being killed, rather than see our incoming President win a Nobel Peace Prize. #TrumpDerangementSyndrome can’t get much more addled than that!

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