Hold them accountable! When will we hold those who have enabled illegal immigration accountable for the violent crimes some illegals have committed?

Joel Quintana-Dominguez

That thing that never happens happened again! Another poor, hard-working, only-wanted-to-better-himself-and-his-family, illegal immigrant has been charged with serious crimes.

‘Disgusted and sickened’: Man accused of trying to flee country after sexually assaulting child in Shelby Twp.

By Jessica Dupnack | July 30, 2024 | 9:26 AM EDT

SHELBY TOWNSHIP, Mich. (FOX 2) – After allegedly sexually assaulting a family member numerous times, Shelby Township police say the suspect started packing up to flee the country.

Officers began investigating 32-year-old Joel Quintana-Dominguez on July 15 after learning that he may have sexually assaulted a minor who was not even a teenager yet.

During the investigation, police learned via a tip that Quintana-Dominguez, who is in the United States illegally and was previously deported, was possibly going to flee the country. They were able to locate him at a mobile home park in Macomb County and arrest him before he could leave.

“He was packed, and his car was in a manner that he looked like he was leaving for a little bit of time,” said Shelby Township Police Sgt. Kevin Bailey. “The impact that this child is going to have to go through and everything that they have to deal with is going to be significant.”

Quintana-Dominguez was charged on July 19 with three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. His bond was set at $500,000 cash/surety.

According to the Macomb County prosecutor, Mr Quintana-Dominguez “was charged with three counts of First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct with a person under 13, with the defendant being 17 years old or older, life felonies.”

Note that this happened in 2024, while Joe Biden was President. A previously deported[1]Snowflake News claimed that he had been previously deported twice, but I have been unable to confirm that. — the story does not tell us why or when he had been deported — illegal immigrant sneaked back into the United States under the lax enforcement under President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Nicolas Mayorkas. Mr Mayorkas had previously ‘served’, though I suggest that he did not serve our country very well, as director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services from 2009 to 2013, and the 6th deputy secretary of homeland security from 2013 to 2016. A Democrat, he was not in public service during President Trump’s first term.

President Trump’s border policies had greatly reduced illegal border crossings during his first term, though some illegals did get through. Under Messrs Biden and Mayorkas, millions of illegals got through.

“I am disgusted and sickened after hearing the details of this case on what Quintana-Dominguez is being charged with. I am also appalled to hear that he had been deported in the past and was able to find his way back into the United States,” Shelby Township Police Chief Robert Shelide said.

Since he was arrested earlier this month, police are chasing leads. Investigators believe the family member might not be his only victim.

The Michigan Immigrant Rights Center and state branch of the American Civil Liberties Union had written, on August 8, 2019, the Macomb County Sheriff, stating:

We write to strongly urge you to stop detaining non-citizens at the request of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) unless ICE has obtained and provided a court order mandating such detention. You have no legal obligation to honor “ICE detainers” without a court order. In fact, doing so is unconstitutional and opens Macomb County up to liability for violating the Fourth Amendment.

If Mr Quintana-Dominguez is guilty of the offenses with which he has been charged, the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center and state branch of the American Civil Liberties Union should be held accountable for attempting to assist and enable the accused to remain in our country.

The Detroit News reported, on their Facebook page, “Detectives believe Joel Quintana-Dominguez may have been alerted police considered him a suspect, prepared to flee the country.” In other words, someone tipped him off. If that person can be found, he needs to be held accountable for trying to help the accused escape.

There are a whole bunch of people who need to be held accountable! Mr Mayorkas needs to be held accountable. The people who have enabled the open borders policies under the previous Administration need to be held accountable. The state and local governments using ‘sanctuary’ policies need to be held accountable. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops need, who try to help all immigrants, even illegal ones, to be held accountable.[2]For those who don’t know, I am not just Catholic, but a Mass-every-Sunday Catholic. Mr Biden can’t be, of course, held accountable for anything, given Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report that the now former President presents as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,”[3]Page 6 of the document, page 10 of the .pdf file. and his descent into dementia has been publicly known since last summer, forcing his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential campaign.

Our immigration policies ought to be simple: no one allowed in without prior vetting to ascertain, as far as possible, that he is a good and decent person, and the inability to prove such should be considered evidence that he does not qualify for admittance. The federal government should monitor compliance with visas, to see that those people admitted on temporary visas leave when their visas expire. And our borders must be strictly guarded.


1 Snowflake News claimed that he had been previously deported twice, but I have been unable to confirm that.
2 For those who don’t know, I am not just Catholic, but a Mass-every-Sunday Catholic.
3 Page 6 of the document, page 10 of the .pdf file.
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